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七年级英语上学期期中考试题本试卷由口语测试,听力测试,书面测试(含选择题和非选择题)三部分组成,考试时间为90分钟(含听力测试15分钟)口语测试请看考试时间安排表。题号分数口语部分(10分)要求学生用熟练的口语介绍自己的情况,例如,姓名,班级,学校,电话号码,兴趣爱好,喜欢的科目等,或者介绍自己的房间以及其布置。两个话题任选其一,表述不少于6句话。听力部分(15)听音选词(5分)( ) 1 A teacher B doctor C clerk( ) 2 A banana B apple C orange ( ) 3 A grandparent B teachers C friend( ) 4 A breakfast B lunch C dinner ( ) 5 A fruit B vegetable C food对话理解(5分)( ) 1 A Strawberries B Apples C Oranges( )2 A An egg and salad B A cake and salad C A hamburger and salad ( )3 A Watching TV B Playing sports C Running( )4 A His mother B His teacher C His classmate( )5 A One B Two C Three短文理解 根据你所听到的一篇短文,用简短的语言介绍故事梗概(5分)笔试部分单项选择(15分)( )1. - Where is my soccer ball?- Its _ the table _the floor.A. on, under B. on, on C. under, on ( ) 2. - Are these your English books?- Yes, _.A. theyre B. they are C. these are ( ) 3. Lets _ together.A. play tennis B. play the tennis C. to play tennis ( ) 4. Sue _ sports every day.A. play B. playing C. plays ( ) 5. The picture is _ the wall.A. on B. in C. at ( ) 6. - Can you spell your name, please?- Yes, I _ .A. do B. can D. am( ) 7. Beth isnt my sister. my cousin.A. His B. Shes C. Hes( ) 8. - Is Gina Miller your friend?- Yes, _.A. it is B. he is C. she is( ) 9. - _ is the boy? - Hes my student.A. what B. who C. How ( ) 10. There is _ old pencil in _ pencil box.A. a, the B. an, the C. the, a( ) 11. - _ is Peter? - Hes in the reading room.A. Who B. Where C. How ( )12. Im from _ . Im _ .A China, Chinese B England, China C Chinese, English ( )13. Good morning . _ . A Fine B Good morning C Hi( )14. We are _ Class Six.A in B of C on( )15. Do you like _ , Sam ? Yes , I do.A sing B singing C dance 完型填空(10分)A:Good morning, Miss Jones.B:Good morning. _1_ your name, please?A: _2_ name is Joe.B: _3_ are you, Joe?A:Im fine , _4_ .This is my friend . _5_ name is Jack.B:Hello, Jack.C: _6_ , Miss Jones.A:Miss Jones. Whats this _7_ English?B:A map.A:Are _8_ maps too?B:No , _9_ arent , They are photos (照片)A: _10_ photos are there?A:There are five.( )1.A What B Whats C What are ( )2.A My B my C Your( )3.A What B How C How many( )4. A thank you B sorry C OK ( )5. A His B He C Her( )6. A Please B Hello C Bye ( )7. A in B on C at( )8. A this B that C these( )9. A they B it C this ( )10. A How B What C How many阅读理解(30分)AJane: Excuse me, Mary. Is this your backpack?Mary: Oh, no, it isnt.Jane: Is this your backpack, Sonia?Sonia: Yes, it is. Thank you. Jane: Whats in your backpack?Sonia: A dictionary, a book and a pencil case.Jane: Yes. Whats in the pencil case?Sonia: A ruler, an eraser and a pencil.Jane: Yes. What color is your pencil case?Sonia: Its blue and red.Jane: But this pencil case is yellow.Sonia: Yellow? Its not my pencil case,but this is my backpack.Dale: Hey, this is my pencil case, but this isnt my backpack. Jane: What a mess (混乱) !( ) 1. _ found the backpack. A. Jane B. Dale C. Sonia( ) 2 Whats in the backpack? A. A dictionary B. A pencil sharpener C A ball( ) 3. What color is Sonias pencil case? A. Its yellow. B. Its blue and red. C. Its red.( ) 4. Whats in the pencil case? A. A ring, an eraser and a pen. B. A pen, a ruler and an eraser. C. An eraser, a pencil and a ruler( ) 5. The yellow pencil case is _. A. Marys B. Sonias C. DaleB Im JohnMy father is a factory managerHe comes from AmericaMy mother is a teacherShes EnglishShe can speak some ChineseShe is an English teacher at schoo1Im a student in my mothers schoo1At school I can play with my Chinese friendsWe can play football,basketball and table tennisMy mother can play the piano and tennisShe can also (也)sing well( )6Johns father is _. Ain a school Bin a factory
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