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Unit 2 What time is it?PB Lets learn同步练习一、根据时间,选出相应的答案。A. go to school B. go home C. go to bed D. get up1. Its 600 a.m. Its time to _.2. Its 710 a.m. Its time to _.3. Its 435 p.m. Its time to _.4. Its 905 p.m. Its time to _.二、读句子,根据中文提示写出单词。1. Its 830. Its time for _(音乐) class.2. Its 945. Its time for _(数学) class.3. Its 250. Its time for _(语文) class.4. Its 1105. Its time for _(英语) class.5. Its 420. Its time for _(体育) class.三、根据时间表,仿照例句写句子。例句: Its 6:30. Its time to get up.1. _.2. _.3. _.4. _.5. _.四、找出下面每句的错误选项并在横线上写出正确答案。( ) 1. Whats time is it? _ A B C( ) 2. School is over. Lets go to home. _ A B C( ) 3. Its 4 oclock. Its time to music class. _ A B C( ) 4. Mike, its time for go to bed. _ A B C五、连词成句。1. ready, breakfast, is (.)_2. for, its, music, class, time (.)_3. time, what, it, is (?)_4. go, time, home, to (.) _5. playground, to, go, lets, the (.)_参考答案一1. get up 2. go to school 3. go home 4. go to bed二1. music2. math3. Chinese4. English 5. PE三1. Its 7:00. Its time for breakfast.2. Its 7:20. Its time to go to school.3. Its 10:40. Its time for English class.4. Its 12:00. Its time for lunch.5. Its 2:15. Its time for music class.四 1. A 改为What 2.C 改为go 3.C 改为for 4.B 改为to五 1. Breakfast is ready.2. Its time for music class.3. What time is it?4. Time to go home.5. Lets go to the playground.第 页
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