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名词一、可数名词和不可数名词(1)英语中的名词分为普通名词和专有名词(the Peoples Republic of China; the World Trade Organization),普通名词分为个体名词(worker, house, apple),集体名词(army, class, family, group),物质名词(coal, cotton, water),抽象名词(life, friendship, progress, honesty, courage),其中,个体名词和集体名词属可数名词,物质名词和抽象名词属不可数名词。概念:专有名词:个别的人、地方、事情、机构或团体的名称;首字母要大写,冠词和介词除外;物质名词:表示物质或一般无一定形状或大小的实物的名称;抽象名词:表示动作、状态、品质及其他抽象概念的名称。(2)可数名词有单复数的变化可数名词复数的构成规则i. 规则变化 多数在词尾加sbag bags chair chairstruck trucks face faces 以字母s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词加-es, 以e结尾的词只加-sclass classesbox boxeshorse horseswatch watchesbrush brushes 以辅音字母+y结尾的名词,去y加-iesfamily familiesstory storiesbaby babiescity cities以元音字母+y结尾的名词或者是以y结尾的专有名词变复数,直接加s变复数。Mary - two Marys, monkey monkeys, holiday - holidays 以f, fe结尾的名词,一般把f, fe改为v,再加-esleaf leaveslife livesknife kniveswolf wolveswife wivesthief thieveshalf halvesshelf - shelves(小偷从架子上拿下一把刀,把狼砍成了两半)个别名词直接加-s,例如:roof roofs, chief chiefs, belief beliefs, safe safes, gulf - gulfs还有二者皆可的,handkerchief handkerchiefs / handkerchieves 以o结尾的名词,多数加-eshero heroes zero zeroes potato potatoes tomato tomatoes echo - echoes但是以下词应该加-spiano pianos photo photos radio radios zoo zoos studio studios 如词尾为th, 则直接加s bath baths month - monthsii. 不规则变化 名词单复数形式相同,不需任何变化sheep, fish, deer, cattle以及jin(斤),li(里),yuan(元)等汉语译名。 单词拼写中元音字母的变化man mentooth teethfoot feetmouse mice 有些是用-en做词尾构成复数形式child children ox oxen 表示“某国人”单复数形式可分为三种:a) 单复数形式相同a Chinese five Chinesea Japanese four Japaneseb) 词尾加-san American seven Americansa Russian eight Russiansa German nine Germansc) 变man为men an Englishman ten Englishmena Frenchwoman two Frenchwomen 一些特殊外来词的复数(sis-ses, um-a, on-a, x-ces) analysis analyses(分析)basis bases(基础)crisis crises(危机)hypothesis hypotheses(假设)bacterium bacteria(细菌)curriculum curricula(课程)datum data(数据)medium media(媒体)criterion criteria(标准)appendix appendices (appendixes)(附录)index indices (indexes)(索引)(3)不可数名词(物质名词)的数量表示方法:单位词 / 量词(数词/不定冠词+量词+of+名词),在量词 / 单位词上体现复数例如:a piece of bread; two cups of tea; three glasses of water (4)仍需注意的问题i. 有些名词只有复数形式,例如:trousers(裤子);clothes(衣服); compasses(圆规); scissors(剪刀);chopsticks(筷子);shorts(短裤); glasses(眼镜); pants(裤子); scales(天平); pliers(钳子); clips(剪子); socks(短袜); shoes(鞋); slippers(拖鞋); stockings(长袜); jeans(牛仔裤) 成对出现的,若表达具体数目,要借助数量词pair(对,双);suit(套)等thanks(感谢);goods(货物);news(新闻、消息); means(手段);species(种类);series(系列);people(人民,相对应的普通名词是person);maths(数学);politics(政治), physics(物理学)等。(表示学科的词以s结尾仍用作单数用法)ii. 物质名词在表示不同类别时,可用复数。 teas 各种茶steels 各种钢grasses 各种草fruits 各种水果iii有些不可数名词复数形式表示不同含义,例如: sand 沙子 sands 沙滩; wood 木头 woods 森林; time时间 times时代 可数名词复数也可以表示不同含义: arm 胳膊 arms 武器; custom 风俗习惯 customs 海关iv. 专有名词一般只用单数形式,但有时用复数形式,其作用相当于普通名词,例如:There are four Zhaos in our class. 我们班有四个姓赵的。The Turners have gone to the cinema. 特纳全家看电影去了。v. 在做定语的合成词中,名词要用单数形式a seventy-two-year-old grandpa 一位72岁的老爷爷a six-hundred-word article 一篇600字的文章a 18-metre-long bridge 一座长18米的桥vi. 有些抽象名词和物质名词可以转化,表示“一种、一场、一阵、一番、一份、一杯”等,例如:A coffee, please! 请来份咖啡!He gave me a surprise. 他给了我一个惊喜。He did me a kindness. 他对我做了一件善良的事。His book is a great help to me. 他的书对我是个很大的帮助。It is an honor for you to be sent there. 派你去那对你来说是件荣耀的事。It is a pleasure to talk to her. 和他谈话是一种乐趣。二、名词作定语表示材料、用途、内容等;例如:a dust bag 装灰的袋子;a dusty bag 布满灰尘的袋子I saw some girl students chatting with each other.- Isnt it getting dark early tonight?- I think so. I see the street light is on already.The mother helped the child build sand castles.We have to put off the sports meet because of the rain. (sports, 名词复数变形容词词性)They liked the chemistry teacher for his lively way of teaching.They went to a shoe store to buy a pair of shoes.You are to gather at the School Gate at 8:00 tomorrow morning.He dropped the coffee cup and broke it.三、复合名词(1)复合名词的形式i. 两个名词写作一个词,中间无连字符,如headache, newspaper, railway等;ii. 两个名词写作一个词,中间有连字符,如mouse-trap, tooth-brush等;iii. 两个名词分开写,如flower shop, police station, goods train等。上述三条无一定规则可循。(2)复合名词的复数形式i. 以不可数名词结尾的复合名词无复数形式,如homework, moonlight等;ii. 以可数名词结尾的复合名词有复数形式,规则同前,如bedrooms, bookcases等;iii. 以man或woman为前缀的复数名词变复数时,前后两个名词均需变为复数,如manservant menservants, woman student women students等;iv. 以“可数名词+介词(短语)”构成复合名词时,在名词后加-s,如looker-on(lookers-on)(旁观者), mother-in-law(mothers-in-law), passer-by(passers-by)(过路人、行人), looker-in(lookers-in)(收看电视者)等;v. 以“动词/动词-ed形式+介词/副词”构成复合名词时,在词尾加-s,如sit-in(sit-ins)(静坐罢工);stand-by(stand-bys)(备用);grown-up(grown-ups)(成年人);go-between(go-betweens)(中间人)等;vi. 以“动词ing形式+副词”构成复合名词时,在动词ing形式后加-s,如coming-in(comings-in)(收入)等。四、名词的所有格(1)概念:表示所有关系,汉语中常用“某人(事物)的”的表示。(2)构成法i. 在单数名词和不以s结尾的复数名词后加smothers roomTom
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