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中文2630字Simulation of dual-rate sampled-data systemAbstract: The simulation problem of a dual-rate system is studied by applying discrete lifting technology, quick sampling operator and quick hold operator. The method can achieve the result that is close to the simulation of continuous-time signal. The concrete simulation is steped and programmed with a real example under MATLAB environment.Key words: Dual-rate sampled-data system; Discrete lifting technology; Quick sampling operator; Quick hold operator1. Introduction Sampling control system refers to the object controller for the continuous and digital systems. At present, most control systems are continuously charged by the object under the control of the computer realization of discrete sampling control system. With the continuous improvement of the system requirements, single-rate sampled-data systems can not meet the requirements, so multi-rate sampled-data systems in place. Multi-rate sampling control system works in practice with the prospect of a wide range of practical, this is because: 1) In the complex multi-variable control system, requires that all physical signals in the same sampling frequency is not realistic. 2) sampling and to maintain the higher frequency, the better the performance of the system, but the fast A / D and D / A conversion means that the cost is. So for different signal bandwidth, you should use a different A / D and D / A conversion rate, in order to achieve performance and the best compromise between price. 3) multi-rate controller is generally time-varying controller, it has a single-rate controller can not compare the merits. Such as increasing the system gain margin, consistent with the stability of the system to facilitate the realization of decentralized control. A relatively simple multi-rate sampled-data control system is dual-rate sampled-data systems, virtual box as shown in Figure 1. Simulation of the system is defined as: for a given input signal w, simulation of its continuous output signal z process. Figure 1 dual-rate sampled-data systems wth a virtual sampler and holderLiterature 4 is given a single-rate sampling of high-precision control system simulation. In single-rate sampled-data systems exist in only a single sampling period, thus only the application of the simulation process of some of the more sophisticated theory, such as the continuous transfer function of a single rate discrete. Dual-rate sampled-data systems, because of the existence of two types of sampling period, and the controller too variable controller, thus increasing the difficulty of the simulation. In this paper, discrete technological upgrading, the system in two different sampling period organically linked to the controller into a time-varying time-invariant controller. At the same time, the use of rapid sampling and rapid operator to maintain, given the dual-rate sampling control system simulation method. 2. Prior knowledgeFigure 1 sampler sampling period T1 = ph, sampling operator S: y (k) = Syc (t) = yc (kph), holder of the sampling period T2 = qh, maintain operator H: uc (kqh + r) = Hu (k), 0 r 0, Dr space for the continuous delay operator, that is, Druc (t) = uc (tT); U space for the discrete step lag operator; U2 for the discrete space operator step ahead. 1 If the definition of (U2) q1KUp1 = K to set up, said K for the (p, q) - discrete controller cycle. 2 If the definition of G for the system to meet the DrG = GDr, said the G for the T-cycle for time-varying systems. 3 Simulation Algorithm2.1 Simulation of the expression K is a known theorem (p, q) - cycle of discrete controllers, operator and maintenance of sampling operator as mentioned above, the HKS for the T-cycle for time-varying systems. See Figure 1 to prove the relationship between the signal, there are established under the stylewe can see from the definition 2,HKS for the T-cycle for time-varying systems. HKS is a cycle as a result of T, so the case with the single rate is similar to Figure 1 in the relationship between input and output systems can be expressed asOrDual-rate sampling control system input and output channels, by adding a virtual sampler and maintain fast, and as shown in Figure 1, the virtual fast sampler and holder of the sampling period T / n. Wd is the w to T / n for the sampling period of the sampling signal, when the input signal mph time for the simulation, there Wd = w (kT / n), k = 0,1, ., mn/p1 zd and the
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