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Unit 4 Wildlife protection 语言点巩固练习词汇练习:词形变化1)._(vi.)回答,响应,做出反应_ (n)2)._(adj.)远的, 远处的。_(n.)3)._ (n.)痛苦减轻或解除。_(vt.)使减轻或解除。4)._(vt.)包含,容纳,容忍。_(n.)容器5)._(vt.)影响,感动,侵袭_ (n.)喜爱,感情_(n)影响6)._(vt.)接替,继任,成功_(n.)_ adj._7)._(vt.)雇佣,利用时间精力。_n.雇员,雇工_ n.雇主。_ n.雇用使用。8)._(n./ vt.)损害,危害。_ adj.9)._n.胃 _(n. pl)高频短语.1以致于;结果 _2灭绝_ _3. 和平,和睦,安祥地_4处于险境_5保护不受危险 _6注意_7形成;产生 _ 8不久前_9很久以前 _10不久以后_11转身 _12申请被允许做某事_13醒来 _14茂密的森林_15浓烟 _ 16穿上衣服_17如释重负;松了口气_18按照;根据所说_19突然笑起来_20。对-有影响_重点句式.1 This is _ wildlife protection is all about . 这就是野生动物的保护。 2 Please take me to a distant land _ -请带我一个-遥远的地方去。3 But _ an experience ! 但是这是一次多么有趣的经历。4 When scientists _ the bones , they were surprised to find that -当科学家们检查那些骨头时,他们惊奇地发现-课文完形: 根据课文内容完成下面语法填空,注意单词拼写和词语用法:Daisy desired to help 1 (endanger) species of wildlife because a large number of animals are dying 2 . One day, a flying carpet took her to a 3 (遥远) land, 4 she could find antelopes 5 gave fur to make sweaters. Then she met an elephant in Zimbabwe and was told that elephants used to be hunted without 6 . But now people know the 7 (重要) of wildlife 8 (protect).单词拼写:1. Most people are afraid of w_ animals.2. The p_ of the old buildings is poor.3. It is hard for the graduates to a_ for ideal jobs.4. China is becoming a p_ country in international affairs.5. The story of Hong Zhanhui a _ millions of Chinese.6. Why are pandas in d_ of disappearing?7. He is wearing sunglasses to p_ his eyes from the strong sunlight.8. They tried their best to bring the new law into e_.9. Why are they in danger of d_?10. One home in China is in Wolong Nature R_, Sichuan Province.11. Another problem is the l_ of bamboo.12. The number of South China tiger has risen from very few to about 60 after being left in p_ with no hunting.13. What do you s_ we (should) do to protect wildlife?14. We are killed for the wool that is taken from under our s_.15. More a_ should be paid to improving the living condition of farmers.16. I have not heard from her r_.17. It was as f_ as tiger.18. Sea water c_ salt.19. He is the l_ boy in the family.20. Poverty and ignorance are e_ of progress.选词填空短语填入每个句子的空白处(注意所填短语的形式变化):die out as a result (of) in peace in danger protectfrom pay attention to come into being 1 The new country _ only two years ago.2 He fell far behind other students _ laziness. 3 The government is doing its best to _ those rare animals _ being hunted. 4 I had warned him of the possible danger, but he didnt _ it. 5 Elephants would _ if men are allowed to shoot as many as they wished. 6 Childrens lives are _ every time they cross the road. 7 The two communities live together _. 句型巩固1你的相册里有多少张照片,包括上星期拍的。 How many photos does your album _ _those taken last week?2In winter , he _ _ (过去常常)cover his ears with his hands in order to _ them _ cold (保护)3由于连续降雨,河堤面临危险。 _ _ _ continuous rain, the river banks were _ _4. Mary feels like standing _ _ _ _ _ _(双手插在口袋里)5 你怎么可以让机器开着就离开车间呢? How come you left the workshop _ _ _ _ . 6. the invention of the computer _ _ a great _ _ (已大大影响了)the young generation, totally changing their way of life . 单句改错1.The machine is used to working for man. 2.She married the man because what he had done for her. 3.A hundred of people attended the meeting last night. 4.Tell me how long she will be back, in ten days or a week? 5.What did you do in the evening of May Day? 6.“You will be late for school unless you will get up at five.” said mother. 7.It is much easy to make plans than to carry them out. 8.Thanks the teachers help, I have made great progress in my English study. 9.People both at h
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