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课题 :Lesson 1 What time is it?教师:罗慧年级:四年级学校:自贡市大安区庙坝镇中心校上课人批注教学目标:1, 掌握并能应用单词“oclock”及句型“What time is it? ”“It is 7 oclock.”Itis time to do sth.”2, 使学生能运用所学语言知识在创设的情景中熟练的交际,并应用于生活。3, 培养学生珍惜时间,热爱生活的良好品德。教学重.难点:1, 学会读整点的钟,并会提问:“What time is it?”,以及作答。2, 掌握有关学生生活的一些单词短语,如go to school, have lunch 等。3, 对新句型“What time is it? ”“It is 7 oclock.”“It is time to do sth.”的理解与运用。教学用具准备:相关单词卡片;教材中歌曲插图;教学挂图;磁带;录音机等。教学过程:1,Warming up:Sing an English song Days of a week2, Review:复习数字1-12的英语单词。首先,教师展示幻灯片上的数字,鼓励学生举手发言读出其英语发音;接着,全班齐声从1数到12.3, 猜谜环节: Can you guess?由教师说出一个跟钟有关的谜语,让学生思考,并猜出答案。当学生回答clock后,切换到下张幻灯片,带领学生拼读这个单词。4, 教师提问:What can we know from the clock?当学生回答正确后,切换到下张幻灯片“time”。教师手拿单词卡,先带读3遍,再随意点几个同学读,纠正不正确的发音。5, Lets learn:先播放Flash动画,再学习新句型“What time is it? ”“It is 7 oclock.”。随后,在屏幕上展示不同的时刻表,问“What time is it? ”, 学生回答。6, Discussion:教师播放幻灯片,引导学生就图展开讨论,这几幅画是以孩子的活动为主线,以时间先后顺序设计的,要求同桌2人进行讨论。A: What time is it?B: It is 7 oclock. It is time to go to school.It is 12 oclock. It is time to have lunch.It is 5 oclock. It is time to play.It is 10 oclock. It is time to go to bed.教会学生使用“It is time to do sth.”句型。7, Lets play:游戏:老狼,老狼,几点钟了?教师让一个同学扮演老狼,再请几个同学扮演小动物,围成一圈,老狼在圈中央,小动物手拉手快速转圈。游戏过程中,教师将实物钟调到不同的整点时刻,老狼根据这个时刻回答小动物的问题。当教师的时钟被调到12点,老狼要说:It is 12 oclock. It is time to have lunch.并开始抓小动物,被抓住的小动物在下一轮游戏中扮演老狼。Animals: Wolf, wolf, what time is it?Wolf: It is one oclock.Animals: Wolf, wolf, what time is it?Wolf: It is three oclock.Animals: Wolf, wolf, what time is it?Wolf: It is twelve oclock. It is time to have lunch.9,Homework:Read the textbook;Copy the words and sentences:time, clock, oclock.go to school, have lunch , go to bed.What time is it? It is 7 oclock.课后反思:
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