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东方中学2011-2012学年度第一学期第一次月考试卷 七年级英语(命题人:罗曼 时间:120分钟 满分:120分)一、写出下列字母的左邻右舍,并写出大小写形式(20分) 1 Ee 2 Gg 3 Cc 4 Ff 5 Ee 6. Ww 7 Yy 8 Ii 9 Dd 10 Bb 二、写出下列缩写单词的意思(10分)1HK _ 2DJ _ 3KFC _ 4PRC_ 5RMB _ 6TV_ 7电视_ 8美国篮球协会_ 9上午_ 10下午_三、根据汉语提示完成下列句子.(10分) 1Look! Its a _ (照片) of Simons family. 2My _ (表弟) is only two years old. We all like him. 3Who is she? She is my _ (姑妈). 4I have a _ (狗). Its name is Candy. 5My _ (祖父) is an old teacher. He is 60 years old now. 6How are you_(今天)? 7I think your answer(答案)is _(正确的). 8I like watching TV in the _(晚上). 9_(喂), this is Mr Green speaking. 10what can you see in the picture?. My uncle is a _ (医生) 、四用am, is ,are填空。(10分)1I_ Millie and he _ Andy. We _ English.2This _ my dog, it _ Spotty.3Lily and I _ tall.4_she Mary? No, She _ not Mary. Her name _ Kitty.5Sammi and Pat_ classmates. Their teacher _ Mrs. Wang.6_she your aunt?No, she _ not.五、按要求改写下列句子。(10分)1good, am, I, Miss, Fang, afternoon (连词成句)_2Peter, right, you, hello, are (连词成句)_3My name is Jill. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _ _ name?4I am fine today. (对划线部分提问) _ _ _you today?5I am Mary. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ _Mary? 六、下列各句中有一处错误,请找出并在后面的横线上改正(10分)。1Whats is your name ? ( ) _ A B C D2Hi, I name is Nick. ( ) _A B C D3Im fine, thank you. Are you? ( ) _ _ _A B C D 4Thank your very much, Miss Fang. ( ) _A B C D5How are his sister today? ( ) _ A B C D七、单项选择(30分)( )1-Good morning, Miss Fang. -_,Millie. A .Goodbye B. Good morning.C. Good afternoon. ( )2-Whats_ name? -_name is Millie. A . you; My B. your; I C. your; My( )3-Youre Peter, right? -_ AYes, I am. B. Yes, Im not. C. Yes, Im( )4Youre very pretty._. A. Thank you. B. Goodbye. C. Youre right. ( )5_Im fine. Thank you. A. How are you?B. How old are you?C. Whats your name? ( )6书写时小写字母占下两格的一组字母是_. A. h i B. d f C. g j( )7遇见长辈李先生,你应主动向他致意。以下哪种说法不正确?A. How are you? Hello! Mr. Li.B. Hello! Mr. Li. How are you? C. Good morning, Mr. Li. How are you?( )8开学的第一天,你想请教你同桌的名字。你应该说:A. Are you Wei Hua? B. Whats your name?C. Youre Jill, right?( )9早晨遇到老师和同学,应该说:A. Good morning. B. How are you? C. Good afternoon. ( ) 10_ is he? He is my father .A. Who B. What C. How D. Whos( ) 11_ is she ? Shes a nurse.A. What B. How old C .How D. Who( ) 12 Whats your name? _.A. Doctor B. My father C. bob D. Mary( ) 13_is this? Its a photo of my family. A. What B. Who C. How D. Where ( )14Who is he? Hes my_. A. Aunt MaryB. Mary AuntC. Cousin Tony D .Tony Cousin( )15How old are you ? Im _. A. a worker B. twelve C. a policeman D. a doctor( )16_ are you? Im a worker. A. Who B. How C. What D. How old( ) 17 This is Kate, shes _ sister.A. a B. I C. my D. you( ) 18Is this your brother? _.A. No, he is B. Yes, he is C. He is my father D. Yes, he isnt( ) 19Are you Mr. Wang? _.A. Yes, Im B .No, I am C. Yes, you areD. Yes, I am( )20Hes Uncle Bob, right? _, he is.A .no B. Yes C. yes D. No( )21你向同学Li Ping 介绍一位新来的外国朋友Lily,应该说:_ A.Lily, he is Li Ping. B. Lily, this is Li Ping .C. Li Ping, this is Lily . D. Li Ping ,he is Lily .( )22英语句子的第一个单词的首字母要_。A小写 B.大写 C.顶格 D.写印刷体 ( )23下列人名说法不正确的是 _。A. Han MeimeiB. Han Mei MeiC. Miss GaoD. Mrs. Wang( )24当别人夸奖或表扬你,以下哪种说法正确? A. Thank you. B. No, I am not. C. You are right. D. Right?( )25当你和朋友会话结束后准备分手时应说:_
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