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文档供参考,可复制、编制,期待您的好评与关注! 2012年小学毕业英语模拟试卷(时量:60分钟 满分:100分)姓 名班 次准考证号考室编号座位号学 校学 号装订线内不要答题,装订线外不要写姓名等,违者试卷作O分处理亲爱的同学,经过四年的学习,你一定学到了很多的英语知识。请用你的智慧展示自己,让悉心培育你的老师与父母为你骄傲!好好表现吧!一、我能写漂亮的英文字 抄写下列单词和句子。(10分) angry mooncake foolish earth When did Peter go to the library?二、我能补全单词 选择答案,使单词拼写正确。(10分)( ) 1. moth_ A. ss B. er ( ) 2. t_k A. al B. ll ( ) 3. doct_ A. er B. or ( ) 4. l_st A. ou B. ea ( ) 5. be_ er A. tt B. t 三、我能完成句子 选择答案,使句子意思完整。(30分)( ) 1. The children playing in the park. A. is B. are ( ) 2. My singing is than yours. A. loud B. louder ( ) 3. I like teacher. A. me B. my ( ) 4. Anne wanted to on the paper. A. draw B. drawing( ) 5.Kate is interested singing.A. in B. at六年级英语模拟试卷第1页(共4页) 六年级英语模拟试卷第2页(共4页)( ) 6.Our earth like a mooncake. A. look B. looks( ) 7. listen to a song. A. Lets B. Lets ( ) 8. It is raining . A. heavily B. heavy ( ) 9. Which book you like,Peter? A. does B. do ( ) 10. Can you give me some ? A. milk B. milks四.给图画配上标题或说明 找出符合图片内容的正确选项。(20分)1、( )A、Peter goes to school at seven. B、Peter wakes up at six. 2、( )21A、The cup of tea is too hot.B、This is a cake.3、( )A、Christmas treeB、present344、( )A、Its seven thirty. B、Tony is taller than John.5、( )A、The girls are going to swim. B、The girls are singing.56、( ) A、Look at the clock.B、The boy became angry.7、( )6A、wake upB、go home8、( )A、This is a box. B、The boys are playing noisily.789、( )A、pick up B、throwat10、( )A、My sister is reading. 9B、The boy is biting his foot.10五、情景交际 我能根据所给情景选择合理的交际句子。(20分)( )1. 当你想了解对方什么时候上学时,可这样说: A.What time do you go to school? B.Lets go home.( )2.你想约你的朋友去公园野餐,可这样说: A. Would you like some mooncakes? B. Lets go to the park for a picnic! ( )3. 当你想对别人说圣诞节祝福语时,说: A. Merry Christmas. B. Happy New Year. ( )4. 医生见到病人常说的一句话是: A. Whats the matter with you? B. No talking.( )5. 你想问对方年龄时,说: A. How old are you? B.Whats your name?六年级英语模拟试卷第3页(共4页) 六年级英语模拟试卷第4页(共4页)( )6. 当你犯错误时,应该向别人道歉时说: A. I dont know. B. Im sorry.( )7. 你打算去做什么?应该这样问: A. What are you going to do? B.Where is he going?( )8. 想知道这是谁的铅笔盒时,说: A. Whose pencil-box is this? B.Whats that?( )9. 你想别人什么时候过生日时说: A. Whens your birthday? B.Whats this?( )10. 当你看见明明正朝一只狗扔石头时连忙制止时说: A. He is tired. B.Dont throw stones at the dog,Mingming!六、我能读文章 判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” (10分)There are many students in the school now. They want to do many things. Some boys want to play football or fly kites. Some girls want to draw pictures. Jim and Mike like to play computer games. Bill is mending his bike. Kate wants to help Miss Gao carry the books. The twins like go speak Chinese with Meimei.( ) 1. There are many students in the park.( ) 2. Some boys want to fly kites.( ) 3. Mike doesnt like to play computer games.( ) 4. Bill wants to mend the bike for his teacher.( ) 5. Kate is going to carry the books for her teacher,Miss Gao.恭喜你答完了全卷,仔细检查一遍,也许你有意外的收获哦! /
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