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高考英语高频词汇翻译练习1.矿工们乘坐连着钢索的缆车。 The miners rode a conveyance attached to a _ made of braided steel wire. (cable)2.所以你会放弃目标,重拾你的坏习惯。So youll abandon the goal and return to your bad _. (habits)3.父母一定要利用他们天生体恤别人的能力。Parents must make use of their _ ability to empathize. (natural)4.他发誓要诉诸法律行动。He vowed to take _ action. (legal)5.他一直积极参与这次讨论。He has been an active participant in the _. (discussion)6.我今天未能干多少工作。I havent been able to get much work _ today. (done)7.军队称赞他为杰出能干的工程师。The army _ him as an outstandingly able engineer. (recognized)8.难道这样的活动也算刑事犯罪吗?Does such an activity constitute a _ offence? (criminal)9.把地址记下来,免得忘了。_ down the address before you forget it. (Write)10.我们必须对货币的流通不断进行调节。We must _ adjust the amount of money in circulation. (constantly)11.他在成为演员之前受过师资培训。He_ as a teacher before becoming an actor. (trained)12.那可能发生的,但属于非正常的变化,但是可能主链的化学变化将核苷酸结合在一起。That can happen but thats abnormal, but changes in maybe the_ of the backbone that holds the nucleotides together. (chemistry)13.你的意见不会影响我的决定。Your _ will not affect my decision. (opinion)14.我们是在浪费宝贵的时间,我们浪费不起的时间。Were wasting _ time, time we can ill afford. (valuable)15.有时那个标准,即使并非不可能,也是很难达到的。Sometimes that _ is quite difficult, if not impossible, to achieve. (standard)16.在船上的所有人,包括船员,都当场死亡。Everyone aboard, including the crew, was killed_. (instantly)17.她向父母承认了她想表演的欲望。She _ to her parents her desire to act. (confessed)18.他在唠叨什么?Whats he _ on about? (wittering)19.一列火车隆隆驶过大桥。A train trundled across the _. (bridge)20.河谷上面的山是光秃秃的岩石。The hills above the _ are bare rock. (valley)21.他早先在国外干过一段时间。He did a stint abroad early in his _. (career)22.她精心编造了解释她不在场的一些谎言。She concocted some elaborate story to _ her absence. (explain)23.根据我们的记录,你已经缺席六次了。Youve been absent six times according to our _. (records)24.他的脑子跟海绵似的,什么都能吸收。His mind was like a _, ready to absorb anything. (sponge)25.我们尽可谈论美的事物,但美本身却是抽象的。We may talk of beautiful things but beauty itself is _. (abstract)26.如果面团很粘,就再加些面粉。If the _ is sticky, add more flour. (dough)27.有网瘾的青少年更有可能患上抑郁症。_ who are addicted to the Internet are more likely to suffer from depression.?(Teenagers)28.她在全书中都谈到权利的滥用。_ the book she speaks of the abuse of power. (Throughout)29.简决心提出她作为一名女演员的应有权利。Jane is determined to stake her _ as an actress. (claim)30.你实际上得到的是净扣除额。What you actually _ is net of deductions. (receive)31.她模仿伦敦东区人的口音拿腔拿调地说话。She speaks in this ridiculous mockney _. (accent)32.他是一位受敬重的学者,不能受怀疑。He was a _ academic and above suspicion. (respected)33.他否认知道此事。He denied all _ of the affair. (knowledge)34.与会者投票接受这一工资提议。The meeting _ to accept the pay offer. (voted)35.使用这个计算机系统需要口令。You need a _ to get access to the computer system. (password)36.该事故让人想到过去的那些灾难。The accident has _ of past disasters. (echoes)37.住宿条件从经济旅馆至豪华宾馆不等。Accommodation _ from tourist class to luxury hotels. (ranges)38.政府监督员们将继续陪同记者们。Government _ will continue to accompany reporters. (monitors)39.参加者按年龄分组。Participants were _ according to age. (categorized)40.我把支票存入我的储蓄账户。I paid the _ into my savings account. (cheque)41.我一直深信印刷媒体比电视更准确、更可靠。I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more_ than television. (reliable)42.政客们谴责媒体夸大骚乱的可能性。Politicians accuse the media of talking up the possibility of a _ (riot.)43.一般来说胃疼没什么大事。Generally speaking,_ ache is not a big deal. (stomach)44.给自己制订有望达到的指标。Set yourself _ that you can reasonably hope to achieve. (targets)45.承认是你伤害了她,并道歉。Acknowledge that you hurt her, and then _. (apologize)46.普里还认为,人可以获得勇气。Pury also believes that people can acquire _. (courage)47.他慢悠悠地穿过房间。He moved _ across the room. (languidly)48.他可能把这种方法理解为一种不友善的行为。He may construe the approach as a_ act. (hostile)49.军事行动可能会成为必要。Military action may become _. (necessary)50.就她的年龄来说,她是十分活跃的。Shes very active, _ her age. (considering)51.这一房产或其中任何部分有用于商业活动吗?Is the property or any part thereof used for _ activity? (commercial)52.他获得了最佳男演员的提名。He was_ (as) best actor. (nominated)53.作为一名女演员,艾琳以其难以置信的多才多艺而出类拔萃。Aileen stands out for her _ versatility as an actress. (incredible)54.其实他从没有对他们不好。He was never actually _ to them. (unkind)55.干酪会增加面食的香味。_ will add extra bite to any pasta dish. (Cheese)56.在一封写给法官的信中,内勒承认他是一个吸毒者。Naylor_, in a letter to the judge, that he was a drug addict. (acknowledged)57.前物主没有留下任何转寄地址。The _ owner had not left any forwarding address. (former)58.他已被迫调整了日程安排。He has been forced to adjust his _. (schedule)59.管理部门里有没有职位特别高的人支持采纳不同政策?Was there anyone _ high in
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