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四、单元教学目标1. Language Knowledgea. Words (relationships): baby, boy, girl, man, woman, lady, who, he, she, whos, hes, shes, father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, uncle, aunt, cousin, grandfather, grandmother, husband, wife, old, cute, beautiful, pretty, tall, short, long, strong, slim, family, tree, so, his, her, with, about, thoseb. Structure: Whos_? Hes/Shes/Thats _. Who are_? Theyre_. Whos_ with_? Hes/Shes/Thats_. _is old/tall/short/ The_boy/girl/man/woman/is_. _and_are_and_. What about_?2. Language Skills a. We can talk about relationships. b. We can describe somebody. c. We can chant and sing alone.3. AffectionTo make pupils understand the relationships among families and relatives, cultivate their family value4. Strategies a. Discussion in groups. b. Playing games. c. Meaningful practice.5. Culture Consciousness To make pupils know the difference between English families and Chinese families五、单元重点1. 本单元的四会词汇。2. 理解家谱及相关对话,并能运用所学词句介绍和谈论家庭成员。六、教学难点较为复杂的家庭成员关系,部分学生还不能完全理解这些关系及记住相应的英文表达。词汇多、长、难记。课文对话内容的理解,个别句子较长,部分学生难以上口。七、教学策略直观法、游戏法、任务型、创造情境、小组合作、广泛运用TPR。八、教学媒体相片、图片、家谱图、单词卡、录音机、自制软件、金太阳软件等。课时设计第一课时教学目标:1 四会掌握词汇:baby, boy, girl, man, woman, lady, who, he, she 词组whos=who is, hes=he is, shes=she is。2 初步掌握Whos? Hes/Shes能进行简单问答。教学重点:1 四会词汇的掌握。2 句型Whos?及其回答。教学难点:1 单词的拼写及认读。2 流利、迅速地进行口语问答。教学过程:一、 Warming up1. Sing a song2. 利用投影复习三年级第一册Page1的人物,引导学生说:This is Mr Webb/ Mrs Webb/ Ben Webb/ Janet Webb二、 Presentation and Practice1. T出示6张图片进行对比,引出新单词:baby, boy, girl, man, woman, lady 2. 巩固上述新单词:方法一、闪卡形式,看谁眼快口快。 方法二、把图片反帖在黑板上,让学生猜读单词。3 利用三年级第一册Page1的人物,引导学生说: The boy/ girl/ man/ woman/ lady/ baby is XXX(名字)4 T出示人物图片电影明星或运动明星的图片,引出句型并学习新单词:who, he, she, whos=who is, hes=he is, shes=she isWhos the baby/ boy/ girl/ man/ woman/lady?Hes/Shes然后T指着班里的男女生,让学生快速区分:Hes/Shes5. 巩固上述句型。 方法一、分组问答。 方法二、同位问答。 方法三、提问个别学生,进行反馈,老师及时掌握情况。三、Conclusion T小结本节课的教学重点。四、Homework1. 抄写本节课新单词。2. 读背本节课新单词 。3. 利用已学句型Whos?Hes/Shes进行口头造句。第二课时教学目标:1. 四会掌握词汇:father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, son, daughter。2. 巩固句型Whos? Hes/Shes能进行流利问答。3. 能理解新单词所表示的家庭成员关系。教学重点:1. 四会词汇的掌握。2. 能理解家庭成员关系,用句型Whos?及其回答来表达这些关系。教学难点:1. 单词的拼写及认读。2. 流利、迅速地进行口语问答。教学过程:一、 Revision1. Listen and chant2. 复习单词和句型:Whos the baby/boy/girl/ man/ woman/ lady?Hes/ Shes二、 Presentation and Practice1. T出示某一学生家庭照片并利用投影边陈述边引出新单词:father, motherT: Whats this?P: Its a picture.T: Look at the picture.This is a picture of LiuYujias family. The girl is XXX(名字) The man is XXXs father. The woman is XXXs mother.2. 师生问答,巩固句型和新单词:方法一、T出示几张学生的家庭照片,进行师生问答 T: Whos the man/lady? P: Hes/Shes my father (mother) T: Whos the boy/ girl? P: Its me. 方法二、T拿学生的家庭联系册,说出学生父母名字,让学生留心听并回答。(这个环节学生课堂气氛很活跃,老师要先进行文明礼貌教育,不能随意叫别人家长名字) T: Whos XXX? P: Hes/ Shes my father(mother).3. 同样方法教新单词:grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt4. T出示男女2张婴儿照片,自问自答,引出新单词:son, daughterT: Look at the picture. Its a cute baby. Whos the baby? Hes/ Shes XXX(名字) Whos XXX(名字)? Hes/ Shes XXXs son (daughter).5. 游戏:巩固新单词,师生生生对着说,看谁说得快。 T: father P: mother T: grandmother P:grandfather T: uncle P: aunt T: son P: daughter三、Development 巩固句型:学生就家庭照片,进行同位或四人小组问答。四、Homeworka) 抄写本节课新单词。b) 读背已学两节课新单词 。c) 利用已学句型Whos?Hes/Shes和单词进行口头造句。第三课时教学目标:1. 四会掌握词汇: brother, sister, cousin , tree 三会词:husband, wife, family。2. 能看懂家谱及所表示的家庭成员关系。3. 能初步朗读或背诵课文Unit One。教学重点:1. 四会词汇的掌握。2. 能理解整个家谱的家庭成员关系,用句型Whos?及相关词汇来表达这些关系。教学难点:1. 单词的拼写及认读。2. 课文中家庭成员关系的理解和课文的读背 。教学过程:一Revision1.Sing alone2.复习已学单词和句型(利用学生的家庭照片):Whos the baby/boy/girl/ man/ woman/ lady?Hes/ Shes my/ XXXs father/ mother/ grandfather/ grangmother/ uncle/ aunt/ son/ daughter? 三、 Presentation and Practice1. T利用投影出示本班同学刘佳的家庭照片,介绍她家的family tree, 同时将其family tree板书(本班潘剑和刘佳两位同学是表兄妹关系,我们称呼他们为P1(男)和P2(女)。 LiuJias Family TreeLiuAn + ZengTong LiuHua + LiZhong LiuHong + PanHui LiuQiang + LiJian LiMing PanJian LiuJiai. 师生问答引出第一层关系:grandfather, grandmother 并学习新单词husband, wife 。T: Whos the old man?P1: Hes my grandfather.T: Whats his name?P1: His name is LiuAn.T: Whos the old woman?P2: Shes my grandmother.T: Whats her name?P2: Her name is ZengTong.T: So LiuAn and ZengTong are husband and wife.ii. 师生问答引出第二层关系:father, mother, uncle, aunt 并学习新单词:brother, sister 。T: Whos LiuHua?P1&P2: Shes my aunt.T: Whos LiuHong?P1: Shes my mother.T: Whos LiuQiang?P2: Hes my father.T: Oh. LiuAn and ZengTong have three children. They are LiuHua, LiuHong and Liu
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