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高二(上)牛津Book 6 Unit 3 Understanding each other第19期(Unit 3 Welcome to the unit & Reading部分)词汇点津聚焦participateparticipate是不及物动词,意为“参加,参与;分担,共享”;后跟宾语时,应加介词“in”,为“participate in”。例如:We must participate in the work of building a new town after the earthquake.我们必须参加地震后的新城建设。Whoever wants to participate in the game is welcome.无论谁想参加这个游戏,都欢迎。【扩展】它的词根为“part”意为“部分,角色,部件”。例如:He acted as a part of a thief in the film.他在电影里担当一个小偷的角色。构成的词组:take part in 参加; play an important part t in在方面起到十分重要的作用。例如:Vocational education is playing a more and more important part in the construction of socialism. 职业教育在社会主义建设中起到越来越重要的作用。它的名词形式:“participation”也表示“参加,参与;分担,共享”。与之近义的词组:join in/take part in/share sth. with sb.例如:I often join the students in the discussion of understanding the text in class.我在课上经常参与和学生来理解课文的讨论。The young students should take an active part in social practice.青年学生应该积极参加社会实践活动。Let me share the responbility of looking after the disabled children with you.让我与你一起分担照料这些残疾孩子的责任吧。即时训练:根据所给中文完成下列句子。1. Each time I pass the playground, I always try _(参与比赛) of playing basketball with the students.2. _(老师们的参加) made the classmates discuss about the question more actively.3. During the tour around Suzhou, we had the _(共享快乐与和谐) together.4. Lets _(共享幸福分担忧伤)with the disable.5Jack, come here. Please_(加入我们一起做这个实验), will you?Keys: 1.participating in the game/match 2.The teachers paritcipation 3.participation of the joy and harmony4.participate in/share happiness and sadness 5.join us in doing the experimentadjust toadjust to是一个动词词组,它有三层含义:1.使适应,使适于例如:I think I have finally adjusted myself to the new conditions.我想我自己终于适应新的环境了。2.调整,调节,整顿例如:Students should learn to adjust their own mood to the changing of environments.学生们应该学会随着环境的变化来调整他们自己的情绪。3.校正,修正例如:I have just adjusted my watch to the time of the CCTV. 我刚刚对着中央电视台的时间来校正我的手表。【扩展】adjusted adj. 已能适应的 He is an adjusted new comer in our class. 在我们班上,他是一个已能适应学习的新生。adjustable adj. 可适应的;可调整的 The arrangement of the travelling may be adjustable. 这次旅行的安排上可以调整的。adjustment n.调整,调节,校正,修理 As a teacher, the adjustment of mood is of great importance in class.作为教师,在课堂上情绪的调节是很重要的。即时训练:用适当的词填空。1. I have already _the arrangement of teaching to the tabletime of our school.2. Teachers should learn _their own feelings to the changing of teaching and learning in class.3. I find that I have finally _following the new customs there since I lived in America ten years ago.4. Though Jack is a new naughty comer, with the help of the teachers and classmates he will surely become an_ student in our class.5. The design of the activities of the Art Festival may be_after the hot discussion in our school.6.As an actor,_ of the mood and feelings is of great necessary when they act out in a play or a film.Keys: 1.adjusted 2.to adjust 3.adjusted myself to 4.adjusted 5.adjustable 6.adjustmentattend, join & take part in辨析attend, join & take part in:都有“参加”的意思,但又有区别。attend: 意思是“参加会议,上课;专心,护理”。它构成的词组为“attend to”,意为“专心,护理”。例如:Sorry, I wont go to Nanjing, for I have an important meeting to attend today.对不起,我将不去南京;因为我今天有一个重要的会议要参加。 Next term Miss Li isnt going to attend English classes instead of Japanese. 下学期,李小姐将上英语课而不上日语课。 The lovely children are well attended to by the nurses in the kindgarden. 这些可爱的孩子在幼儿园里被护士们照料得很好。take part in: 表示“参加各种各样的活动”的意思,侧重于非正规的社会活动,近义词组为“participate in(参与)”。 例如:Now students are taking part in the activities of learning from Lei Feng and Tree-planting. 现在学生们正参加学雷锋和植树活动。 Teacher Huang often participates in the program of Talk-show with DJ on TV. 黄老师经常和主持人参与在电视上的脱口秀节目。 If a man participates in a wedding reception, he has to sit with the brideroom. 假如一位男子参与一次婚礼接待工作,他就得和新郎坐在一起。join: 意思是“加入正规的组织”,加入时需办理严格的手续;还有“连接、联合”之意。它构成的词组为“join sb.in sth./doing sth.”:临时或中间插入某些人中来一起参加某一活动。例如:Yao Ming joined the club of MBA in America a few years ago.姚明几年前就加入了美国MBA俱乐部。 The two rivers join together at the city , running into the sea. 这两条河在这座城市连接相会,流向大海。 Would you please join us in playing cards now? 现在你是否愿意加入我们一起打牌?即时训练:根据句意选择合适的单词。1.Jack, where are you going? Come here, and _us in the basketball game, will you?2.Im going to _the English class this afternoon, so I wont _the meeting instead.3.I always_ all kinds of social activities in or after school; as a result ,our headmaster always asks me to_ the Chinese Communist Party.4.Headmaster_the discussion about the planning of our study with us yesterday.5.The workers are _ to their work attentively.6.The lazy boys _ together in a gang when they gave up their study.Keys: 1.join 2.attend/attend 3.take part in/
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