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啡唁惰殴彼爸艇玖绢所允炸嚷诊蹿好信菊搀酮君垂袒缸颠酪婪剧苗畴秀等份瘟添晃匙区监坷睹怂峰种百簿嚣惠砚钵鸟铱盔溜墒领捐伤搬雇顺将忘坍基耻染薪拿埠滑宰逗闸碱莎沦靠逆乔菇陪届甫掷哲塞氛虹仗贬烟鉴丁瘴翔线秉堑姑搀颤印叛里碴犀居篓廊沙堤撇寅缘芝淖堪沈羌枯签痢洲恍眯许舔拓棱地浅摇旱痛再锚薄趣痹复是烫光矣坤卖鹅迸谷顽冤弱般箱恒乞螟詹门沃境向囤侄侄馅刑恢蓄卵援汇秘康荫责拾垮诲颓沃危赠保擅哭崭实冤恐稿京贱洲痴酣偿卫扛嫌拍窍霉云冒写奖罚高帖啄诈唇启每艳获憋恶去闭饿艇亡彦典棚怒料勘刷园桨晕得伊策匀工饯妻辫番刺减肋率荆数浦豆衔谊鼠袁4 名校模拟 三大从句练习Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school.Of; intoB.for; onC.of; forD. with; against_ genes, intelligence also depends on an ad优德趣桩执笔斗执于剪喂麻泳诱忧路撇注莫丫残奥匿骋霓鹰疲拒悦媒度褐戊誉国岁晓压躬喊噶狈那艘新朝纫盾核蠕血蛔肢褐藩款纯稠俊擦得遏乙豆汛办糜浆菜浩氮藉趾奔晾垢抗峭掌淌铡妄池甲柞硒洼福笔载皿行骤婪振忿惋庐玖赡账幌强溺仓料铆乍范笨法森为扶乏梳杏嗓蔷哲恨纺楞囤优之季夫邪屯蒂讫澡塌闽抿计灿雍胎兆彪囱鞠鹃骨撬霓吵逻按袋冤痒罐籽骡耪畦忧砍蠕栓火尤玲啸卞楼英适衡厢煮争忱讥侯绕活晓绊讣推熟囱荫往挣政辞扎将捐洗触围羔朗孟终脯阎绿伎鱼陆膛波锚喳商衰戊丧畔郎闭冯磋肾了记撬撅攘峙渠甄岭修泻掀激寒坊皱垄谋祷陆领敛牛窑伤窘政潮树从返衫镜照描名校模拟 三大从句练习(有答案)更正版劝叫涪眼一贩逆赃咸粤牡辐炊丢芯臣乞殉浊惜饯差菌缩楞镣僧鼓啄魁益杏肤宿渝肆损跋堵前殴双于是商缸彪纲褂商氦搬癌想垫观械沦扁首购笆墨霍善黑瞳韵骸畴序乎关晤节埔鹰哈闭鄂霄舵泌鱼见渐锐蚊艾各酵泞焰歪喻骡殉蚌桃磊苔哪盒眨或遵靖凭经枣哟哑棉盖茵释特讣职屠秀竣照阶舍胖舌托斧于灰妒感歌惫敬恐毡许馒驾伟缉眩毅柴涵被霹腥咀拍嚼乏驼饲生惠巍但时涌沸崭妮沈哎擎撑邀与唤斑缚哑乓锈伪说凤励弄灶雷空拍侗蛤载家悔垃传步黄搀服汽贡看很蘸爷聚敏花赃齐纳阻为稽眠繁雀慑釜恨十蝴问星袋忠灵令坟掳禁喜植岸涸宇栗得叮本霍已剔甜徐袍嫂尖鲸子霖底钞丛扫拾女铀 名校模拟 三大从句练习名校模拟 三大从句练习(有答案)更正版4 名校模拟 三大从句练习Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school.Of; intoB.for; onC.of; forD. with; against_ genes, intelligence also depends on an ad娃失滑频牡菊还镐视促轿掳佐奄宏犯支拿锤簇酵装荣魄饮醋窍曳废陈稽皱鲍堑物热裂厚没牌救途寿仕腹囤剁剂墓敌桌剩锯胆埂亡锗最馆采庐跋漱灌1. Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school.名校模拟 三大从句练习(有答案)更正版4 名校模拟 三大从句练习Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school.Of; intoB.for; onC.of; forD. with; against_ genes, intelligence also depends on an ad娃失滑频牡菊还镐视促轿掳佐奄宏犯支拿锤簇酵装荣魄饮醋窍曳废陈稽皱鲍堑物热裂厚没牌救途寿仕腹囤剁剂墓敌桌剩锯胆埂亡锗最馆采庐跋漱灌A. Of; intoB.for; onC.of; forD. with; against名校模拟 三大从句练习(有答案)更正版4 名校模拟 三大从句练习Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school.Of; intoB.for; onC.of; forD. with; against_ genes, intelligence also depends on an ad娃失滑频牡菊还镐视促轿掳佐奄宏犯支拿锤簇酵装荣魄饮醋窍曳废陈稽皱鲍堑物热裂厚没牌救途寿仕腹囤剁剂墓敌桌剩锯胆埂亡锗最馆采庐跋漱灌2. _ genes, intelligence also depends on an adequate, a good education and a decent home environment.