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双语文章12856Tim Ferriss: Tech Has Too Much Dumb Capital 涓鍛伐浣滃洓灏忔椂涓嶆槸姊? If anyone gets the entrepreneurs plight, its Tim Ferriss. The East Hampton, N.Y.-raised, Princeton-educated author once worked in sales at a data storage company before starting a sports nutrition supplement company and penning The 4-Hour Workweek in 2007. The controversial New York Times bestseller inculcated readers to Ferrisss lifestyle design principle, serving up ways to optimize the work day and increase quality of life. Its success established him as a self-help guru and paved the way for a follow-up in 2010. Last fall, he created a stir as the first major author to sign with Amazon (AMZN) Publishing to distribute The 4-Hour Chef. At the same time, Ferriss also kept his eye on the tech scene. To date, he has invested in and advises over 30 tech companies, from Facebook (FB) and Twitter to Uber and TaskRabbit. 濡傛灉璇存湁璋佽兘浜嗚鍒涗笟鐨勮壈杈涳紝杩欎釜浜洪潪钂傚鈥彶鍒柉鑾睘銆傝繖浣嶆垚闀夸簬绾界害涓滄眽鏅】鍖猴紝姣曚笟浜庢櫘鏋楁柉椤垮瀛紙Princeton锛夌殑浣滃鏇炬槸涓瀹舵暟鎹瓨鍌叕鍙哥殑閿鍞汉鍛橈紝涔嬪悗杩樺紑杩囦竴瀹惰繍鍔惀鍏诲搧鍏徃銆?007骞达紝浠栧嚭鐗堜簡銆婃瘡鍛伐浣滃洓灏忔椂銆嬶紙The 4-Hour Workweek锛夈傝繖鏈功鎴愪负銆婄航绾椂鎶嬶紙New York Times锛夌殑鏈鐣呴攢钁椾綔锛屼絾涔熷紩璧蜂簡寰堝浜夎銆傚畠鏋佸姏鍚戣鑰呮帹鑽愯彶鍒柉鐨勨滅敓娲绘柟寮忚璁濆師鍒欙紝杩樻彁鍑轰簡浼樺寲宸綔鏃堕棿锛屾彁楂樼敓娲昏川閲忕殑鏂规硶銆傝繖鏈功鐨勬垚鍔熻鑿插埄鏂垚浜嗚嚜鍔甯堬紝杩樹负浠栧湪2010骞村嚭鐗堝悗缁綔鍝侀摵骞充簡閬撹矾銆傚幓骞寸澶紝鑿插埄鏂拰浜氶閫婂浘涔嚭鐗堥儴闂mazon Publishing绛惧畾鍚堝悓锛岀敱鍚庤呭彂琛屼粬鐨勬柊涔婃瘡鍛笅鍘洓灏忔椂銆嬶紙The 4-Hour Chef锛夛紝鎴愪负鐭悕浣滃涓涓涓悆铻冭煿鐨勪汉锛岃桨鍔竴鏃躲傚悓鏃讹紝鑿插埄鏂繕鎶婃敞鎰忓姏鏀惧湪浜嗙鎶棰嗗煙銆傛埅鑷崇洰鍓嶏紝浠栨墍鎶曡祫鎴栨媴浠婚【闂殑绉戞妧鍏徃宸茬粡瓒呰繃30瀹讹紝鍏朵腑鍖呮嫭Facebook銆乀witter銆佺杞綉绔橴ber鍜岀綉涓婂姵鍔競鍦篢askRabbit銆? Fortune caught up with Ferris at the launch of the digital lifestyle brand InsideHook in San Francisco, where the former national Chinese kickboxing champion (yes, really) reflected upon his Amazon flirtation, why hes on hiatus from investing, and why another book isnt coming any time soon. 鏈垔璁拌呭熸暟瀛楁椂灏氬搧鐗孖nsideHook鍦棫閲戝北涓捐鍙戝竷浼氱殑鏈轰細鍜岃彶鍒柉鍏辫繘浜嗗崍椁愩傝繖浣嶆浘缁忕殑鍏編鏁墦鍐犲啗锛堟病閿欙紝浠栫湡鐨勬槸鏁墦鍐犲啗锛夎皥鍒颁簡浠栧拰浜氶閫婄粨缂樼殑杩囩锛岃閲婁簡浠栦负浠涔堟殏鍋滄姇璧勬椿鍔互鍙婁粬杩戞湡涓嶄細鎺嚭鏂颁功鐨勫師鍥犮? Fortune: You told me earlier that 250 pages were cut from the 4-Hour Chef. Feel free to disagree, but Id heard you werent happy with Amazon. Is that true? 