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成绩: 中国矿业大学外文学院 09 级翻译实践姓 名 向文昭 学 号 xxxxxxxxx 专业班级 商务英语09-6班 指 导 教 师 杜长虹 2011 年 12 月 徐州 Instill a bright hope in our lifeInevitably, we will encounter a variety of difficulties and setbacks in our life-long journey from the cradle to the grave. When it arises, what firstly comes into our mind is to seek a hope or to get effective help, in order to gain enough energy, confidence and reason to live. Thus, we can overcome the difficulty and the setback and finally win the happiness of life. Hope is an essential factor for our life. Once it is shattered, our spirit will collapse, and our spiritual pillar will break down. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, even though it cant be realized, the encouragement it gives can put us in fine fettle. In the hopeful process, we will obtain the courage to live.There is no need to be too serious to fuss about the troubles of life. We can easily get the principle that we may sometimes have advantageous gain at the cost of trivial losses. And there are too many examples in our everyday life. We should believe that everyone has his own trouble but no one will be entangled with endless trouble. We will finally find the solution and get rid of it. Therefore, we should look for some reasons to be happy, even if not understood and accepted by others, this is our course to grow up. A man must go through adverse circumstances; even when faced with failure, he dares to know himself in a different way and is brave enough to carry out a review of himself. He should constantly enrich himself with new knowledge and strength, and it is with them that he can make his dream come true. Nothing is definitely perfect in the world, therefore no ideal life exists. In our life, although there is much time when we feel at a loss, as long as we continue to struggle constantly and strive unceasingly, we will continuously get harvest. If we are disappointed and frustrated, and if we are always filled up with grievances and dissatisfactions toward the world, depression and worry will always bother us. Thus, how can happiness be possible? So long as we are alive, our life will not reach its end. We should neither envy the steady life others lead, nor treat anguish and worry with fears. If we have the strong belief, all of these will become the driving force of our lives. Not all days in life are good, and we also do not live in the past where there had been wonderful days. The past is merely past, it is not worth showing off. It is only the present and the future that is the most real, and this is what we need to strive for and grasp, and here lies the direction we should head in. It is because of hope that life can go on with infinite passion; it is because of hope in life that the fire of youth can continue; it is because of hope that life becomes so splendid and sunny; it is because of hope that life has the eager to last long; and it is also because of hope that family love remains so glamorous. For the reason that life is so short, and it is also dear, we should cherish life itself yet treasure every day in our life. As long as we work hard, as long as we pay enough, all the efforts and pains will finally bring us gains. Every cause brings effect and every consequence has an action, so it is safe to believe in the principle of cause-and-effect circulation. Since opportunity always favors those who are prepared, we should always be ready for it, then the moment it shows up, we can grasp it firmly to succeed. In the face of hardship and frustration, we can go out of the morass with calmness to greet the approaching good life. In the early morning, when there arise the first thin rays of light, a new shining rising sun will come up in the east, bathing the earth in its glow and dedicating the sunshine and heat to all of us. Lets have a look at the familiar and affable smiling faces around us, instill a bright hope in our future, and possess a good moodto embrace a new day with great confidence. 给生活注入一份美好的希望在人生漫长的岁月中,我们总会遇到各种各样的困难和挫折,这时我们首先想到的就是寻找一份希望,或是得到一份有力的帮助,让自己有充足的精神,足够的理由和信心生活下去,从而克服困难,战胜挫折,赢得生活的美满幸福。在我们的生活中,人是不能没有希望的,一旦希望破灭,人的精神便会崩溃,失去了精神支柱,人也就没有生活下去的勇气了,而只要一丝希望尚存,虽然未必能够实现,但在充满希望的过程中,我们得到了希望和鼓励而精神倍增,平添了许多生活的勇气。对于一时的生活烦恼,我们不必太认真,也不必太计较,你用自己的脑子想一想,有时候吃些小亏反而是占便宜,这样的事例在现实生活中实在是数不胜数,我们要相信这样一个道理,人人都会有烦恼,我们也要相信烦恼不会永远伴随自己,我们总会找到解决烦恼的办法,总会有摆脱烦恼的时候。因此我们要寻找一些让自己快乐的理由,即使不被别人理解和认同,但这是我们成长的过程,一个人必须通过恶劣环境的考验,失败的时候敢于重新认识自己,勇于检讨自己,然而不断地用新的知识和力量充实自己,才能最终实现自己心中的梦想。在这个世界上,本来就没有什么十全十美的东西,因此生活也就不存在完美无缺。在我们的生活中,虽然有许多茫然,但只要我们不断努力,不断奋斗,收获也就会源源不断而来。如果我们老是失望和沮丧,对这个世界抱有许多积怨和不满,那么苦闷和烦恼也就会伴随着你,永远没有幸福可言。只要我们的生命没有停止,生活也就没有到达终点,我们不要羡慕他人平稳的生活,不要畏惧苦闷和烦恼,假如我们有足够的信念,这一切就将成为我们生命的源动力。虽然生活不可能每一天都是美好的,也不要管我们过去的生活曾经有多么美好,过去的已经过去,不值得我们去炫耀,惟有现在和将来才是最真实的,才是我们需要努力和把握的方向。生活就是因为有了希望,生命的激情才能不断喷发;生活就是因为有了希望,生命的青春才能持续燃烧;生活就是因为有了希
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