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汉语“给”和越语“cho”的对比研究姓名:莫锦簪导 师:范先钢 副教授专业:语言学及应用语言学研究方向:现代汉语语法年级:2006级内容摘要:本文通过对汉越对应词 - “给”和“cho”的对比,着力探讨二者在语义及其用法上的异同,同时对越南学生学“给”字句的习得偏误进行统计分析。全文共分五个部分。第一部分是引言。介绍“给”和“cho”的本体研究及对比研究概况,提出本文拟研究的问题及方法。第二部分是动词的“给”和“cho”对比。我们以两个词的语法意义为线索,探索其用法的异同。主要结论:(1)表示“给予”义的“给”和“cho”在句法上可形成双宾结构和连动结构,在这些结构中“给”和“cho”的用法大同小异。(2)表示“容许”义的“给”和“cho”在句法上可形成兼语结构,二者的用法也是大同小异。(3)汉语的动词“给”有“致使”义,越语没有。(4)越语的动词“cho”还有“使对象位移”、“认为、估计”及“支配、操纵”等义,汉语没有。第三部分是介词的“给”和“cho”对比。我们主要以“给”和“cho”组成的介词短语的句法功能为线索,探索其用法的异同。主要结论:(1)介词短语在动词后时,“给”字介词短语是充当补语而“cho”字介词短语却是充当状语成分,但它们有相同的S1句式:(Ns)+ V + 给/cho + N1 + N2。在该句式中“给”和“cho”的用法大同小异。(2)介词短语在动词之前时,充当状语的“给”字介词短语与其他成分一起形成S2句式:(Ns)+ 给N1 + V+ N2。(3)介词短语处在句尾时,“cho”字介词短语作状语成分,形成S3句式:(Ns)+ NP/VP/Acho + NP/VP/A;对VP、NP和A做出不同的选择,句子所表示的语义也不同。(4)“cho”字介词短语还可以处在名词之后作定语,汉语“给”字介词短语无此用法。(5)介词结构中宾语的形式和语义类别,两种语言有所不同。(6)两种语言都有省略介词和句中动词的现象。第四部分是助词的“给”和“cho”对比。助词“给”和“cho”在句中都有加强语气的作用,但出现的位置不同:汉语的助词“给”出现在谓语动词前,越语的助词“cho”出现在谓语动词后。第五部分是越南学生习得汉语“给”字句的偏误分析。我们通过问卷调查得到偏误现象的材料和数据,并将偏误现象归纳为二大类七小类进行分析,偏误原因主要是汉语“给”字句知识不足所致,其次是受“cho”字句影响。本文的创新之处在于:(1)首次全面系统地对“给”和“cho”进行了对比,揭示了二者的异同和对应规律。(2)对越南学生“给”字句偏误进行调查统计,分类并指出其特点。关键词:“给”;“cho”;动词;介词;助词;对比Chinese gei and Vietnamese choA Comparative Study Name: Mac Cam TramSupervisor: Fan XiangangField: Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Major: Rhetoric and GrammarGrade: 2006Abstract: This paper, through the more equivalents of the Chinese - gei and cho in contrast, efforts to explore and use both on the semantic similarities and differences of the Vietnamese students at the same time gei everything to the acquisition errors statistical analysis.The full text is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction. Introduction gei and cho Ontology research and comparative study of the profile of the study raised the question of this paper and methods. The second part is the verb gei and cho comparison. We have two words for clues to the grammatical meaning, and explore the similarities and differences between its use. The main conclusions: (1) that to justice gei and cho syntax can be formed in the double object structure and the structure of linkage in these structures gei and cho is used more or less the same. (2) that allow justice gei and cho can be formed in the syntax and language structure, usage of the two are similar. (3) Chinese verb gei yes result, justice, not Vietnamese. (4) more of the verb phrase cho and so that the object displacement, believes, it is estimated and domination, manipulation,such as justice, not Chinese. The third part is the preposition gei and cho comparison. We mainly gei cho, composed of the syntactic functions of prepositional phrases for clues, and explore the similarities and differences between its use. The main conclusions: (1) when the prepositional phrase after the verb, gei the word is to serve as a complement prepositional phrase and cho word adverbial prepositional phrase is acting as ingredients, but they have the same S1 sentence: (Ns) + V + gei / cho + N1 + N2. In the sentence in the gei and cho is used more or less the same. (2) prepositional phrase before the verb, the act as the adverbial gei prepositional phrase words together with the other ingredients to form S2 sentence: (Ns) + gei + N1 + V + N2. (3) at the end of the sentence in a prepositional phrase, cho word adverbial prepositional phrase for composition, the formation of S3 sentence: (Ns) + NP / VP / A + cho + NP / VP / A. Serve as the adverbial gei and cho word prepositional phrases in different positions in the sentence, the semantics of that are also different. (4) cho word in the prepositional phrase can also be made after the attributive noun, Chinese gei not use the word prepositional phrase. (5) The object of the preposition in the form of structural and semantic categories, the two languages are different. (6) in two languages to omit prepositions and sentence have the phenomenon of the verb. The fourth part is the particle gei and cho comparison. Particle gei and cho in the sentence have to strengthen the role of tone, but appear different: the Chinese particle gei before the verb in the predicate, the more the particle phrase cho appears in the predicate after the verb. PART V Acquisition of Chinese students in Vietnam gei Error Analysis of the words. We have been through a questionnaire survey bias phenomenon materials and data, and bias is summed up in two major categories of the seven categories for analysis, bias due mainly to Chinese gei the words attributed to lack of knowledge, followed by the cho affect everything. Innovation of this article is: (1) the first comprehensive system of gei and cho were compared, revealing both the similarities and differences and the corresponding laws. (2) of the Vietnamese students gei bias words carry out
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