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2020学年人教版英语精品资料Test for Unit 1(时间120分钟,满分120分)题号总分得分听 力 部 分 (20分).听句子,选择正确的图片。(其中有两项多余)(5分) 1_2._3._4._5._.听句子,选择恰当的答语。(5分)()6.A.With his parents.BHe went to Thailand.CNot bad.()7.A.Yes,he did. BLast Sunday.CYes,it was interesting.()8.A.It tasted good. BIt was beautiful.CThey are expensive.()9.A.They are cute. BTwo hats.CTo my father.()10.A.Great.BIn Beijing.CFor four days.听对话,选择最佳答案。(5分)()11.What does Cindy think of the food in the restaurant?ADelicious. BTerrible. CExpensive.()12.Who did Mary buy something for in Beijing?AHer brother. BHer sister. CHerself.()13.Where didnt Helen go this summer vacation?AShe didnt go to summer camp.BShe didnt go to Mount Tai.CShe didnt go to the museums.()14.Why did Kate eat lots of food for lunch?ABecause she was hungry.BBecause the food was healthy.CBecause the food was delicious.()15.What did Wei Fang do last Sunday?AShe climbed the mountains.BShe read a book.CShe did her homework.听短文,选择最佳答案。(5分)()16.Where did the boy want to go first last Saturday morning?ATo a farm. BTo a museum. CTo a library.()17.How was the weather from 12:30 pm.to 2:00 pm.that day?ASunny. BSnowy. CRainy.()18.How did the boy go to the city museum?ABy car. BBy bicycle. CBy bus.()19.What did the boy eat for lunch?AHamburgers. BSalad. CRice.()20.What did the boy do last Saturday evening?AHe did his homework.BHe kept a diary.CHe watched TV.笔 试 部 分(100分).单项选择。(15分)()21._did you go_vacation?We went to the countryside.AWhat,forBWhen,onCWhere,onDWhy,an()22._was your summer vacation?It was great.I went to the park with my friends.AWhat BHow CWhen DWhere()23.Did you go to Central Park?_.AYes,he is BYes,I didCNo,she does DNo,we werent()24.Im free today.I have_to do.Asomething Banything Ceverything Dnothing()25.Keep _ down the street and youll find the shop.Awalks Bwalking Cto walk Dwalked()26.Everyone here_Huangguoshu Waterfall.Alike Bliking Cto like Dlikes()27.There were quite _ pigs on the farm and they were very cute.Alittle Ba little Ca few Dsome()28.Boys and girls,you have to plant all the trees_tomorrow.Amyself BherselfCthemselves Dyourselves()29.Tony is_now,and he wants to eat some food.Athirsty Bhungry Ctired Dfull()30.Oh,what a_lesson!I really get _with it.Abored,bored Bboring,boredCbored,boring Dboring,boring()31.Mary_terrible,so she decided_a doctor.Afelt,to see Bfeel,seeingCfeel,to see Dfelt,seen()32.I like the food very much.It is _.Aterrible Bexpensive Cdelicious Dfriendly()33.Would you like_anything?No,I dont feel like_anything.Aeating,eating Beating,to eatCto eat,eating Dto eat,to eat()34.Do you like football?_.I play it every afternoon.AOf course BSorryCThats OK DThanks a lot()35.Long time no see!Oh!it_like years since(自从) I saw you last time.Alooks Bseems Csounds Dtastes.完形填空。(10分)Thursday,August 15thSunnyGreat weather!It was sunny yesterday.We arrived in Beijing at 9:00 in the morning.We had breakfast on the plane.We went to the hotel by taxi._36_lunch and a short rest,we took a bus to the Summer Palace.We _37_ the whole afternoon there.While we were in a boat on Kunming Lake,we _38_ someone singing Beijing Opera on the bank.The singing sounded very _39_.In the evening we _40_ to Tiananmen Square because it was next to our hotel.We took some _41_ there.I think my parents will like them.This morning when we walked to the Palace Museum,we passed by (路过)a square and saw some people _42_.The kites were in different shapes(形状)Some were _43_birds,and some were like fish.They were really beautiful.Ill go to the aquarium(水族馆),and _44_ Beihai Park.The day after tomorrow well _45_ the Great Wall.I hear its very great and I think I will have great fun playing there.()36.A.BeforeBForCAtDAfter()37.A.took Bspent Cgot Ddid()38.A.heard Bfelt Chad Dmade()39.A.terrible Bsad Cbeautiful Dexciting()40.A.walked Brode Cdrove Dflew()41.A.food Bphotos Ctime Dgames()42.A.drawing pictures Bflying kitesCdancing Dsinging()43.A.with Bfrom Cas Dlike ()44.A.then Bnow Cso Dagain()45.A.watch Bleave Cvisit Dmeet.阅读理解。(30分)ADear Jane,After I left Paris,I spent two days in New York City and one day in Washington DC.I got to Miami,Florida on November 13.The weather was wonderful here.This morning I went swimming and then slept on the beach.When
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