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Unit8 The Seasons and the WeatherTopic 2 The summer holidays are coming 第二课时Section B1a /1b /1c / 2 / 3a / 3b课型:对话课 学时:1学时 主备人:张德萍 一、学习目标:1. 能够应用征询别人意见和给予建议的表达方式。(1)What places should I visit in Yunnan? You should visit Dali and Lijiang. (2)What should I take with me? Youd better take a camera, a pair of sunglasses, a map and so on.(3)You shouldnt miss Xishuangbanna. 3. (学生填写) 二、学习重点:1. 能够熟练应用征询别人意见和给予建议的表达。2. 学习并掌握本文重点词汇及短语。三、学习难点:能应用征询别人意见的表达方式等进行交流;一、自习(一)词汇过关I、试拼读133页P91-92的新单词,不会读的做好标记,然后听磁带模仿。将不会读的新单词的音标写在课文中新单词旁,做好小组内拼读准备。II、熟记并默写下面的单词。1. 家乡,故乡 2. 在任何时候 3. 一年到头 4. 照相机 5. 帐篷 (二)阅读教材,勾画出重点句型,并把下列汉语译成英语。阅读课文1a回答下列问题1.Is Zhou Weiluns hometown in Yunnan? 2. What places of interest should Jane visit there? 3. What should Jane take to Yunnan? 重要短语:1. 做某事的最佳时间 2. 任何时候去 3. 一年到头 4.春城 5. 听起来有趣 6. 最好做 7. 一副太阳镜 重要句子:1. 你能告诉我一些关于你的家乡的情况吗? 2. 去那里的最佳时间是什么时候。 3.那里的天气一年到头都很好。 4.我还该带些什么呢? 5. 你还想为旅行准备些什么? 二、自疑组长签字_ 预习等级_三、自探活动一: 教师展示图片并提问“What places of interest do you know in China?”和“what would you like to take for your trips”引导学生进入1a,学习新词汇及重点句型。活动二:1、观看视频1a,让学生回答问题。2、播放1a录音,跟读,模仿其语音语调,。3、学生分角色朗读,然后再分组展示。4. 听1a录音,完成1b。 5. 运用1c中的征询及给予建议的表达编一个新的对话,学生展示。 活动三: 1.听录音,完成2,核对答案。2.学生分组讨论1C的问题,然后完成3b.四、自测、根据句意及首字母补全单词。1. If you take a _(照相机)to travel, you can take many photos.2. If you go to work early , you shouldnt _ (错过) early bus.3. In my _ (家乡), the weather is always fine.4.People can visit Kunming _ (任何时候)5.You can buy many things in the shop, like a _ (帐篷) and maps.II、单项选择。( )6.The songs of Liu Dacheng sound _ and I like listening to them a lot.A. interested B. well C. good D. bright( )7.- What should Jack _ him when he is traveling in a big city? A. take with B. bring to C. takewith D. bring with( )8. -What is the best time to go to Beijing ? -October, I think. A.Where B.Which C. What D. How( )9. -David is a good boy. He usually helps the old man some cleaning. A. do B. does C. did D. doing( )10.I am visit some famous places this Sunday. A. plan to B. planning to C. plan D. planning五、自结
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