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2022年全国研究生入学考试英语押题试卷(一)During the 1980s, unemployment and underemployment in some countries was as high as 90 percent. Some countries did not 1 enough food; basic needs in housing and clothing were not 2 . Many of these countries looked to the industrial processes of the developed nations 3 solutions. 4 , problems cannot always be solved by copying the industrialized nations. Industry in the developed nations is highly automated and very 5 . It provides fewer jobs than labor-intensive industrial processes, and highly 6 workers are needed to 7 and repair the equipment. These workers must be trained, 8 many nations do not have the necessary training institutions. Thus, the 9 of importing industry becomes higher. Students must be sent abroad to 10 vocational and professional training. 11, just to begin training, the students must 12 learn English, French, German, or Japanese. The students then spend many years abroad, and 13 do not return home. All nations agree that science and technology 14 be shared. The point is, countries 15 the industrial processes of the developed nations need to look carefully 16 the costs, because many of these costs are 17 . Students from these nations should 18 the problems of the industrialized countries closely. 19 care, they will take home not the problems of science and technology, 20 the benefits. 1. A generate B raise C produce D manufacture 2. A answered B met C calculated D remembered 3. A for B without C as D about 4. A Moreover B Therefore C Anyway D However 5. A expensive B mechanical C flourishing D complicated 6. A gifted B skilled C trained D skillful 7. A keep B maintain C retain D protect 8. A since B so C and D yet 9. A charge B price C cost D value 10. A accept B gain C receive D absorb 11. A Frequently B Incidentally C Occasionall D Eventually 12. A soon B quickly C immediately D first 13. A some B others C several D few 14. A might B should C would D will 15. A adopting B conductinC receiving D adjusting 16. A to B at C on D about 17. A small B secret C obviousD hidden 18. A tackle B learn C study D deal 19. A In B Through C WithD Under 20. A except B noC or D but 二、阅读理解题(每题1分,共20分)选择以下答案中正确的一个,选择您认为正确的答案 Text1 Perhaps no poet”s career was more closely associated with the Imagist(印象派)movement than was that of H.D.(Hilda Doolittle). Her verse, with its precise, clear images, typified the imagists rebellion against what they perceived as the sentimentalism and careless techniques of nineteenth-century poetry. H.D.attended private schools in Philadelphia and then Bryan Mawr College. The love of classical antiquity she acquired during these years later surfaced in the many references in her poetry to figures from Greek and Egyptian mythology and in her classical notions of beauty and form. While in Philadelphia she also began making friendships with Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams, and Harriet Monroe. In 1911, H.D.sailed for Europe, where her career began. Soon after arriving in London, she renewed her friendship with Pound and met and married Richard Aldington, an Imagist poet and novelist who also directly influenced the shape of her writing. She began writing short poems that so impressed Pound with their precise description and diction that he insisted she submit them to Harriet Monroe”s Poetry magazine signed “H.D., Imagist.“ She persisted in using her initials for the remainder of her career closely linked to the Imagist rebellion against more traditional poetry. The clear, spare, and energetic lyrics of H.D.”s early poems, with their classical images, later became fuller, freer, and more “open“ philosophic explorations of the world. By the destruction of the Second World War that she witnessed evoked deeper visions of the relationship of ancient truths to modern realities. That vision is expressed in such works as Truiolgy(三部曲)(1946), Helen in Egypt(1961), and her last work, Hermetic Definition(1961). H.D.”s industry and literal achievement are just beginning to be recognized and appreciated. In addition to her poetry, she wrote several novels, including Palimpsest(重写本)(1926), Heylus(1928), and Bid Me to Live(1960). Many of her other poems, essays, and short stories have been published posthumously. 21、The main topic of the passage is most probably . (此题分值:1分) 正确答案 B AH.D.”s early works BH.D.”s contributions to a literary movement CThe influence of nineteenth-century poetry on H.D.”s work DThe role of mythology in H.D.”s poe
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