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课题 Module 6 The Olympic adventureUnit 3 language in use.课型New课时教学目标AimsTo combine sentences using “too” or “also”. Improve the students writing abilities.To summarize and consolidate “more than ” and the new vocabulary.教学重点polysyllabic comparative degree& adverbs(adv.) 多音节形容词比较级&副词教学难点To use the adverbs correctly.教学方法practice教具准备PPT, pictures 板书设计Module 6 The Olympic adventureUnit 3 language in use.教 学 过 程教师活动学生活动教学设计Step .Revision 1. Help the Ss revise & know some names of the Olympic sports.2. Ask the Ss to compare the Olympic sports using the structure “ is more than ” looking at some pictures.Step . Writing1. Let the Ss choose for themselves.popular exciting difficult tiring cheap dangerousI like _ (running / skiing). _ is more _ than _.I like _ (basketball / cycling). _ is more _ than _.I like _ (table tennis / gymnastics). _ is more _ than _.2. Let the Ss try to write for themselves and their friends.I like _. _ is more _ than _.My friend _ likes _. He thinks it is _ than _.3. Give the Ss two examples to make sure they can join 2 sentences with too or also.Step . Writing practiceShow the Ss two groups of pictures. Divide them into two groups according to their favors to have a competition.1. Do Activity 1 & 2 on Page 36.2. Do Ex. 2 on Page 108 in the WB and then let the Ss to find out the pair words with opposite meanings.Step.Homework1. Make up a dialogue about sports with your partner.2. Finish the exercises in the WB.Whole-class work:Look at the pictures and Answer some questions.Whole-class work:Look at some pictures with the words, say out their opposite words .Group work: Read and discuss the conversation in groups. At last ask some groups to translate the conversation.Pairs work:Make a similar conversations
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