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2022年暑假作业初1答案1-5 cbead 6-10 cbcab 11-15 accbc16. guitar 17. classroom 18. soccer 19. gym 20. teachersii. 笔试局部一、a. 1. second 2. center 3. friendly 4. restaurant 5. rules 6. close b. 1.think of 2. with 3. never 4. get hurt 5. is; over6. across from 7. looking for二、1-5 bcacd 6-10 abacd 11-15 acabd三、a. 1-5 edcfj 6-10 agibh b. 1-5 cdbaf四、1-5 adcba 6-10 cdbcb五、1-5 tfftf 6-10 bbbdb六、1. walk to 2. for lunch 3. is there any 4. far from5. is having 6. which subject does 7. the matter七、a. 1. does tom usually go to school by bike?2. the park is between the bank and the bookstore.b. my school lifemy school life is very interesting. i like it very much. i go to school frommonday to friday. i have seven classes every day. i study english, chinese,math, art, history and some other subjects. i like art best, because its easyand interesting.after school, i often play soccer with my classmates. sometimes i drawpictures with my friends in the park.do you think my school life is very interesting?短文写作评分标准:1. 第1、3 条信息各1分;第2、4 条信息各2分,合计6分。2. 字迹清晰、语言流畅得1分。英语七年级下册暑假作业答案篇二练习一(根底训练)第一题1.d2.h3.e4.f5.i6.a7.j8.c9.b10.g第四题.1.b2.c3.a4.d5.b6.c7.b8.d9.c10.c练习二(力量提高)其次题1.tolive 2.sitting 3.friendly 4.isputting5.teacher
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