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8A Unit1-2 复习整合导学卷长兴中学 胡希敏一. 选材说明:本课时选取8A U1和U2 内容作为载体, 通过听说读写的训练对关于计划和给建议的话题进行复习和巩固.二. 目标说明1. 能力目标(1)理解记忆并能运用下列词汇, 短语和结构1. 重点词汇raise, offer, suffer, serious, , disabled, illness, lonely , joy, peace, pay, accept, meaning, gesture, message, bored, part-time, lady , matter, hold, later, nod, shake , sure2. 重点词组in need, voluntary work, ask permission, suffer from , raise ones spirits, in order to, have difficulty (in) doing sth., body language, take place, sit up, make a good impression on, remind sb. about sth. 3.重点句子1. Three teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays.2. The children there all suffer from serious illnesses.3. We taught them to tell stories.4. I want to help disabled children.5. They have difficulty walking or moving.6. We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits.7. I will continue to do voluntary work in the future.(2) 能够通过谈论义工工作的准备. 复习谈论计划和给建议的话题;(3). 能够通过写一篇关于义工工作的日记, 达到写作训练目的 .2. 本课重点: 1). 巩固单元词汇和重点句子; 2). 以李华所写的一篇他和同学们探访养老院的日记作为载体,进行听说训练; 3). 写一篇关于义工工作的日记,通过训练写作, 进一步巩固单元重点句子.3. 本课难点: 运用单元词汇及重点句子, 写一篇关于义工工作的日记.三. 学习过程(一). 词汇检测【思路】词汇检测, 检查学生课前的复习工作. 时间考虑5分钟.【材料】一. 单词拼写 1. In America, many students would like to do p_ jobs after school to make some pocket money.2. We all felt b_ because he talked about his new house again and again.3. They think its a good idea, so they agree with us and a_ our advice. 4. Eric is not here. Would you like to leave a m_?5. The old man fell down on the ground and his leg h_ badly.6. The medicine is good for this kind of i_.二. 词组互译1. 使鼓起勇气 2, 目的在于3. 给留下好印象 4. 发生5. 做某事有困难 6. 提醒某人某事三. 完成句子1. 这个故事发生在很久以前.The story _ _ a long time ago.2. 坐直意味着你很自信. _ _ straight means you are very confident.3. 我经常请教我的英语老师怎样学好英语.I often ask my English teacher _ _ _ English well.4. 潘老师经常放学后主动帮助学生学习英语.Miss Pan_ _ _ the students _ their English after school.5. 那个残疾孩子在医院得到医生们的照顾. The disabled child _ _ _ _ by the doctors. (二). 听说训练【思路】利用李华所写的一篇他和同学们探访养老院的日记进行听说训练。时间控制在30分钟内。【材料】 Today, we took the school bus to Kang Le old folks home. The old people greeted us warmly and they were very pleased to see us. We helped them do a lot of things in the old folks home. We swept the floor for them, we cleaned the windows and we also cleaned the desk. Some girls danced for them and we enjoyed ourselves that day. Finally, we had lunch together with the old people and the dishes were very delicious. As the students in Grade Nine in No.3 Middle School, we like the activity very much. And I think its our duty to help the old people, do you think so? 信息转述及询问 第一节 你将听到一段李华的日记,录音播放两遍。请根据所听到的内容,选择思维导图中的正确信息,在50秒内说一段话转述,包含五个要点的内容。提示:康乐养老院(old folks home )How walk / take the school busHow to help cook some food / do some cleaningWhat dance / sing What play games / have lunchHow to think their duty / a tiring thing 参考答案: This Sunday, Li Hua and his classmates took the school bus to Kang Le old folks home . They did some cleaning for the old people . Some girls danced for the old people and they enjoyed themselves. Then they had lunch with the old people and the dishes were very delicious. Li Hua thought that it was their duty to help the old people. 第二节 询问信息 你希望了解更多关于李华他们在养老院的情况,请根据以下提示句向他提两个问题。每个问题有15秒的准备时间和8秒的提问时间。1. 养老院里有多少位老人?_2. 除了打扫卫生,你们还为老人们做了什么?_(三). 书面表达【思路】根据提供的材料, 进行书面表达训练. 本题选用一般过去时表达.本部分控制在10分钟之内.【材料】假设你是王华, 是一名志愿者, 本周六你和同学们去老人院参加了义工活动. 请根据下面的材料写一篇日记, 记录你们的义工活动情况.要求: 本日记要包括所给提示要点, 可以根据内容需要进行扩展.时间 :周六地点:老人院具体活动:1. 为老人读报, 让他们了解新闻;2. 陪老人聊天, 让他们不感到孤单;3. 和老人玩游戏, 让他们开心;4.你的感受:Dear diary, Today was Saturday . I visited the old peoples home with my classmates . There we did some voluntary work to help the old people. Because there were something wrong with their eyes, we read the newspaper for them. This helped them know something about the country and the world. We also talked with them so that they didnt feel lonely. In order to make them happier, we played games with them, such as playing table tennis. We put on the performances for them , too. All the old people were happy. They said thanks to us for many times. I think doing voluntary work is meaningful, and I will continue to do it in the future.
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