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2022初一年级英语暑期作业答案 :暑假作业 |暑假作业答案|生活指导答案 |七年级暑假作业答案 练习一(根底训练) 第一题 1.D 2.H 3.E 4.F 5.I 6.A 7.J 8.C 9.B 10.G 第四题. 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.C 10.C 练习二(力量提高) 其次题 1.to live 2.sitting 3.friendly 4.is putting 5.teacher”s 6.countries 7.mine 8.to grow 练习三 一、SHEFIAJCBG 二、1、friendly 2、lying 3、twelfth 4、twenty 5、countries 6、dog”s 7、has 8、child 9、wooden 10、busy 三、 1、my favourite place 2、more than ten rooms 3、share a bedroom with Amy 4、live on the fifth floor 5、can”t wait to do . 6、与不同 7、在同一时间 8、至少 9、长的飞机旅行 10、烧饭 四、 BDADBCBDCC 五、 speak to Who”s from study call number tell 六、 1、about 2、of 3、with 4、near 5、near 6、to 7、After 8、to 练习七 五,dbcbddccdb 六,way ok along on drive how take by and 七,1,drives car to factory 2, i”m afaid 3,trying to 4,shall take 5,going to hold 6,straight see bright 7,the way to 8,going to rain take umbrella 9,who shall invite 10,are looking forward to visiting 练习八 二,badabdabbc 三,1,robbers 2,are planning 3,turning 4,seeing 5,foreighers 6,cheapest 7,surprised 8,will do 9,rain
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