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2B阶段复习一、看图,写出相应的单词二、选出不同类的词三、按要求写出单词写出下列单词的反义词()1. A.whiteB.blackC.purpleD.orange()2. A.skipB. runC.skateD.bicycle()3. A.penB.bookC. pencil caseD.doll()4. A.dogB.lionC.zebraD.elephant(B.seeC.hereD.listenwhiteroughtallbig.closesoft1. 写出下列单词的复数形式,没有复数用/表示toyballmonkey.butterflyboxmousesheep.wolfbaby.milkbusbook四、用am,is,are填空Iten years old.1. How many applesthere on the table?2. Look,thatan orange bag.3. Howthe chicks? Cute.4. Look at the picture. Ilbeautiful.5. Thismy dog. I like it.6. The butterfliesbeautiful.五、选择填空()1 .Danny likes.A. hopB.hopingC.hopping()2.is the peach? Itrs pink.A. WhatB.What colour C.Who()3.Lookthe cat and listenthe bird.A. at.toB.at.atC.to.at()4.Peter cana car.A. hearingB.seeingC.hear()5.1 can see thehopping on the grass.A.rabbitB.fishC.elephant( )6.Beep-Beep, I can hear a.A.busB.carC.van()7.Do you like running? Yes, I.A .amB.likeC. do.()8.1 can seeinsects in the jar.A. aB.anC.two( )9.What colour the pears? Theyyellow.A. are.areB.is.isC.is.are()1(). Here is a ball for you and a pen for.A. myB.meC.I六、情景判断,对的用/表示;错的用 表示()1.想知道这辆公共汽车是不是红色的,你问:What colour is the bus?()2.你摸了摸奶奶粗糙的双手,说:Your hands are smooth.()3.参加朋友的生日派对,你送上祝福:Happy New Year!()4.火车进站了,你说:Choo-Choo, I can hear a train.()5.Kitty 听见了鸟叫声,她说:She can hear a bird.七、看图填空,每格一词A :, Ting-Ting,what can you?B: I can hear a.A: Can you ride it?B:Yes, I.A:Do you like bicycles? B:Yes, I.
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