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Unit One China Lesson one An American in Beijing (中国经济迅猛发展:留学生蜂拥而至) 新闻写作何谓News?新闻写作何谓Journalese? Unit Two United States () Lesson Five The Evolution Wars (宗教挑战科学) 如何读懂标题 () () Unit Three United States () Lesson Ten The New Dream Isnt American (美国梦不再) 导语 (Lead) 报刊语言主要特点 () () Unit Four United States () Lesson Twelve Path of the Storm(暴风骤雨,仕途不保) 读报知识Lobby和Lobby Firm Unit Five US Foreign Policy Lesson Eighteen A Race We Can All Win (中国发展:中美双赢的竞赛) 常见借喻词和提喻词 () () 常见委婉语 Unit Six World AffairsLesson Nineteen Why the Monarchy Must Stay (君主制的废留之争) 读报工具书Explanation focus on background information, language difficulties, cultural difficulties, textual analysis and comment. After-class reading fast reading, search for key words, general ideas and topics. summary and comments presentation group discussionEvaluationfinal score=(performance+assignment+attendance )+examAttend class on time, nomination at random.News report (big hot in recent). Presentation of new text for self-study.Read newspapers or magazines, make summary and comments on weekly news.(=1) Finish assignment on time.Form groups by yourselves.(5-6)References:Do you like watching or listening to news report?How do you always keep contact with news? How much do you know about news?Introduction of NewsIn Chinas academic circles : News is the reporting of recent events.1) News is a fresh report of events, facts or opinions that people did not know before they read your story.2) News is anything timely that interests a number of persons, and the best news is that which has the greatest interest of the greatest number.3) News is any event, idea or opinion that is timely, that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them.4) News is the reporting of anything timely which has importance, use, or interest to a considerable number of persons in a publication audience.Questions for thinking:What things are newsworthy?What are the qualities of a good news story?human interest (人情味)ordinary person(s) + usual occurrence(s) news Xiaohong goes to school.ordinary person(s) + unusual occurrence(s) news Xiaohong kills herself.extraordinary person(s) + usual occurrence(s) = news Zhang Baizhi and Xie Tingfeng devoicedextraordinary person(s)+unusual occurrence(s)=big news Jackie Chan has made donations for earthquake relief.An event that happened the day of or day before publication or an event that is due to happen in the immediate future is considered timely. Some events that happened in the past also may be considered timely if they are printed on an anniversary of the event, such as one, five or 10 years after the incident. An event may be of interest to local readers because it happened in or close to the community.the unusual, fresh and unique nature of an eventA well-known saying: “It is not news when a dog bites a man, but absolutely news when you find a man bites a dog.” People who are well-known for their accomplishments primarily entertainers, athletes or people who have gained fame for achievements, good or badattract a lot of attention. This story ran on the front page because of the celebrity status of the entertainers. People like stories about people who have special problems, achievements or experiences. These stories can be profiles(人物简介) or unusual stories about people that make readers care about their plight (境况). Science, business or religion or to such special groups as women, minorities, disabled people, veterans, college students or other groups with particular interests. Stories involving conflicts people have with government or other people are often newsworthy, especially when the conflict reflects local problems.Helpfulness: Consumers, health and other how-to storiesEntertainment: Stories that amuse readers, make them feel good or help them enjoy their leisure time. Inspiration: Stories about people who overcome difficultiesWhat parts does a news story have? Like all stories, the basic news story has a headline and three general parts: a beginning called the “lead”, a middle called the “body” and an ending. And before lead, there are dateline and byline.Dateline: to tell readers when and where the story is written, importantByline: to give credit to the writer, is also very important. WASHINGTON, JULY 8(UPl)-CNN hopes to feature Asia more prominently in its news programs in order to share in Japans estimated 50 billion in advertising revenue this year, according to NEWSWEEK 合众国际社华盛顿7月8日电据新闻周刊报道,为了在今年日本估计为500亿美元的广告收入中占有份额,美国有线新闻网希望在其新闻节目中更加突出亚洲特色.According to channel of broadcasting: According to contents:Acc
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