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Unit6 Topic1 Section CThe main activities are 1a, 2 and 3.本课重点活动是1a, 2和3。. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Learn the names of home items:wardrobe,drawer, fork, magazine, chair,bookcase, curtain, keyboard, crayon2. Review the sentences of there be.3.(1)Talk about the position:Where is my T-shirt?Its in the wardrobe.Where are the knife and fork?Theyre on the plate.(2)Talk about the existence:There is a small garden in front of my house.There are many beautiful flowers in the garden, but there arent any trees in it.Is there a kitchen on the first floor?Are there many beautiful flowers in the garden?. Teaching aids教具录音机挂图. Task Teaching任务型教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)(作Chain work练习,利用课文中1a的那张图,组与组之间进行提问对抗赛。)T: Whats in the picture?S1: Theres a nice house. Wheres the garden?S2: Its in front of the house. Whats in the garden?S3: There are many beautiful flowers in it.Is there a big tree?S4: Yes, there is. Where is it?S5: Its behind the house. Can you see a garage?S6: Yes, .(竞赛规则:1.这是组与组之间的竞赛。2.开始的第一个问题由老师来问。3.每组在回答问题后,提出一个新问题,让另外一组的学生回答,回答对得1分,提出正确的问题,也得1分。说错不得分,其他同学纠正对,也是得1分。谁得分高谁获胜。4.每个问题不能重复。每组循环数次。)T: Stop! Group 3 has the most scores.Group 3 is the winner.(假设是3组分最高。)(遇到新单词beautiful, garage, large,教师板书新单词,英汉对照。)beautiful; garage; large(过渡到下一步。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:5分钟)(设置并板书听力任务,让学生带着任务听录音。)Questions:1. Whats in front of your house?2. Are there any trees in the garden?3. Whats behind your house?4. Whats near the tree?5. Whats in the garage?6. Whats on the first floor?7. What do you like doing in the living room?8. Whats on the second floor?9. What do you love doing in your study?10. How do you like your home?T: Listen to the tape. Ask the questions.gardentreegaragefirstsecondvery much(将关键词写在黑板上,呈现出1a。为下一步学生不看课文表演打下基础。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:5分钟)1.(老师放录音1a,示范学生跟读,注意重读与语调。)T: Follow the tape.2.(学生自读,然后跟录音一起读。)T: Read the passage.3.(看第二步黑板上呈现的关键词,要求学生复述这篇文章。)T: Please retell the passage.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:15分钟)1.(快速阅读文章,做正、误判断题。)T: Read the passage quickly. Mark True(T) or False(F).Answers:F F T T T2.(完成1b的问题。)T: Answer the questions.Answers:1.Yes, there are.2.Its near the tree.3.Yes, there is.4.There are three rooms on the second floor.3.(学生独立完成2 Work alone。)(新单词:wardrobe, drawer, magazine可以采用教学卡片呈现给学生,或用简笔画呈现给学生,并写在黑板上。)T: Fill in the blanks with in, on, under, behind or in front of.Answers:(1)in, under(2)in, on(3)on, in, in, in front of, behind4.(1)(让学生查课后词汇表独立做3,自学单词curtain,keyboard, crayon, bookcase, vase。)T: Now work alone, do 3 by yourself. You can look up the new words.(2)(完成填空后,核对答案。)T: Now check the answers.Answers:blue, lamp, books, kite, photo, TV(3)(方案a)(让学生两人一组分角色对话,看关键词,不能看书。)curtaindeskbookcasewallT: Now work in pairs with your partner.(适当帮助学生。)Example:A: What color are the curtains in Picture A?B: They are purple.A: What about the curtains in Picture B?B: They are blue. Whats on the desk in Picture A?A: There is a computer and a keyboard.B: Whats on the desk in Picture B?A: There are some crayons, some books and a lamp.B: Is there a bookcase in Picture A?A: Yes,there is. Whats in the bookcase?B: There a re some books and a vase.A: Whats on the wall in Picture A?B: There is a guitar and a kite.What about Picture B?A: There is a photo on the wall in Picture B.(方案b)(两人一组活动,其中一个同学看关键词,复述课文,另一个同学画图。最后,把图展示出来,由同学们选出最佳搭档,教师给予鼓励表扬。)T: Now work in pairs. One student retells the passage, the other draws two rooms.Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)1.(两人一组活动,其中一个同学用文字说明向另一个同学描述他她的卧室书房客厅里拥有的物体,要求另外一个同学把房间里的这些物体放在合适的地方,使得这房间更加大方、漂亮,用图描绘出来。最后两人一起用文字表达出来,看谁设计的卧室书房客厅最佳,给予鼓励。)T: Now work in pairs.Example:S1: There is a desk, a chair, a bookcase, a computer, a soccer, a TV, a lamp, a kite, a guitar, a vase, a map of China, a family photo, a clock, some flowers, some pictures, some books in the study.S2: OK, I can draw them well.2. Homework:(1)Preview Section D 1.(2)(给学生两张卧室的图。)Write a passage about the differences between the two living rooms.
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