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2022年考博英语-东北财经大学考试题库及全真模拟冲刺卷(含答案带详解)1. 单选题_ in the dark, his head hit against the wall.问题1选项A.When he was walkingB.WalkingC.His walkingD.While walking【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. When he was walking B. WalkingC. His walking D. While walking【答案】A【考查点】非谓语动词【解题思路】根据选项推断原句语义为“在黑暗中行走,他的头撞墙了”。非谓语动词应与句子的主语存在逻辑上的语义关系,该句的主语his head“他的头”与“走”这个动作不存在任何语义关系,存在语义关系的是“他”,因此,这里不能使用walk的非谓语形式。A选项When he was walking“他(在黑暗中)行走时”,when引导时间状语从句,符合英语语法,主句和从句可以使用不同的主语。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合语法规范。【句意】他在黑暗中行走时,头撞到了墙上。2. 单选题That kind of bird has become more _ around here lately; we should protect them from being shot.问题1选项A.variousB.numerableC.multipleD.numerous【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. various 各种各样的 B. numerable 可数的C. multiple 数量多的 D. numerous 许多的【答案】D【考查点】形容词辨析【解题思路】空格所在部分语义为“这种鸟最近在这里变得更加_(more _)了”,空格处所填词在该句中做表语;根据后文“我们应该保护它们不受枪击”推测,这种鸟在这里可能会被猎杀,一般鸟多的地方会出现偷猎行为,因此数量变多了符合原句语义衔接,D选项numerous“许多的”符合题意。【干扰项排除】A选项various“各种各样的”不符合原句语义衔接;B选项numerable“可数的”,是numerous的形近词,但不符合原句语义衔接;C选项multiple“数量多的”,只能用于名词前,做定语,但原句中空格后没有名词;【句意】最近这种鸟在这里越来越多了;我们应该保护它们不受枪击。3. 单选题The most immediate effect has been the adverse publicity attendant with the reporting of the decision.问题1选项A.appallingB.shockingC.negativeD.provoking【答案】C【解析】【选项释义】A. appalling 骇人听闻的 B. shocking 令人发指的C. negative 消极的;负面的 D. provoking 刺激的;令人生气的【答案】C【考查点】形容词辨析【解题思路】原句语义为“最直接的影响是在报告该决定时引起的_效果”,原词adverse“不利的;有害的;反面的”,C选项negative“消极的;负面的”最符合原句语义。【干扰项排除】A选项appalling“骇人听闻的”,侧重于指非常糟糕或令人不快,不符合原句语义;B选项shocking“令人发指的”,侧重于指非常坏、不道德,不符合原句语义;D选项provoking“刺激的;令人生气的”,不符合原句语义。【句意】最直接的影响是在报告该决定时引起的负面效果。4. 单选题No one in the _ apartment was awaked by their quarrelling sounds.问题1选项A.approachedB.distantC.neighborD.adjacent【答案】D【解析】【选项释义】A. approached 临近(过去式或过去分词) B. distant 远的C. neighbor 邻居 n. D. adjacent 相邻的【答案】D【考查点】语义衔接与近义词辨析【解题思路】原句语义为“_公寓里没有人被他们的争吵声吵醒。”按照语义和选项推测,争吵声吵醒的应该是临近公寓的人,该处所填词应该是一个形容词,修饰公寓。D选项adjacent“相邻的”符合要求。【干扰项排除】A选项approached“临近(过去式或过去分词)”,动词,不做定语修饰“公寓”;B选项distant“远的”,不符合语义衔接;C选项neighbor“邻居”,名词,不能直接修饰公寓。【句意】他们的吵闹声没有吵醒隔壁公寓的人。5. 写作题Write an essay of at least 350 words based on the following passage excerpted from an essay written by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Your writing should include 1) the authors idea, 2) your arguments and 3) supporting details. You should provide a title for your essay.the same.criticism may be traced in the efforts for the reform of Education. The popular education has been taxed with a want of truth and nature. It was complained an education to things was not given. We are students of words: we are shut up in schools, and colleges, and recitation rooms, for ten or fifteen years, and come out at last with a bag of wind, a memory of words, and do not know a thing. We cannot use our hands, or our eyes, or our arms. We do not know an edible root in the woods, we cannot tell our course by the stars, nor the hour of the day by the sun. It is well if we can swim and skate. .The old English rule was, “All summer in the field, and all winter in the study.” The lessons of science should be experimental also. The sight of the planet through a telescope is worth all the course on astronomy: the shock of the electric spark in the elbow, out-values all the theories; the taste of the nitrous oxide, the firing of an artificial volcano, are better volume of chemistry.【答案】【略】6. 单选题The eve of the hurricane appears to be tranquil.问题1选项A.calmB.noisyC.spiralD.transparent【答案】A【解析】【选项释义】A. calm 平静的 B. noisy 吵闹的C. spiral 螺旋形的 D. transparent 透明的【答案】A【考查点】语义衔接【解题思路】划线词前面部分的语义为“飓风来临的前夕似乎是_”,由此可知,该词是形容飓风来临之前的情况的,根据常识可知,暴风雨来临之前都是平静的,A选项calm“平静的”最符合原句语义衔接。原词tranquil“平静的”。【干扰项排除】B、C、D选项不符合原句语义衔接。【句意】飓风来临的前夕似乎很平静。7. 单选题It is not forbidden to dream of building a better world, which is by and large what the social sciences try to help us to do. How to make cities more harmonious, reduce crime rates, improve welfare, overcome racism, increase our wealththis is the stuff of social sciences. The trouble is that the findings of social sciences are often dismissed as being too theoretical, too ambitious or too unpalatable. The methods of research are also often attacked for their lack of rigor, and critics are quick to point out that the people who make the important decisions pay little attention to what social scientists have to say anyway. This would change if the social sciences made themselves more relevant and ready for the society of the 21st century.Social sciences began to take shape in the 19th century, but came into their own at the beginning of the 20th century, when a number of well-established disciplines, including economics, sociology, political science, history and anthropology really made their mark. Geography and psychology could be added to that
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