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PEP六年级英语上册第五单元教案Unit 5 What does he do ?第一课时教学设计(A. Let s try Le s talk)一、教学目标(一)认知目标1. 能够听、说、读、写主要句型: What does your father/mother/he do? He/She is a/an并能在实际情景中熟练运用。2. 能够掌握二会单词 country , head teacher ,理解三会句子: Do you want to be a head teacher, too? 并能在情景中正确运用。3. 能够独立完成 Let s try 部分的练习。(二)能力目标能够灵活运用所学句型进行问答。(三)情感目标教育学生要积极与他人合作,运用所学英语进行交流。二、教学重难点(一)重点掌握四会句型 What does your father/mother/he do? He/She is a/an.突破方法:反复朗读,情景对话,突破重点。(二)难点能够听、说、认读拓展句型 What are you going to be? I am going to be a/an.突破方法:小组对话、学生搭档对话、 游戏等方式,突破难点。三、教法与学法 点拨法,引导法,情景教学法,游戏法四、教学准备教师准备多媒体课件、课文情景动画或音频 MP3 另外有单词卡片,照片,相关道具和 服饰等。五、教学过程Step 1: Warm-up1. 教师通过复习之前学过的有关职业的单词,引入本课职业的主题。教师把粉笔、白 大褂、棒球等一些与职业相关的道具放在桌上,让学生轮流猜或者讨论与之相关的职 业名称。教师给出答案,让学生跟读。2. 教师通过“自己说命令,学生做动作”的形式复习旧单词。如:Act like a teacher.Act like a doctor.Act like a nurse.Act like a farmer.Act like a driver.(学生扮演老师)(学生扮演医生)学生扮演护士)(学生扮演农民)学生扮演司机)Step 2: PresentationLet s try教师引导学生看教材上 Lets try 部分的内容,播放录音,学生带着问题听录音,选 择正确案。 Sarah s mother can/can t come today. Her father is a doctor/teacher/taxi driver.教师核对答案。再次播放录音,让学生从录音中找出回答问题的关键信息点,尽量让 学生听出录音原文或复述对话。Let s talk1. 教师拿出比尔?盖茨的照片说:Who is he?引导其中的一位学生试着回答:He is BillGates. 然后教师继续说: I m a teacher. What does he do? 学生说出商人时,教师板 书并教读单词 businessman ,可用拆分法教读并理解: business-man 。教师继续问那 位学生: What does he do? 引导学生回答: He is a businessman. 教师板书并教读句型: What does he do? He is a businessman.可采取替换重点单词或接龙法进行操练,如:T: What does he do?S1: He is a businessman. What does he do?S2: He is a teacher. What does he do?S3: He is a doctor. What does he do?S4: He is a taxi driver. What does he do?S5: He is a farmer. What does he do?2. 教师拿出一张迈克尔?杰克逊的照片说What does he do?引导学生回答:He is asinger. 并继续问: Which country is he from? 引导学生对问句的思考,引出 country 这个单词,可采用拼音法教读: coun-try ,并提醒学生注意发音,也可拿出不同国家歌 手的照片展示。3. 教师询问学生 Am I your teacher or head teacher? 板书并领读短语 head teacher , 通过拆分法解释其含义。教师问学生: Do you want to be a head teacher, too? 学生 回答:Yes, I do./No, I don t.教师拓展句型: What are you going to be?/What doyou wa nt to do/be? 引导学生回答:lam goi ng to be a/an教师板书并教读句型:What are you going to be?/What do you want to do/be? I am going to be a/an以小组为单位,一问一答操练此句型,如:Gl: What are you going to be?G2: I am going to be a teacher.也可以学生间相互询问对方未来的职业理想。4. 播放 Let s talk 部分的录音,学生带着问题静听,画出回答问题的关键信息。问题 如下: What does Oliver s father/mother do?教师核对答案,再次播放录音,让学生把不懂的地画出来。学生边听一边跟读读, 教师讲解。全班跟读熟练后,再分组分角色朗读。Step 3: Practice1. 教师带读单词 taxi driver, cleaner, writer, singer, dancer, football player ,并把写有 职业名称的单词贴在黑板上。教师打乱顺序读卡片上的单词,请一位学生上台,让学 生按教师读的顺序摆放卡片并读出卡片上的单词。然后教师可以句子描述卡片上的职 业,如: I m driving a car.2. 教师将全班分成两大组,让两大组交替朗读 What are you going to be? What do you want to do/be? 把I m going to be a/an 这句话写在纸条上,让学生在组内互 传纸条,一大组大声询问: Who is going to be a/an.?等另一大组回答后,再问:What does your father/mother do?Step 4: Consolidation and extension1. 让学生把 Let s talk 部分的内容读给家长或朋友听。2. 教师示范书写四会句子,学生仿写。3. 学生与家长练习重点句型 What does your father/mother/he do? He/She is a/an.4. 做活动手册上的配套练习。板书设计Unit 5 What does he do?What does he do?He is a businessman.What does your mother do?She is a head teacher.What are you going to be?I am going to be a/an .coun-try-countryhead+teacher-head teacher
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