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三年级人教新起点英语下学期连词成句考点知识练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. her, homework, this, is (.)2. 连词成句。1has It a long nose(.)2giraffe Look at the(.)3you like Do grapes(?)4car my is Where(?)3. Hi, Tina, Im, (, .)4. 连词成句。1pencil box, is, where, my (?)2the, elephant, at, look (.)3under, chair, the, Its (.)4is, that, who, woman (?)5you, from, are, where (?)5. Sam you Hi Are (. ? )6. cowItsa (.)7. you, will, play, football, on, Sunday, (?)(连词成句)8. bag, Open, your (.)9. comes,in,it,October (.)10. name, Sarah, is, my (.)11. earsIhavetwo (只写序号)_.12. herechildrenCome (,) (.)(写序号)13. What, that, is (?)14. Are,Su Hai,you, (?) (写序号)_15. 连词成句。1your, head, your, hands, put, on, (.)2milk, like, breakfast, for, I, (.)3I, drink, want, to, (.)4wolf, out, the, sheep, the, pulls, (.)5a, river, in, fish, lives, a, (.)16. Open, eyes, your, (.)17. isHebrothermy.(只写序号)18. have, I, pencil, a, (.)19. it, is, a, dog (?)20. I, football, like (喜欢足球)21. at, my, shoulder, look (.)22. door, is, The, green, (.)23. 连词成句。1in storybook What is your (?)2you bread Do like (?)3skirt that your Is (?)4go to school Lets (.)5hamburgers like dont I (.)24. blue, is, in, the, it, bag (.)25. a big turtle What(!)26. warm,spring,is(.)27. 连词成句。1. cats many How do see you ?2. crayons have You 16.3. one bird The a black is4. is and Ten eight eighteen5. many you do kites have How28. your, show, eraser, me (.)29. a car toy Its (.)30. my, This, grandpa, is (.)31. fromImUKthe.(只写序号)32. fat, That, is, man (.)33. 连词成句。1you, This, Helen, is, for, doll (, .)2that, is, What (?)3red, Its, and, blue (.)4my, is, new, This, ball (.)5this, colour, CD, is, What (?)页码 / 总页数
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