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Begin开始With process of the development of the society, we live in a society is to science and technology, digital. Digital also come to more attention by people. Digital is a kind of text, but also different from general words, showed a strong uniqueness in the auspicious culture. No matter in the target language, or in the lucky draw topic, you can see, from one to ten, from hundreds to thousands of Numbers, there are Numbers in our countrys traditional culture occupies an important position. Now lets begin to understand the digital culture!随着发展的社会进程,我们生活的社会越来科技化,数字化 ,数字也来越为人们所重视.数字也是一种文字,但又与一般的文字不同,在吉祥文化中表现出很强的独特性。不论在吉语中,还是在吉祥画题中,可以看出,从一到十、从百到万的数字很多,有些数字在我国的传统文化中占有重要的位置The source of India数字的文化起源于印度Numbers are not Arabs invented, but originated in ancient India. 数字并不是阿拉伯人发明创造的,而是发源于古印度数字。Digital was later Arabs for business and master, improved, and spread to the west. Westerners because the first contact with the Arabs used these data, they are mistaken in their invention, so these numbers called Arabia digital, caused by a misunderstanding of the historical. Later, with the widely spread all over the world, everyone agreed with the phrase digital Arabia, so that many parts of the world people are mistaken for Arabs invented digital, in fact is the most widely used digital Arabs began. Spread to Europe, Europeans are very fond of this set of convenient applicable notation symbols, then people know is the ancient Indians in the production and practice gradually created. 后来被阿拉伯人用于经商而掌握,经改进,并传到了西方。西方人由于首先接触到阿拉伯人使用过这些数据,便误以为是他们发明的,所以便将这些 数字称为阿拉伯数字,造成了这一历史的误会。后来,随着在世界各地的普遍传播,大家都都认同了“阿拉伯数字”这个说法,使世界上很多地方的人都误认为是阿拉伯人发明的数字,实际上是阿拉伯人最早开始广泛使用数字。传到欧洲后,欧洲人非常喜爱这套方便适用的记数符号,尽管后来人们知道数字是古代印度人在生产和实践中逐步创造出来的。Digital is the ancient Indians in the production and practice gradually created. 数字是古代印度人在生产和实践中逐步创造出来的。Invented by ancient India to Sri Lanka, Burma digital first, Kampuchea India neighbor countries古印度发明的数字首先传到斯里兰卡、缅甸、柬埔寨等印度的近邻国家。.Produce产生The earliest human tool is used to count fingers and toes, but they can only be expressed within the 20 number. When the large number, most of the primitive with small stones and beans to count. Gradually people do not satisfy the particle count as a unit, and the invention of the method of tying knots, depicts count, in animal skins, bones, trees, stone depicts count. Ancient China is to use wood, bamboo or bone made of sticks to count, called china. These counting methods and notation symbols gradually transformed into the first digital signs (digital). Nowadays, all countries in the world to use Arabia as a standard digital digital人类最早用来计数的工具是手指和脚趾,但它们只能表示20以内的数字。当数目很多时,大多数的原始人就用小石子和豆粒来记数。渐渐地人们不满足粒为单位的记数,又发明了打绳结、刻画记数的方法,在兽皮、兽骨、树木、石头上刻画记数。中国古代是用木、竹或骨头制成的小棍来记数,称为算筹。这些记数方法和记数符号慢慢转变成了最早的数字符号(数码)。如今,世界各国都使用阿拉伯数字为标准数字。.Significance意义Digital can express not only the quantity and order, also can express and convey information. 数字不仅可以表示数量和顺序,还可以表达和传递信息Can put the figure as a manifestation of cultural phenomena in all aspects of social history, interpersonal communication, literature, customs, daily life, speech and deportment to study. 可以把数字作为一种表现在社会历史、人际交往、文学创作、风情习俗、日常生活、言谈举止各方面的文化现象来考察可以把数字作为一种表现在社会历史、人际交往、文学创作、风情习俗、日常生活、言谈举止各方面的文化现象来考察It seems, digital, this cultural code has very rich connotation, is worth us further mining, research. 看来,数字,这种文化“代码”确实具有非常丰富的内涵,值得我们进一步挖掘、研究。Differences in western culture中西方文化的差异Chinas Digital culture中国的数字文化In ancient Chinese thought, base 3, 9 for the number of poles, in addition to 5 and 3, 9, 12 in the ancient culture also plays an important role in our life in addition to five lines, five taste, visceral, colored and 5 related substances, there are many and 12 concerned, as of the 12 zodiac, 12 hour, 12 months. 在中国古代思想中,3为基数,9为极数,除了5和3、9外,12在古代文化中也有重要的地位,在我们的生活中除了五行、五味、五脏、五色等和5有关的物质外,还有很多和12有关的,如12生肖、12时辰、12个月, 这种思想在麻将中也得到了充分的体现,144是12的平方,108也是12的倍数。另外,在麻将规则中,规定每人抓13张牌,而13乘以4等于52,这正暗合了一年有52个星期的规律。反映了物质的存在形式,数字则代表了物质存在的数量。计算过程中的一种数据特征,以二进制数字(零和一)表示。表示时要看它与一些特殊的数的关系。如.16、8、4、2、1等。例:9 用二进制表达就是 1001 。因为它有1个8和1个1。58 晚安574839 我其实不想走596 我走了5260 我暗恋你 53782 我心情不好687 对不起 740 气死你But in daily language, many people will be digital as number.但在日常语言中,许多人都将数字等同数。Chinese characters of digital culture of western development of characters unlike western as more direct single, it is force development text product of many nationalities, but also the formation of the text mode is influenced by language guide. Expression language is the only language itself, but also thinking by the tool, so the digital will directly by its influence西方文字发展不像汉字那样较为直接单一,它是多个民族合力开发的文字产物,而且文字模式的形成直接受到语言本身的引导。语言和文字就是唯一的表达方式,也是思维受到语言本身工具,所以数字也就直接受到其的影响。西方人与东方人一样,对特定数字的福祸吉凶有着自己的认定,而这种认定主要源于宗教。最具代表性的要数“6”和“7”了。“6”一直被基督教称为“魔鬼数字”For digital beliefs中西方对于数字的信仰China-Advo cate culture崇九文化In ancient China, for the nine - Yang pole number, i.e. singular maximum number, then use the figure of nine to be the emperor, and
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