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金融英语口语大全第33期:Insurance新单词loadv.n.载货,货物lorryn 运货大卡车hi-jackv.劫write-offsn.废物gangn.一群坏人braken.刹车steepadj.陡峭的(损失)cover.v.被赔偿(损失)blanketadj.全套的underwritev.承保jamv.挤碎salvagev.抢救repaintv 重新油漆dentn.凹处Phrases & Expressions短语vehicle insurer车辆保险局filing cabinet文件柜firm of adjusters调解人公司,估价公司make the claim提出索赔要求W:Good morning, Mr. Martin. Are you looking for me?怀:早上好,马丁先生,您找我吗?M:Yes. Have you heard any more about our lorries?马:是的。我们的货车有什么新消息吗?W:Yes. The vehicle insurances say the lorries are complete writeoffs.怀:有的,车辆保险局说两辆货车完全没用了。The gang took the brakes off and let them go over the side of a steep hill.那伙歹徒把刹车卸掉,让车从陡崖上滑下去。M:I hope we are covered all right.马:我盼望保险索赔没问题。W:Yes, we are.怀:没问题。M:What about our office desks and filing cabinets in the lorries?马:那我们货车上的办公桌和文件柜呢?W:Well, now, apparently, the insurance of the load is not so simple.怀:嗯,现在,很明显,车上货物的索赔可不那么简洁。I informed our insurance brokers as soon as the theft was reported.我一知道劫车的事就通知了我们的保险经纪人。As you know, all goods delivered for us within the country are covered by a blanket insurance policy.您知道,全部在国内运输的货物,我们都保了综合险。M:Who underwrote the policy? Lloyds, wasn”t it?马:向谁保险,是劳埃德保险公司吧?W:Yes, we are insured with a syndicate of Lloyds underwriters.怀:是的,一家劳埃德联合企业,Someone from a firm of adjusters is going up to inspect the damaged goods tomorrow and give an opinion about their values.调解公司要派一个人明天观察车上受损的货物,好报一个索赔数。M:Well. What”s the problem? They won”t make any difficulty about paying up, surely?马:噢有什么问题吗?他们不会不愿意赔偿吧?W:Well, it could be difficult. Our insurers seem to think the desks and chairs may not be too badly damaged.怀:可能有点儿困难。我们的保险商好像认为那些桌椅损伤得不厉害。M:I think someome from the factory ought to go up and give us an opinion of the damage.马:我认为我们该派个人去,看看东西受损程度如
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