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quot;Unit11MybirthdayisinApril.quot;导学案(Mybirthdayisvery)Unit11 My birthday is in April.导学案Learningaims: the words: January, February, March, April, May , June. understand the sentence When s your birthday My birthday is in April. and use the sentence in real situations. and read the dialogue . 3, Know the differences between Chinese and foreign countries to celebrate the birthday.Key points:Master the sentences (When s your birthday My birthday is in April.).Difficult points:Use the sentences in real situations.Teaching tools: cards, tapeLearning methods: situational teaching methodcooperative learningTeaching steps:Step1,Warming up1. Greetings.2. Free talk : T: What day is todayWhat is your favorite day What do you usually do on that dayWhose birthday is in this month Lets sing a “Happy Birthday to You song to him/her.3. Today we are going to learn Unit11,First,lets look at the learning aims. Please read it by yourselves. T shows the learning aims.学习目标:1.学习并掌握六个有关月份的单词及对出生月份询问的问答句。2.有感情地朗读对话。3.了解中外生日庆祝方式的异同尊重不同的传统习俗。Step2,Presentation: Now lets guess a riddle .I have a thing, it can tell us the months and the dates. What is it Ss: Its a calendar. T:Look! How many months are there in a year Ss: There are twelve months in a year. T: They are January, February, March, April, May, June.:There are two festivals in January, they are New Years Day and Spring Festival. T: Whose birthday is in this month S: My birthday is in January.:There are two festivals in January , they are Valentines Day and Lantern Festival. T: Whose birthday is in this month S: My birthday is in February. the new word(March, April, May, June,).T: Whose birthday is in this month S: My birthday is in . and answer in pairs. When is your birthday How old are you Step3,Drills一Self-studyT shows the self-study tasks.任务一:(听课文录音,判断正T误F)。()s birthday is in February.() Huis birthday is in April.() usually have a small party and eat a birthday cake on his birthday.任务二:小组合作讨论,朗读课文并划出问题的答案。1. When is Davids birthday2. When is Xiao Huis birthday does Xiao Hui usually do on her birthday does David usually do on his birthday 任务三:小组合作简述课文。Our birthdayMy name is David. My birthday is in_. I usually have _and eat _, and put some candles on the cake, _, then make a wish on my birthday. My friend Xiao Huis birthday is in_. She _, and a birthday cake, too.二Answer questions1. T checks the answers. and explain the differences between Chinese and foreign countries to celebrate the birthday.2. Read the dialogue3. act the dialogue.4. Pair work: Ask your friends :What do you usually do on your birthday T shows some pictures(have a small party, eat birthday cakes, put candles on the cake, light the candles, make a wish , eat birthday cakes, put candles on the cake, light the candles, make a wish, eat noodles and eggs)Step4,ConsolidationSelf-test:T shows a small composition about how to celebrate my birthday, then let the students write something about how they celebrate the birthday.My birthdayMy birthdays in January. My parents have a big birthday party for me. Many friends come to my house on thatsing, dance and play games. We eat a birthday cake. We have a good time!T: What have you learned S: I have learned.Step5 Homework.Make a survey of your familys birthday. And report next class.张倩男
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