銆婅储瀵屻嬶細浣犱箣鍓嶆浘缁忓憡璇夎繃鎴戯紝銆婃瘡鍛笅鍘洓灏忔椂銆嬭繖鏈功琚爫鎺変簡250椤点傝鎭曟垜鐩磋锛屾垜鍚浣犲浜氶閫婁笉鏄緢婊剰銆傛槸鐪熺殑鍚楋紵 Ferriss: There were many things I was more than happy with, but I think everyone underestimated the irrational backlash from big box retailers that would come of Amazon Publishing. That wasnt the fault of Amazon, and I dont blame Amazon for that. We understood the risks going in. So as the opportunity presented itself, I made the decision to pull the trigger. I take responsibility for that. On the digital side, Amazon executed fantastically. We anticipated that Barnes &Noble (BKS) would boycott. We did not anticipate that Target (TGT), Costco (COST), Wal-Mart (WMT), and so on would boycott. 鑿插埄鏂細 鏈夊緢澶氫簨鎯呴兘璁垜婊剰鐨勪笉寰椾簡锛屼絾鎴戞兂澶閮戒綆浼颁簡澶瀷闆跺敭鍟嗗Amazon Publishing鍋氬嚭鐨勯潪鐞嗘縺鐑堝弽搴斻傝繖涓嶆槸浜氶閫婄殑閿欙紝鍦繖涓鐐逛笂鎴戜笉鎬簹椹娿傚綋鏃舵垜浠煡閬撴湁鍝簺椋庨櫓銆傛墍浠綋鏈轰細鍑虹幇鏃讹紝鎴戝喅瀹氭斁鎵嬩竴鎼忥紝璐换涔熺敱鎴戞潵鎵挎媴銆備簹椹婂湪鏁板瓧棰嗗煙鎵鐨勯潪甯稿銆傛垜浠璁細閬埌鍥句功闆跺敭鍟咮arnes &Noble鐨勬姷鍒躲備絾鎴戜滑娌兂鍒板鍚夌壒锛圱arget锛夈佸甯傚锛圕ostco锛夊拰娌冨皵鐜涳紙Wal-Mart锛夎繖浜涢浂鍞晢涔熶細鎶靛埗鎴戜滑銆? The landscape is changing so quickly, but the experiment itself taught me a lot. It was like getting an MBA in the next wave of publishing. With the next book, would I do Amazon? Would I do traditional? Would I do a mixture? Would I do self-publishing? I dont know. 鎯呭喌鍙樺寲鐨勯潪甯稿揩锛岃繖娆粡鍘嗗垯鏁欎細浜嗘垜寰堝涓滆銆傚氨濂藉儚涓嬫鍑轰功鏃舵垜灏辫兘锛堟嬁鍒颁竴涓級MBA瀛綅銆備笅涓鏈功鎴戜細鎵句簹椹婂悧锛熸垜浼氶噰鐢紶缁熸柟寮忓悧锛熻繕鏄妸浜岃呯粨鍚堣捣鏉紵杩樻槸鑷繁鍑虹増锛熸垜涓嶇煡閬撱? Part of the reason Im not doing a new book in the immediate, foreseeable future is that I think theres going to be a bloodbath or arms race over say, the next 24 months, and I want to wait until the dust settles. I wouldnt underestimate Amazon! chuckles And as a traditional publisher, I would also say, I wouldnt get myopically focused on Amazon when there are at least a dozen startups you should also be concerned with. If youre not going to innovate, I would do so while theyre less expensive 鈥? 鏈杩戞垜涓嶄細鍑虹増鏂颁功锛岄儴鍒嗗師鍥犳槸鎴戣涓哄湪鎺笅鏉殑澶24涓湀閲屼細鍑虹幇澶睜鏉鎴栬呭啗澶囩珵璧涢偅鏍风殑鍦洪潰锛屾垜鎯充竴鐩寸瓑鍒板皹鍩冭惤瀹氥傛垜涓嶄細浣庝及浜氶閫婏紒锛堣交绗戯級鑰屼笖浣滀负涓鍚嶄紶缁熷嚭鐗堜汉锛屾垜杩樿璇达紝鐜板湪鑷冲皯杩樻湁鍗佸嚑瀹跺垵鍒涘瀷浼佷笟鍊煎緱鍏虫敞锛屾垜涓嶄細鐩厜鐭祬鍦版妸鎵鏈夋敞鎰忓姏閮介泦涓湪浜氶閫婅韩涓娿傚鏋滀綘涓嶆墦绠楀垱鏂帮紝鎴戝氨浼氳繖涔堝仛锛岃秮鎴愭湰杩樹笉閭箞楂樷? - and not Amazon. 鈥屼笖涓嶆槸閫氳繃浜氶閫娿? Exactly. 娌敊銆? In other words, dont expect another Tim Ferriss book within the next one to two years. 鎹彞璇濊锛屼粖鍚庝竴銆佷袱骞撮兘鍒寚鏈涘啀鐪嬪埌钂傚鈥彶鍒柉鐨勬柊浣滀簡銆? I dont think so. I mean, never say never, but I would be exceptionally surprised if I were to have a book come out in the next year or two. 鎴戜笉杩欎箞鎯炽傛垜鏄锛屽嚒浜嬫病鏈夌粷瀵癸紝浣嗗鏋滄槑骞存垨鍚庡勾鑳藉嚭涔殑璇濓紝鎴戜細鎰熷埌鏍煎鎯婅銆? So if youre not writing another book, what are you working on? 閭箞锛屽鏋滀綘涓嶆墦绠楀啀鍐欐湰涔紝浣犱細蹇欎簺浠涔堝憿锛? I cant give you a lot of detail, but Im going to be executive producing and hosting my own TV show on primetime. 鎴戜笉鑳藉憡璇変綘澶缁嗚妭锛屾垜鍙兘璇存垜灏嗗湪鑷繁鐨勯粍閲戞椂闂存鐢佃鑺傜洰涓媴浠绘墽琛屽埗鐗囧拰涓绘寔浜恒? When can we ex
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