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实验四 使用ENVI进行影像镶嵌实验目的:掌握ENVI影像镶嵌处理的知识,在何种情况下需要进行影像镶嵌,影像镶嵌时需要注意哪些问题。 实验内容:1. 基于像素的影像镶嵌2. 基于地理坐标的影像镶嵌3. 镶嵌时的色彩均衡 实验准备:数据:文件夹 envidata/avmosaic 基于像素的影像镶嵌(Pixel-Based Mosaicking)FileDescriptiondv06_2.imgAVIRIS Scene 02dv06_2.hdrENVI Header for abovedv06_3.imgAVIRIS Scene 03dv06_3.hdrENVI Header for abovedv06a.mosMosaic Template for end-to-end AVIRIS mosaicdv06b.mosMosaic Template for feathered overlapping AVIRIS mosaicdv06_fea.imgFeathered Mosaic imagedv06_fea.hdrENVI Header for above基于地理坐标的影像镶嵌(Georeferenced Mosaicking)FileDescriptionlch_01w.imgWarped, histogram matched imagelch_01w.hdrENVI Header for abovelch_01w.annCut-line feathering annotation for abovelch_02w.imgWarped, histogram matched imagelch_02w.hdrENVI Header for abovelch_a.mosMosaic Template for Georeferenced Image Mosaickinglch_mos1.imgGeoreferenced mosaic resultlch_mos1.hdrENVI Header for above镶嵌过程中的颜色平衡(Color Balancing During Mosaicking)FileDescriptionmosaic1_equal.datA subset from a Landsat 7 ETM image for which a histogram equalization stretch has been applied to each band independentlymosaic1_equal.hdrENVI Header for above imagemosaic_2.datAnother subset from the same Landsat 7 ETM image, without any stretching appliedmosaic_2.hdrENVI Header for above image实验步骤:一、基于像素的影像镶嵌 Map Mosaicking Pixel Based from the ENVI main menu. 输入并放置影像。 1.Select Import Import Files from the Pixel Based Mosaic dialog.2.In the Mosaic Input Files dialog, click Open File, navigate to the avmosaic directory, and select the file dv06_2.img.3.In the Mosaic Input Files dialog, click Open File again and select the file dv06_3.img.4.In the Mosaic Input Files dialog, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and click on the dv06_2.img and dv06_3.img filenames to select them. Click OK.5.In the Select Mosaic Size dialog, specify the mosaic size by entering 614 for the X Size and 1024 for the Y Size.6.In the YO text box, enter a value of 513 and press the Enter key on your keyboard. The dv06_3.img is placed directly below dv06_2.img.7.In the Pixel Based Mosaic dialog, select File Apply. When the Mosaic Parameters dialog appears, enter the output filename dv06.img and click OK to create the mosaic.8.Display the mosaicked image by clicking on the dv06a.mos band name in the Available Bands List and then clicking Load Band. 二、基于地理坐标的影像镶嵌1.Map Mosaicking Georeferenced from the ENVI main menu. 2.Select File Restore Template and select the file lch_a.mos. 3.查看顶层影像、切割线和虚拟未羽化的镶嵌影像。 1)In the Available Bands List, select the file lch_01w.img and display as a gray scale by clicking on the band name and then the Load Band button.2)In the Main Image window, right-click to display the shortcut menu and select Toggle Display Scroll Bars to turn on scroll bars. Click the horizontal scroll bar until a good portion of the image is visible.3)From the Main Image Display menu, select Overlay Annotation to start the Annotation dialog.4)In the Annotation dialog, select File Restore Annotation and choose the file lch_01w.ann to display the red cutline used to blend the two images in this mosaic.5)From the Available Bands List load the lch_02w.img into a new display and examine the nature of the cutline with respect to this image.6)Select File Open Image File from the ENVI main menu and choose lch_a.mos as the input file. From the Available Bands List, load this image into a new display and examine the non-feathered edge between the two images that were used to create the mosaic. 4.创建羽化后的镶嵌影像 1)In the Map Based Mosaic dialog, select File Apply. In the Mosaic Parameters dialog, enter the output filename lch_mos.img and click OK to create the feathered mosaic.2)Close the two image display windows containing the individual warped images and load the mosaic image into a new display.3)Compare the feathered mosaic to the non-feathered mosaic using image linking and dynamic overlays.三、镶嵌时的色彩均衡 1.创建未经色彩均衡化处理的镶嵌影像 1)Start the ENVI Georeferenced Mosaic function by selecting Map Mosaicking Georeferenced from the ENVI main menu. The Map Based Mosaic dialog appears.2)Select Import Import Files.3)In the resulting file selection dialog, choose the Open File button, then navigate to the mosaic1_equal.dat file in the avmosaic directory, then select Open.4)In the Mosaic Input Files dialog, choose the Open File button again, and this time select the mosaic_2.dat file in the avmosaic directory, then select Open.5)In the Mosaic Input Files dialog, select the mosaic_2.dat file, then hold down the Shift key and select the mosaic1_equal.dat file. Select the OK button. 2.RGB彩色镶嵌预览 The default behavior is that for three-band images, ENVI will automatically create an RGB display in the mosaic preview, using the first band as red, the second as green and the third as blue. But if the image has more than three bands,
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