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M9U1 复习词形变化11. immigrate v.n._2. prefer v. n._3. mix v. n._4. secure adj. n._5. devote v. n._6. defend v. n._7. patient adj.n._8. criterion n.pl._9. abstract adj.反_10. temporary adj.反_11. about 同_12. seem v. adv._13. compete v. n._ adj. _ 竞争者_单词默写1. 防御,保卫_2. 祖先_3. 似乎_4. 定居点_5. 爱好者 _6. 平台,月台_7. 有弹性的_8. 理解,领会_9. 登记,注册_10. 参与者_11. 气候_12. 出口,输出_13. 学者_14. 百分比_15. 感人的_16. 摩天大楼_17. conservative_18. ambiguous _英汉互译1. as far as sb. be _ 就而言2. in total _ 3. _cold 非常冷4. be _ in = be rich in 丰富5. be _in 位于6. be home to _7. for short _8. be _ to do sth. 一定,必然9. put aside _10. be _ with =be busy with 忙于11. fill out _12. _ subjects 必修课程13. be _ with 满足于14. owing to_ 15. be _ with 配备有16. be short for _ 17. with _ 耐心地18. cater to _ 19. have a _ for 偏爱20. a _ of 10 = 10%21. be second/ next to_22. cover an area of _23. be shaped like _24. go with_25. show respect for_26. strengths and _ 优缺点27. one the other_28. one another_29. _.from= tellfrom 区别30. take notes_结构巩固1. be worthy of _ / _ sth. ; be worth _ sth.2. Its worthwhile _ sth.3. Its impossible _ sth. = Its impossible _.4. Located in the center of Toronto is the Canadian National Tower.5. Gone are the days_.6. That is the reason _.7. _ are the days when teachers were looked down upon.A. Gone B. Go C. To go D. Going8. _, he continued his study. A. Late as it wasB. As it was lateC. Late although it was D. Although was it late 9. _ all scientists from Asia.A. Were present at the meeting B. Present at the meeting were C. Are present at the meeting D. Present were at the meetingM9U2 复习词形变化1. intention n.adj. _2. profession n.adj._3. construct v. n._4. restore v. n. _5. glory n. adj._6. prevent v. n. _7. ignorance n.v. _8. gradual adj.adv._9. recognize v. n._10. assess v. n. _11. permit v.n._12. decorate v.n._ 13. expose v. n._14. protect v. n._15. politics n. adj._ 单词默写1. 戏剧_2. 数学_3. 高度,海拔_4. 恢复,重新获得_5. 击败,战胜_6. 爆炸 _7. 雕塑_8. 摩擦,不和 _9. 姿态,手势_10. 重建,修复_11. 稳定的 _12. 两周 _13. 象征,标志v._14. 打扰,烦扰_15. 腐败的_16. 撤销,收回_17. 住处,膳宿_18. 赞助_19. 先前,以前_20. 保险n _21. fragrant _22. 检阅,视察_23. 故意的 _24. 事业,计划_25. 管理,规则_26. 珍惜,珍爱_27. 离婚 _英汉互译1. in _ 特别,尤其2. _ away 消除(问题)3. _ control of夺取对控制权4. _ sb. as 任命为5. base on the _ of 建立在一致意见基础上6. on the _在议事日程上7. be _with 被指控犯罪8. be _ to death 被判死刑9. be_ with 配有家具10. in terms of_ 11. obey traffic _ 遵守交通规则12. meet the _ 赶上截止日期13. part and _ 主要部分14. _ones knowledge 拓展知识 15. on display/exhibition _ 16. with regards to_ 17. make room for _18. in good condition _19. apart from_20. be buried in_ 结构巩固1. dislike / like/ hate _ _ 2. Its convenient for sb. _ sth.3. give up _ sth. 4. teach people how _ sth.5. bother _ sth.6. That is because7. 做是某人的职责_8. I cant thank you _much, because without your help I _ have won the first place.A. too, wouldnt B. very, shouldnt C. that, might not D. so, couldnt9. He is a hero. We _ praise him too much 。A. can not B. should not C. might not D. would not10. _ find my wallet,Tom? A. Where did you that B. Where was it youC. Where have you D. Where was it that youM9U3 复习词形变化1. starve v.n. _2. equal adj.n._3. influence n.adj._
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