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.词汇知识把下列单词与其英语释义连线1posterAsth.made or done with great skill2comedy Bthe outside covering on top of a building3sword Ca person in a novel,play.4leap Dready to face danger,pain,or suffering;having no fear5rooftop Ea funny play6character Fto cause sb.to give his attention to7masterpiece Ga large printed notice put up in public8interest Hjump9Brave Ia man to whom one is engaged to be married10fianc Ja weapon with a long sharp metal blade and a handle答案:1.G2.E3.J4.H5.B6.C7.A8.F9.D10I.重点短语1_in love with爱上,喜欢2_ones surprise使某人吃惊的是3come_出版,出现4belong_属于5get_收回6every_有时,偶尔7_surprise吃惊地8play a part_在中扮演角色9care_关心,顾虑;在乎10take_ in the early 1800s发生在19世纪初期答案:1.fall2.to3.out4.to5.back6.now and then7in8.in9.about10.place.必背句型1Unusually,_is the female characters _interest us most.不同寻常的是,影片中的女主角最令我们感兴趣。答案:it;that2But one cannot forget the wonderful Chow YunFat,who is _a sword _ he is _a gun.但是谁也不会注意不到周润发,他真的很了不起,他使剑和使枪一样厉害。答案:asgoodwith;as;with3His romantic scenes with Yu Xiulian are very moving,_their eyes show all the love that they must not _.他和俞秀莲之间的浪漫场景很感人,他们的眼神传递了所有的爱,这种爱是不可以通过语言表达的。答案:as;expressinwords4_ in the old wuxia stories,_leap through the air every now and then,with beautiful,graceful movements,_audiences shout _.与古代武侠故事一样,影片中的人物不时在空中飞檐走壁,这时观众称叹叫绝。答案:As;characters;while;in surprise.品句填词1Since 2003,Sun Li,a famous a_,has played leading roles in more than 10 TV series.The most important leading role was as Feng Chengcheng in the remake of Shanghai Grand.答案:actress2Weve got three catstwo f_and a male.答案:females3The beggar told her such a _(感人的)story that she almost wept.答案:moving4If you can spare some time,please watch as many _(杰作)as possible.答案:masterpieces5Unusual creatures are _(偶尔)washed to the shore,but they are rarely caught out at sea.答案:occasionally6They like _(广告)which show women in office,planes,and cars.答案:ads.选词填空1Rowlings new book will _.答案:come out2They have _ each other for three years.答案:been in love with3_,the roof of their house caught fire.答案:To their surprise4She thinks only of herself;she doesnt _ other people.答案:care about5I _ about the problem with him.答案:argued.语法和词汇知识1The book written by the famous writer will _(come out/come about) next month.解析:填come out。句意:由著名作家所写的这本书将于下个月出版。come out出来,长出,出版;come about发生,不合题意。2He cares little _ money and fame.解析:填about。句意:他很少在乎金钱与名誉。care about 在乎,顾虑。3To our _(disappoint),he didnt do as he was told to.解析:填disappointment。 to ones 名词。4They have been _love for nearly 20 years.They are a happy couple.解析:填in。be in love “相爱”。5_ our surprise,when the audience saw this film,they all shouted _ surprise.解析:填To;in。to ones surprise“使某人感到惊奇的是”,in surprise “吃惊地”。6The part he _(play/make) in the film was popular with the audience.解析:填played。根据时态一致性原则,所以填一般过去时 play a part in“在中扮演角色”。7I heard she married a man _ a lot of money.解析:填with。with a lot of money作定语,修饰a man;8The film was so _(move) that many people were _(move) to tears.解析:填moving;moved。句意:这部影片太感人了,很多人被感动得流下眼泪。moving 意为“感人的”,说明事物的特征;moved 意为“受到感动的”,说明人的主观感受。9I found all the _(character/characteristic)in his new novel real.解析:填characters。小说中角色用character是可数名词。10The new teacher tried to make the students _(interest)in English learning.解析:填interested。Make后面接形容词作宾补,使学生对英语学习感兴趣。.阅读理解Students love movies! Movies are attractive grabbers and attractive to both audio and visual learners. Select one of these World War themed films to add to your World War history unit.Hiroshima MaidenThis 1988 made for TV movie is 60 minutes in length and suitable for grades 48. This movie is about a young girl who was burned during the bombing of Hiroshima. She, along with 24 other girls, was brought to the United States to receive plastic surgery. This is her story as she lives with an American family who was also touched by the war.MidwayThis 1976 drama is 132 minutes in length and is suitable for grades 5 and up. This is a battle movie telling the story of the Japanese attack on Midway Island following their attack on Pearl Harbor, and the United States defense of the island. This World War film shows how the US won the battle with much difficulty and little luck. The Tuskegee AirmenThis 1995 drama is 110 minutes in length and is suitable for grades 5 and up. The Tuskegee Airmen were a g
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