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冀教版 四年级上册Lesson 9 In the Bedroom 教、学情简析教学对象为四年级 学生,学生已经学会了简单的动词,本课是跟家里活动相关的语句。所以学生应在及时复习巩固的同时,学习新知。在教学中应多发挥小组合作的形式。帮助学生形成课前预习、课后复习的自主学习策略.培养持续的学习兴趣。教学目标语言知识与语言技能能掌握词汇bedroom, bed, Teddy bear; 语句What do you do in the bedroom? 及回答。 情感态度培养学生热爱劳动的意识。学习策略积极模仿;在游戏活动中培养合作精神。采用小组计分比赛的评价方式,鼓励学生主动地参与活动教 学 重 点 难 点能熟练用所学句型问答课前准备教师教 具准 备手偶资 料链 接活动手册,网络图片,新教材同步练,活动手册学 生预习,熟读课文课时安排2课时教 学 过 程 教学 环节时间安排教师活动学生活动设计意图教学预设和反思I.Class opening and reviewII.New ConceptWhat do you do in your bedroom?Practice810 Greeting. 1. Whats missing?2. Free talk.Teach the words “bedroom, bed, Teddy bear” via PPT to help and act it out. Teach the pronunciation of “e” and “oo” in “bedroom”.red legteddyclassroomTeach the pronunciation of “ear” in “bear”.wearpearTalk about the picture by asking and answering. Play a game: Simon says.Whole class work .Individual work:What do you do at home?Introduce themselves. Group work.Read and evaluate the groups work. Follow the teachers and try to find the rule.Pair work. Read and remember the words. Ss: What is in the bedroom?There is a_ in the bedroom. Enable the students to use the language learned and tend to use it freely.Develop self-study strategy. Develop pronunciation and vocabulary study strategy. Ss need lots of encouragement to show in the front.Practice makes perfect.Students may think its a little difficult at first. Practice III.Class Closing5388435Look and match.Show the pictures and the phrases. Listen and read.Listen and write. Make a dialogue.Write the sentences. Lets Chant!Using the activity book.Summary.Homework.Students read and match.Read after the tape.Role play with the teacher.Student listen and fill in the blanks.Individual work. Write on the paper.Pair work: What do you do in your bedroom?In the bedroom I Whole class work.Introduce the new concept by an natural way. Practice oral ability and recognize the sentences.Encourage students team-work ability.Develop self-study strategy. 第 页
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