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形容词、副词的比较级(Comparative Forms of Adjectives and Adverbs)大多数的形容词、副词都有三个等级:原级(原形)、比较级、最高级。一、 构成:1、规则变化单音节词和部分双音节词:(1) 一般的在词尾加-ere.g. long longer fast faster tall taller(2) 以字母e结尾的词加-re.g. nice nicer safe safer late later(3) 以一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,应双写末尾的辅音字母,再加-ere.g. big bigger thin thinner fat fatter(4) 以辅音字母加y结尾的词,变y为i,再加-ere.g. happy happier busy busier early earlier多音节词和部分双音节词,在词前more e.g. difficult more difficult outgoing more outgoing interesting more interesting serious more serious 2、不规则变化,必须记住goodwellbetter badbadlyillworse manymuch more far fartherfurther little less 二、 运用范围:比较级:是指在两者(人物)之间进行比较,且必须在同类事物之间进行,句中一般有than 。结构:1主语be动词形容词的比较级比较的对象 2主语实义动词形容词的比较级比较的对象即:两者比较:前者后者注:当than前后所使用的动词相同时,通常用助动词代替后面的动词。e.g . You are taller than he (is) . 或 You are taller than him .She works harder than I (do) .或 She works harder than me .注:1在形容词、副词的比较级前可用much , a lot (得多) , a bit , a little (一点儿), far(远得多),even(甚至、更),数词等修饰,来说明比较的程度。e.g. He is much smarter than I me .e.g. Tom runs a lot faster than Bob . 2比较级叠用的两种常见方式:a 单音节词和双音节词:“形容词副词的比较级and形容词副词的比较级 ” 表示“越来越”e.g. colder and colder better and better特殊的双音节词和多音节词:“ more and more 形容词副词的原级” 表示“越来越”e.g. more and more popular more and more beautifulb“the 比较级, the 比较级” 表示“越越”e.g. The colder the weather is , the more people wear. e.g. The harder we study , the better grades we get .3“倍数比较级than”表示“几倍于”e.g. My room is three times larger than yours . (此处time译为“倍”)我的房间比你的大三倍4比较级前一般不需加the,但若有特定的范围“of the two” 时,比较级前必须加the。e.g. Lily is the younger girl of the two . 表示两者在某一方面相同时,用“as形容词副词原级(原形)as ”句型 即:两者比较:前者后者句型:( asas“和一样” )表示同等级的比较,第一个as为副词,第二个的为连词,第二个as后可接句子,也可接名词或代词(若为人称代词后可用主格或宾格)e.g. Tom is as tall as Jack .e.g. Tom runs as fast as Jack .表示一方在某一方面不及另一方时,用“not as so 形容词副词原级as ”句型( “ 不如”) 即:两者比较:前者后者这种情况下可与含than的比较级相互转换e.g. It is not asso warm today as yesterday.e.g. English is not as difficult as math . 或 Math is more difficult than English .或 English is less difficult than math .注:“倍数 asas”表示“几倍于”e.g. My room is twice as large as yours . ( 此处“twice” 译为“两倍”) 我的房间是你房间的三倍大。注:以下为对比的常用句型: “Abe形容词的比较级than B” 表示“A比B更”“Abeas形容词或副词的原级as B”表示“A和B一样”“Abethe比较级of the two(复数名词)”表示“A是两者中更的一个” “The比较级, the比较级” 表示“越越”
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