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英语四级作文模版一点论(作文的题目中只出现一个观点,这时使用一点论,三段)In recent years/recently/in contemporary society/in the past few years(这些年/最近/当今社会/刚刚过去的几年里)many people advocate(很多人认为.)The primary reason is that.(最根本的原因是.),It is feasible/sensible to do (做.是可行的/明智的),furthermore(除此之外.)last not the least(最后的但也很重的是)Personally/as a sophomore/as the proverb goes(个人认为/作为一个大二学生,我认为/根据谚语说的那样)I have no doubt support that(我毫无疑问的支持.)二点论(题目要求中出现两个观点,建议使用三段或四段)In recent years/recently/in contemporary society/in the past few years(这些年/最近/当今社会/刚刚过去的几年里)many people advocate(很多人认为.)But it has also been a hot debate on whether it should be cancelled or not(但是,现在对于这件事是否该取消,有很大的争议)The primary reason is that.(最根本的原因是.),It is feasible/sensible to do (做.是可行的/明智的),furthermore(除此之外.)last not the least(最后的但也很重的是)Yet,there is always a“however”.(但是,凡是都有一个意外),in the first place.(第一方面.) in the second place.(第二方面.) in the third place. (第三方面.)Personally/as a sophomore/as the proverb goes(个人认为/作为一个大二学生,我认为/根据谚语说的那样)I have no doubt support that(我毫无疑问的支持.)对于一点论,最后一段,考生必须说出自己明确的观点。对于两点论,最后一段考生必须有自己的观点,可以赞同其中一方,也可以自己有新的意见,但是不可以两方都赞同,也不可以有莫能两可的观点。一些替换词及常用连词1. important-vital-significant重要的2. essential-indispensable必不可少的3. inevitable 不可避免的4. appropriate 适当的5. undoubtedly 毫无疑问地6. logically 合乎常理地7. directly 直接地8. elementary 基本的,初级的热点考点的词语词组1. CCTV China Central Television Station2. Younger generations 年轻的一代3. Oral English 口语英语4. a sense of well-being 幸福感5. as the proverb goes 像谚语说的那样6. practice makes perfect 熟能生巧7. leave to ones own devices 让.自行发展8. in detail详细地9. It disclosed that.揭示了10. In dispute 争论中11. diverse backgrounds多样的背景
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