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WML网站开发手机音乐网站设计摘 要WAP和WML技术是近年来新兴起的一项技术,主要应用于手机网站的开发和建设。随着这项技术的发展,手机上网的便捷性正在日益显现,相信在不久的将来,使用手机上网将变得和现在使用电脑上网一样普通,在电脑上已经实现的种种网络应用,也必将在手机上一一得到实现。因此使用WAP和WML搭建和开发适合手机的网站的技术,正在吸引越来越多人的注意力。本文主要讨论的,正是这一方面的内容。首先,文章介绍了作为WML的一个重要组成部分的WML Script的语法及其使用方法;然后,文章以一个手机在线音乐网站为例,介绍使用ASP.NET对其从总体设计到详细设计再到运行演示的开发全过程,全面分析了手机网站开发所使用到的各种技术。通过本文的介绍和讨论,可以看到,只要熟悉和了解WML,进行手机网站的开发并不复杂,甚至从某种程度上比PC网站的开发更加简单。凭借在PC平台多年积累的ASP、JSP和PHP等动态网站开发技术以及CSS等网页界面美化技术,手机网站的开发将迎来一个全新的局面。关键词:WAP WML WML Script 手机网站 ASP.NETAbstractWAP and WML technology is a new technology rised in recent years, mainly used in mobile phones site development and construction. With the developing of this technology, the convenience of mobile Internet is increasingly felt. It is believed that in the near future, the use of mobile Internet will become as common as the use of computer Internet, the various network applications that has been achieved on the computer will also be achieved on the phone. Therefore the technology of using WAP and WML to construct and develop a site that suitable for mobile phone, is attracting more and more peoples attention. The topic this paper discusses, is just the content about this. First, the article describes as an important component of the WML,the WML Scripts syntax and how to use and then, the article takes a phone online music site as an example, introduces the use of ASP.NET from its overall design to the detailed design and to the demonstrate operation of the entire process of development, comprehensively analises the various techniques used in mobile phone site development. Through the papers intuctions and discussions, we can see that, as long as the understanding of WML, a mobile phone site development is not complicated, and to some extent the development of the site is even simpler than the PC. With the accumulation of ASP, JSP and PHP, and other dynamic web site development technology, and CSS, on PC platform these years, the development of the mobile phone site will become a completely new situation.Key words: WAP WML WML Script Phone site ASP.NET目录第一章 引言11.1 背景介绍11.2 网站功能1第二章 理论准备:WMLSCRIPT介绍22.1 语句22.1.1 基本语句32.1.2 条件语句82.1.3 循环语句102.2 函数的声明与调用172.2.1 函数的声明172.2.2 函数的调用202.2.3 函数的嵌套调用232.3 预编译242.3.1 外部文件252.3.2 访问权限262.3.3 Meta 信息282.4 执行时的错误检测与处理292.4.1 错误检测302.4.2 错误处理302.4.3 严重错误(fatalerror)302.4.4 一般错误(Nonfatal error)34第三章 网站总体设计373.1 网站功能373.2 网站流程设计373.3 网站模块划分393.3.1数据库模块:403.3.2数据访问模块:403.3.3音乐管理模块:403.3.4统计分析模块:403.3.5用户管理模块:403.3.6表单数据验证模块:403.3.7表现层模块:403.4 网站开发环境41第四章 系统详细设计424.1 数据库模块424.1.1用户权限表424.1.2音乐分类表444.1.3用户信息表444.1.4歌手信息表454.1.5专辑信息表454.1.6歌曲信息表464.1.7专辑用户评论表474.1.8播放列表表474.2 数据库访问模块484.3 音乐管理模块494.3.1新增歌曲494.3.2新增专辑504.3.3新增歌手514.3.4修改歌曲信息524.3.5修改专辑信息534.3.6修改歌手信息544.3.7删除歌曲信息554.3.8删除专辑信息554.3.9删除歌手信息564.4 统计分析模块564.4.1记录歌曲本周播放次数574.4.2统计歌曲本月播放次数574.4.3统计歌曲总计播放次数584.4.4记录专辑本周点击次数584.4.5统计专辑本月点击次数584.4.6统计专辑总计点击次数584.4.7记录歌手本周点击次数594.4.8统计歌手本月点击次数594.4.9统计歌手总计点击次数594.5 用户管理模块594.5.1新用户注册604.5.2用户登陆604.5.3用户基本资料修改614.5.4用户分组(权限)修改614.5.5添加播放列表624.5.6删除播放列表624.5.7修改播放列表名称624.5.8添加曲目至播放列表634.5.9删除播放列表中曲目634.5.10取得曲目所属专辑634.6 表单数据验证模块644.6.1 服务器端验证644.6.2 客户端验证654.7 表现层模块664.7.1网站首页664.7.2登陆页面674.7.3欢迎页面674.7.4注册页面674.7.5用户管理页面674.7.6基本资料修改页面684.7.7收藏夹管理页面684.7.8播放列表页面694.7.9音乐分类浏览页面694.7.10统计排行榜页面694.7.11歌手页面704.7.12专辑页面704.7.13歌曲页面714.7.14添加用户评论页面714.7.15评论成功页面71第五章 网站界面演示725.1网站首页725.2登陆页面725.3欢迎页面725.4注册页面725.5用户管理页面725.6基本资料修改页面725.7收藏夹管理页面735.8播放列表页面735.9音乐分类浏览页面735.9.1分类1:大陆735.9.2分类2:欧美735.9.3分类3:港台735.9.4分类4:日韩735.10统计排行榜页面735.10.1歌手榜735.10.2专辑榜735.10.3歌曲榜735.11歌手页面735.12专辑页面745.13歌曲页面745.14添加用户评论页面745.15评论成功页面74结论75致谢76参考文献77ContentsCHAPTER I INTRODUCTION11.1 BACKGROUND BRIEFINGS11.2 SITE FEATURES1CHAPTER II THEORETICAL PREPARATIONS: WMLSCRIPT INTRODUCTION22.1 STATEMENTS22.1.1 Basic Statement32.1.2 Conditional Statements82.1.3 Loop Statements102.2 FUNCTION OF THE DECLARATION AND THE CALL172.2.1 Function Of The Statement172.2.2 Function Call202.2.3 Nested Function Call232.3 PREPROCESSOR242.3.1 External Documents252.3.2 Access Permission262.3.3 Meta Information282.4 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ERROR DETECTION AND TREATMENT292.4.1 Error Detection302.4.2 Error Handling302.4.3 Serious Mistake (Fatal Error)302.4.4 General Error (Nonfatal Error)34CHAPTER III SITE DESIGN373.1 THE SITE FEATURES373.2 SITE FLOW DESIGN373.3 SITE MODULE DIVISION393.3.1 Database Module403.3.2 Data Access Module403.3.3 Music Management Module403.3.4 Statistical & Analysis Module403.3.5 User Management Module403.3.6 Form Data Verifica
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