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Lesson 27 (课堂作业)I. 英汉互译1.和不同_2.别的什么_3.平衡的饮食_4.保持强壮_5.饮食习惯_6.豆制品_7.传统食物_8.越来越流行_9.含蛋白质食物_10.含钙的食物_II. 用所给词的适当形式填空1._(eat) foods from grain gives you vitamins, minerals and fibre.2.A salad always has lettuce and _(tomato).3.Your shoes are worn out. You need _(buy) a new pair.4.His dogs death made him _(sadly).参考答案I. 1.be different from 2.what else 3.a balanced diet 4.stay strong 5.eating habits 6.bean products 7.traditional 8.more and more 9.protein foods 10.calcium foods II. 1.Eating 2.tomatoes 3.to buy 4.sadLesson 27 (课下作业)I. 单项选择1.Do you think soy milk is different _ milk?A. with B. from C. like D. as 2.Protein helps your body _ strong.A. go B. come C. make D. stay3.French fries are made _ potatoes.A. in B. with C. from D. by4.What is the most important?_.A. Fruit B. A balanced diet C. Protein D. VegetablesII. 完形填空While Tom and Mary were on holiday at the seaside, they enjoyed (1)_ the seagulls . They (2)_ a lot about these lovely birds.They will often come close to you when you are eating anything. If you (3)_ pieces of bread to them they at once snatched (抓住)it up.Seagulls swim well, but they do not often dive for fish. They are also good at (4)_ with their wings. When a seagull is in the sky he puts his legs (5)_ his body. Tom often watched them (6)_ to the ground because he liked the way they (7)_ the air with their wings and brought down their feet before they (8)_ the ground. Mary liked to see them gliding (滑翔) over the (9)_ as they often do, without moving their (10)_. But she said she didnt like the noise they make.( )1. A. catching B. shooting C. watching D. playing( )2. A. understood B. learned C. studied D. brought( )3. A. threw B. took C. sent D. thought( )4. A. swimming B. flying C. running D. rising( )5. A. under B. about C. on D. in( )6. A. come B. to come C. go D. to go( )7. A. held B. beat C. put D. kept( )8. A. hit B. arrived C. got D. touched( )9. A. water B. beach C. sky D. ground( )10.A. eyes B. feet C. legs D. wingsIII. 阅读理解A man was sitting in the doctors office. He was telling the doctor about his problem. “I like football, doctor,” he said. “Please help me. My life has never been a good one since I became interested in football; and it is getting worse and worse. I cant even get away from it in my sleep. As soon as I close my eyes, Im out there on the football field and running after a flying ball. When I wake up, Im more tired than I was when I went to bed. What am I going to do?” The doctor sat back and said, “First of all, you have to do your best not to dream about football. When you close your eyes, try to think about something else. Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million dollars.” “Are you crazy(疯狂的,古怪的), doctor?” the man shouted at the doctor, “I will miss my ball!”1.The man went to see the doctor because _.A. there was something wrong with his heartB. the doctor was interested in footballC. he wanted to get some advice about his trouble with footballD. his wife was ill2.Football makes the mans life _.A. happy B. interesting C. good D. difficult3.The man felt more tired after he got up because _.A. he played football too hard in the dayB. he thought of football even in his sleepC. he watched a football match on TV too late at nightD. he ran after the flying balls before he went to bed4.The doctor told the man _.A. not to think of football when he went to sleepB. not to close his eyes when he was lying in bedC. to be a rich man with several million dollars D. not to dream in his sleep5.The best title for this story is “_”.A. Crazy Doctor B. Flying Football C. Exciting Football D. A Man Crazy about Football参考答案I. 1.B be different from是固定短语,意为“和不同”。2.D stay strong意为“保持强壮”。3.C 根据句意应选C,be made from意为“由制成”。4.B 均衡饮食是最重要的,故选B。II. 1.C. catch的意思是“抓住”,shoot的意思是“射击”,watch的意思是“观察”,play是“玩”的意思。根据它们的不同意思可知这里用watch最佳。意思是他们在海边观察海鸥。2.B. 通过观察,他们肯定是学到了许多关于海鸥的知识,所以这里用learn比较合理。3.A. take 的意思是“带走”,send表示“送”,think则是“思考”,throw 表示“投掷。这句话是说如果你向海鸥投掷一块面包,它会马上抓住它的。因此这里用throw最佳。4.B. 海鸥用翅膀肯定是在飞翔,因此这里可用flying一词。5.A. 海鸥在飞翔时是会把腿放在身体下面的,选under即可。6.A. watch后面加不带to 的不定式做宾语补足语。Come和go分别表示“来”和“去”,这里用come表示来到地面上。7.B. hold 的意思是“容纳”, put 是“放置”的意思,keep表示“保持”,beat的意思是“拍打”。海鸥是用翅膀拍打空气的,因此用beat最佳。8.D. 海鸥在着地时,它的脚肯定是要从身体上放下来的。hit的意思是“打”;arrive的意思是“到达”,它是不及物动词,带宾语时加上介词at或in;get也是“到达”的意思,它也是不及物动词,带宾语时加上介词to;touch的意思是“接触”,可以直接带宾语。因此这里用touch即可。9.A. 海鸥在滑翔时一定是在水面上。10.D. 在滑翔时,海鸥的翅膀是保持不动的。III. 1.C 由原文第一段前三
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