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Unit2 Last weekend 知识点整理话题:初识一般过去时(动词的过去式),询问某人周末过得怎么样?以及 在过去的时间里做了什么,是否做了某事。动词过去式的构成规则: 一般直接ed; 以辅元辅结构,双写再ed; 以辅音字母y结尾,把y改i再ed; 以不发音的e结尾d; 不规则的动词过去式需单独记忆 1. 动词过去式的规则变化直接ed辅元辅双写edy变iede结尾dcleaned washed stayed watched played talked wanted listenedfixedstoppedplannedstudiedcriedlikedtastedlivedhoped 词尾的读音 在浊辅音和元音后面读/d/ 在清辅音后面读/t/ 在/t/、/d/音后面读/id/2. 不规则动词过去式 do/does did am/is was are were have/has had see saw drink drank go went sleep slept make madeget got read read3. 动词短语cleaned my room washed my clothes stayed at homewatched TV did my homework drank tea(喝茶) read a book saw a film(看电影) had a cold(感冒)went boating(划船) listened to music made the bed(整理床铺)4. 时间短语last night(昨晚) last Monday(上周一) last weekend(上个周末) yesterday(昨天) the day before yesterday(前天)句型: 询问对方周末过得怎么样 How was your weekend? It was fine/good/great,thank you. 询问某人在过去的时间里做了什么 What did 主语do(过去时间)? 主语 动词过去式其他。 例句:What did you do last weekend? I stayed at home and watched TV.前面用了did,后面的动词要用原形 询问对方在过去的时间里是否做了某事 Did 主语动词原形其他? Yes,主语 did. / No, 主语 didnt.一般过去时不存在三单形式 例句:Did he have a cold yesterday? Yes,he did. / No,he didnt. Did you see a film (last night)? Yes,I did. / No,I didnt. 询问电影是否有趣 Was it interesting? Yes,it was. / No, it wasnt.知识点:1:否定(缩写)形式: 直接not did didnt was wasnt were werent2:想要做某事:want to 动词原形3:than 动词ing 例:Its faster than walking.4: enjoy(享受)动词ing I enjoy playing computer games.也5: too 用于肯定句 either 用于否定句6: 句型的转换 He read a book yesterday afternoon.(对划线部分提问) What did he do yesterday afternoon ? I washed my clothes last morning.(改为一般疑问句) Did you wash your clothes last morning? I went shopping last night. (改为否定句) I didnt go shopping last weekend. Did you do your homework last night. (否定回答) No,I didnt. My weekend was bad . (就划线部分提问) How was your weekend ? 易错题v She usually cleans her room on the weekend. v She cleaned her room last weekend.v I like watching TV. I watched TV yesterday.v I am going to see a film next Friday. I saw a film last Friday.v We didnt go boating the day before yesterday.3
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