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二年级沪教版下册英语填空题实验学校习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用所给词适当形式填空。1Mike_(go) to the zoo tomorrow.2David and Tom_(be) in Class One.3Today he isnt_(play) football.4Now we are_(help) Uncle Wang.5Today my mother is_(go) shopping.6_they_(like) the World Cup?2. 将下列句子补充完整。1.Heis_hishomework.(他正在做功课呢)2.He_hishomework.(他不是在做功课)3.Sheis_.(他正在睡觉)4.Sam_tidyhisroom.(Sam不在整理他的房间)5._?(他在干嘛)3. 看图写单词。4. 将下列句子补充完整。1.Its_.(这是夏天)2.Ilike_.(我喜欢跑步)3.Whatdoyoulike_inwinter?(你喜欢在冬天做什么)4.Whatstheweather_inspring?(春天的天气怎么样)5.Itisraining,_.(它也下雨)5. 看图读一读,选择相应的对话。A. Can you swim? Yes.B. Your mouth is big. My mouth is small.C. Goodbye, Mum. Goodbye, Sam.( ) ( )( )6. 图文配对,连一连。orange A.yellow B.green C.7. 根据图片,选出正确的单词。1.Can you see a_(bus/car/ship)?Yes.2.Touch this. Is it_(hard/soft)?Yes.3.What colour is the tree?Its_(blue/green/red).4.What do you see?I see_(four/five/six)chicks.5.Look at the dog. Its_(brown/black/yellow).8. 根据英文选择对应的中文。( )mother A. 爸爸( )father B. 爷爷( )grandmother C. 奶奶( )grandfather D. 妈妈9. 选出不同类的词。( )nicesuperfoodyummy( )fishpotatoestomatoescarrots10. 圈出不同类的单词。A. plate B. table C. desk D. chairA. blue B. white C. bright D. red11. 选择不同类的单词。( )A. big B. small C. tall D. dog( )A. Danny B. Mary C. bag D. Eddie12. 选词填空。What Where1A:_do you do on Sundays? B: I go swimming on Sundays.2A:_do you play football? B: At the park.3A:_do you live? B: I live in Shanghai.4A:_do you do on Sundays? B: I play football.13. 选择英文对应的翻译。( )vegetable A. 水( )fish B. 鱼( )water C. 蔬菜14. 图文配对。 A. Its very cold in winter B. My favourite season is spring. C. It is summer.15. 看图,读句子,找出与句子内容相符的图片,将其标号填在括号里。AB C DE F G H()1.Hello!ImUncleBooky.()2.Thisisadog.()3.Thatisagiraffe.()4.Thisisalovelyflower.()5.Thisisaninsect.()6.Oh!Thisisanegg.()7.Thatisagoat.()8.Itsmyhand.16. 选出不同类的单词。( )A. stop B. go C. light( )A. bus B. ride C. bicycle( )A. garden B. yellow C. green17. 完成下列对话。1_is fast?2A: Who_slow?B: The turtle_slow.3A:_is fast?B: The rabbit_fast.页码 / 总页数
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