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巩固练习一、单项选择1. As a result of destroying the forests, large _ of desert _ covered the land.A. number, has B. quantity, has C. numbers, haveD. quantities, have2. Im afraid robots will replace man in almost all the fields of society one day. _.A. Yes, they do B. Im glad to hear that C. Im sorry, but I cant agree with you D. Im sorry for man3. The top leaders of the two countries are holding talks in a friendly_.A. atmosphere B. state C. situation D. phenomenon4. Im so tired, working all morning on the farm. Why not take a rest, then? _.A. Because I cant afford it B. Maybe I should C.I dont know D. Sorry, I cant tell you5. Walking alone in the deserted village, John was scared. He thought he_ Tom to go with him.A. might have asked B. should asked C. must have asked D. should have asked6. The great success of this program has been largely _ the support given by the ten local businessmen.Ainstead of Bthanks to Cdue to Das a consequence7. There is no doubt _ together, individuals can make a difference.Awhat Bwhether Cif Dthat8. What about Marys idea?Very good!But not many people _ the idea that money brings happiness.Asubscribe to Bopposed to Ccontribute to Drelate to9. They _ the _ snake by using a special kind of powder. A. poisoned; poisoned B. poisoned; poisonous C. poisonous; poisoned D. poisonous; poison10. It is you as well as your wife that _ your sons bad performance at school.Ais to be blamed for Bare to be blamed forCare to blame for Dis to blame for11. An increase in the price of drugs has _ the rising cost of medical care.A. contributed to B. brought up C. burst into D. resulted from12. _ to the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all. A. Compare B. When comparing C. Comparing D. When compared13. Under these _, you might agree with us that it is rather difficult for our products to put a footing on this market.A. situations B. cases C. circumstances D. states14. I had to _ everything in that room dumped by the workers who helped us moved here.A. set out B. sort out C. pick out D. test out15. The event has not only increased public _ of world hunger,but raised a lot of money for the poor children.Adirection Bcontribution Cawareness Dloneliness二、完形填空 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从120各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 As Chinas economy grows rapidly and more people choose to raise one child,it is very 1 for young men or young women to care for the aging (年纪大的) 2 .Young people always complain that they 3 too much pressure with caring for the 4 . How the aging people can be cared well is a 5 topic in recent years. In my opinion,we,our government and our society can do 6 as follows:Firstly,our government should adopt more 7 measures to make the elders have enough pensions(养老金)Then the elders will 8 that they can support themselves and neednt 9 their living expenses.Secondly,I think that every young people should take 10 to care for their old parents. Young parents have taken great efforts to bring you 11 . So when they get old,you should let your parents know 12 you care about them and you can do something for them. The most important is not to make your parents feel 13 .Thirdly,the whole society should be 14 elders activities. The society should provide necessary 15 for the elders to take part in activities. 16 the activities,they can enjoy the happy time with their friends and other elders.In conclusion,I want to 17 that elders are very important to our society. They have done 18 contributions to our society. When they grow old,they 19 more respect from us,especially youth. Lets 20 more attention to elders life.1A. importantBurgent Cdifficult Deasy2A. parents Bgrandparents Cchildren Dgrandchildren3A. put Bcreate Cproduce Dface4A. youngsters Belders Cbabies Dchildren5A. warm Bhot Ccool Dnice6A. smoothly Bhardly Ccompletely Dsimply7A. accurate Bimmediate Ceffective Ddirect8A. hope Bfeel Cfear Ddoubt9A. worry about Bthink about Cquarrel about Dtalk about10A. advantage Battempt Crequirement Dresponsibility11A. in Bout Cup Ddown12A. that Bhow Cwhy Dwhen13A. happy Bguilty Clonely Dlovely14A. in need of Bin favor of Cin honor of Din memory of15A. time
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