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Unit 9Wheels Section Warmup & Lesson 1交通阻塞已经成为各大城市最头疼的问题,在解决这个问题的过程中,世界知名城市都在各显神通,效果如何呢?让我们一起去领略一番吧!You may ride on your bicycle in a rush to get to school every morning.You may fight to get a bit of space on a bus or on the subway.You may also watch taxis crawl(缓慢行进) their way through traffic jams.No matter where you are,all big cities around the world have traffic jams these days.But although they all have their problems,many cities also have a type of transport that has become a cultural icon(文化标识)In London,to avoid the traffic above ground,people use the“underground”,also called the“Tube”The city has the oldest and most complicated(混乱的) underground railway system in the world and is the pride of many Londoners.With 12 lines and 275 stations across the city,the Tube,is normally the quickest and easiest way of getting around London.In London,you are never far from a Tube station.New York is famous for its Yellow cabs.They serve as a quick and easy way of getting across Manhattan,where the subway doesnt take you everywhere.Stopping a cab is easy;just stick out your arm like you do in any city.But,with over 12,000 yellow cabs in the Big Apple,they also cause traffic jams.Since 1873 when the first cable car started public service,the slow and noisy vehicle has been a symbol of San Francisco.Although once damaged by a serious earthquake and challenged by cars,it is never caught in traffic jams and provides better views than the subway.But there are no such symbols in Los Angeles.If you visit youd better rent a car.The citys public transportation is terrible.It can take hours to get across town by bus.The subway covers just a small part of the city centre.The light rail line only runs between the Long Beach hotel area and the city centre.Thats why Angelenos love their private(私人的) cars more than any other people in the world.Section Warmup & Lesson 1,学生用书P53).重点单词1_(adj.)平的2_(adv.) 所以,因此3_(n.) 街坊;邻近地区4_(conj.) 无论在何处,无论到哪里5_(n.) 后果,结果6_(vt.) 逮捕,拘留7_(adv.) 实际地,真实地8_(n.) 渡船9_(n.) 行人10hopeful(adj.) _11cyclist(n.) _12convenient(adj.) _答案:1.flat2.therefore3.neighbourhood4.wherever5consequence6.arrest7.actually8.ferry9.pedestrian10.(人)抱有希望的11.骑自行车的人12.方便的,便利的.重点短语1have an effect_ 对产生影响2fed_ 不愉快的,厌烦的3be convenient_ 对来说是便利的4in the_ 在20世纪60年代5thanks_ 多亏6_a traffic jam 在交通堵塞中7work_ 锻炼身体,做运动8argue_sb._sth. 因而与某人争论答案:1.on2.up3.for4.1960s/1960s5.to6.in7.out8.with;about/over.重点句型1虚拟语气用法They believed that_(那会对每个人都更有好处)if cars werent allowed in the city centre and only bicycles were.2wherever引导地点状语从句_(完成旅行的任何地方)they would leave the bike there for someone else to use.3that引导表语从句The problem was that _(这种做法行不通).答案:1.it would be better for everybody2.Wherever someone finished a journey3.it didnt work.Read the text carefully and choose the best answer according to the text.1Amsterdam is called the“City of Bicycles”because_Ait is flatBthere are plenty of parking placesCmost streets have a bicycle pathDit is convenient for bicycles there2Which of the following statements is TRUE?AThe idea of providing free bikes in the city center appeared in 1960.BNot every one can be allowed to use the bikes for free.CIt was easy for thieves to steal the bikes before.DThe government there painted the bikes white.3To solve the problem of the bikesbeing stolen,today_Athe bikes are equipped with a computer chip to record its every moveBthe bikes are in usual designs and with bright colorsCthe bikes are parked at special parking placesDusers have to insert a special card4There is already less traffic in central Amsterdam because_Apeople there enjoy cyclingBboth locals and tourists have been using the white bikesCthe streets are widenedDpeople are enjoying city centre streets without cars答案:14.DCAB.Fill in the blanks according to the text.People 1._(enjoy) the benefits of cycling in Amsterdam for years.It is a good city for cycling 2._ it is flat and therefore is convenient for bikes.In the 1960s,a group of cycling fans had an idea.They thought 3._ would be better if cars werent allowed in the city center and only bicycles were.They painted hundreds of bicycles white and placed them in lots of neighbourhoods for people 4._(use)Wherever someone finished a journey they would leave the bike there for 5._ else to use.But the problem was that 6._(thief) took all the bicycles within
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