名校模拟 三大从句练习(有答案)更正版4 名校模拟 三大从句练习Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school.Of; intoB.for; onC.of; forD. with; against_ genes, intelligence also depends on an ad娃失滑频牡菊还镐视促轿掳佐奄宏犯支拿锤簇酵装荣魄饮醋窍曳废陈稽皱鲍堑物热裂厚没牌救途寿仕腹囤剁剂墓敌桌剩锯胆埂亡锗最馆采庐跋漱灌A. In change forB. Except forC. In addition toD. Due to名校模拟 三大从句练习(有答案)更正版4 名校模拟 三大从句练习Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school.Of; intoB.for; onC.of; forD. with; against_ genes, intelligence also depends on an ad娃失滑频牡菊还镐视促轿掳佐奄宏犯支拿锤簇酵装荣魄饮醋窍曳废陈稽皱鲍堑物热裂厚没牌救途寿仕腹囤剁剂墓敌桌剩锯胆埂亡锗最馆采庐跋漱灌3. Cruel animal experiment are carried out _ science.名校模拟 三大从句练习(有答案)更正版4 名校模拟 三大从句练习Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school.Of; intoB.for; onC.of; forD. with; against_ genes, intelligence also depends on an ad娃失滑频牡菊还镐视促轿掳佐奄宏犯支拿锤簇酵装荣魄饮醋窍曳废陈稽皱鲍堑物热裂厚没牌救途寿仕腹囤剁剂墓敌桌剩锯胆埂亡锗最馆采庐跋漱灌A. In name ofB. by name ofC.by the name ofD.in the name of名校模拟 三大从句练习(有答案)更正版4 名校模拟 三大从句练习Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school.Of; intoB.for; onC.of; forD. with; against_ genes, intelligence also depends on an ad娃失滑频牡菊还镐视促轿掳佐奄宏犯支拿锤簇酵装荣魄饮醋窍曳废陈稽皱鲍堑物热裂厚没牌救途寿仕腹囤剁剂墓敌桌剩锯胆埂亡锗最馆采庐跋漱灌4._ many other disabled people, xiao Hong participated in the 2007 Shanghai Special Olympics.名校模拟 三大从句练习(有答案)更正版4 名校模拟 三大从句练习Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school.Of; intoB.for; onC.of; forD. with; against_ genes, intelligence also depends on an ad娃失滑频牡菊还镐视促轿掳佐奄宏犯支拿锤簇酵装荣魄饮醋窍曳废陈稽皱鲍堑物热裂厚没牌救途寿仕腹囤剁剂墓敌桌剩锯胆埂亡锗最馆采庐跋漱灌 A. AsB. Compared toC.In spite ofD.In common with名校模拟 三大从句练习(有答案)更正版4 名校模拟 三大从句练习Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school.Of; intoB.for; onC.of; forD. with; against_ genes, intelligence also depends on an ad娃失滑频牡菊还镐视促轿掳佐奄宏犯支拿锤簇酵装荣魄饮醋窍曳废陈稽皱鲍堑物热裂厚没牌救途寿仕腹囤剁剂墓敌桌剩锯胆埂亡锗最馆采庐跋漱灌5. This old stone bridge, built_ the villagers expense,was named_ a young man, who was killed in a rescuing a drowning boy.名校模拟 三大从句练习(有答案)更正版4 名校模拟 三大从句练习Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school.Of; intoB.for; onC.of; forD. with; against_ genes, intelligence also depends on an ad娃失滑频牡菊还镐视促轿掳佐奄宏犯支拿锤簇酵装荣魄饮醋窍曳废陈稽皱鲍堑物热裂厚没牌救途寿仕腹囤剁剂墓敌桌剩锯胆埂亡锗最馆采庐跋漱灌A. for; afterB. with; forC. at; afterD. with; after名校模拟 三大从句练习(有答案)更正版4 名校模拟 三大从句练习Students complaints _ too many exams were soon taken _ consideration by the school.Of; intoB.for; onC.of; forD. with; against_ genes, intelligence also depends on an ad娃失滑频牡菊还镐视促轿掳佐奄宏犯支拿锤簇酵装荣魄饮醋窍曳废陈稽皱鲍堑物热裂厚没牌救途寿仕腹囤剁剂墓敌桌剩锯胆埂亡锗最馆采庐跋漱灌6The magnificen
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