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牛津小学英语6A Unit6 Holidays教学设计教学过程Step1.Warming up1. Watch a short flash:Halloween scream.(课前播放英语小故事,让学生放松心情,调节紧张的课堂气氛,并且通过故事学生能更好的了解万圣节的欢庆方式,为后面的教学做好铺垫。)2. Free talkT: What day/date is it today?T: Boys and girls,we saw a flash just now.Look,the little children dress up in costumes on that holiday!Do you know what holiday it is?Ss: Halloween.Step2.Presentation1. T: Halloween is a western festival.它是个西方节日。Its a western festival.(Teach:festival fes-ti-val,分音节教授)Ss: Festival.(Listen,imitate and read) T:Whens Halloween?(板书) S: Its on the 31st of October. T:Yes,its in October.What do people usually do at Halloween?(板书) People means人们Peach-pe,apple-ple,people!(Teach:people,组词拼读) S:(学生有可能会回答)Buy some masks,have a party,make pumpkin lanterns T:Yes.Before going to a party,people usually dress up in costumes.(Show the picture to teach “dress up in costumes”.) Ss:(Learn and follow) T:Lets listen to an English song:This is Halloween.Maybe itll make you excited or scared.(通过这首歌曲让学生感受万圣节的或兴奋或惊恐的节日气氛,缓和疲劳的情绪。)2. T:(Show the screen)Look,Mike is dressing up in costumes and hes calling YangLing in America.Lets listen to them. M:Hi,YangLing.Were having a Halloween party now.The children all dress up in costumes.Im also dressed up as a duck.Its great funY:Oh,really?Did you dress up in costumes last Halloween?M:No, I didnt.I was in Beijing last year.Y:I see.And there are some Chinese traditional(传统的) festivals in China,too.We have Spring Festival,Mid-Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival.T:(Show the picture of Spring Festival)Can you guess what fesitval it is from this picture?Ss:春节。T:Yes,its Spring Festival.(Teach:Spring Festival.)Whens Spring Festival? S:Its on the 1st of January. T:No,Its on the 1st day of the first month in the Lunar calendar. 农历一月初一。We can say: Spring Festival is in January or February. What do people usually do at Spring Festival?If you cant say in English,you can say it in Chinese.(在用英语无法表达时,允许学生用中文来补充。) S: 放鞭炮/拜年/吃年夜饭。 T:Yes.We usually visit relatives and friends Relative means your parents,uncle,aunt,cousin,grandparents and so on.It means?Ss:(引导学生说出答案)It means亲戚!T:(Teach: relative re-la-tive) What do people usually do at Spring Festival? S: They visit relatives and friends. T: They also eat lots of delicious food.(扮演出正在吃美味食物的样子)Here“delicious”means“nice”. (Teach:delicious de-li-cious) What do people usually do at Spring Festival? S: They eat a lot of delicious food. T: Did you eat a lot of delicious food at Spring Festival?Ss: Yes,I do.T: I think you should say:Yes,I did.(Mid-Autumn Festival和Dragon Boat Festival教法同上。) 3.(教完以上四个节日后,CAI播放Mike的声音) M:Chinese Festivals are very interesting.But my favourite holiday is Childrens Day.I can play,I like playing.Aha! Y:We also have Childrens Day. I like it,too. T:Boys and girls,do you like Childrens Day?(Teach:Childrens Day) Ss:Yes,I do. T:What do people usually do on Childrens Day? S:They play with friends. T:Did you play with friends last Childrens Day? S:Yes,I did.4. The usage of “at” and “on”T: Look at the phrases carefully and find the rule by yourselves.Then tell me when we use the preposition “on” before the holiday. (on the screen you can see “on” and “Day” flashing )at Halloween at Christmas on New Years Dayat Spring Festival at Spring Festival on May Day at Dragon Boat Festival at Easter on Childrens Day S: We use “on” before “Day”.T:Very good.Can you add “on”or “at” in front of them?_ Thanksgiving Day _Qinming Festival_Lantern Festival _National Day Ss:Yes,we canStep3.Consolidation1. 根据多媒体播放的声音,由听到的时间抢答出相应节日的名称。Eg:多媒体播放声音Its in May or June. 学生立即回答Dragon Boat Festival.2.分别在屏幕上出示声音或图片::(1)播放鞭炮的响声;(2)扮成女巫和南瓜的化装舞会;(3)播放赛龙舟时的喊号声;(4)一盒月饼。(5)孩子们手牵手玩耍T:Can you guess:What holiday is it?(通过听觉和视觉的双重训练,巩固所学知识。)Step4.Practice1.(Show four pictures about Part C)T:Can you use the sentences on the blackboard to make up dialogues in pairs? T:Whens Spring Festival? S:Its in January or February. T: What do people usually do at Spring Festival? S:They eat lots of delicious food. T:Did you eat lots of delicious food last Spring Festival? S:Yes,I did.(Picture1 T-S;Picture2,3,4 S-S)Step5.Group work1. T: Lets divide our class into 8 groups,each group should finish your form together. Chinese holidaysHolidayWhen?What do people usually do?Eat moon cakesLantern FestivalGift money(压岁钱)On the 1st of OctoberWestern holidays(西方节日)HolidayWhen?What do people usually do?Make pumpkin lanternsEasterThanksgivingOn the 25th of DecemberInternational holidays(国际节日)HolidayWhen?What do people usually do?On the 1s
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