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英语口语大全:周日Todd: Hello, Adrienne! 托德:你好,埃德里安娜! Adrienne: Hi, Todd! 埃德里安娜:托德,你好! Todd: How are you? 托德:你好吗? Adrienne: Fine, how are you? 埃德里安娜:我很好,你呢? Todd: Good. Adrienne, can we talk about what you like to do on Sunday morning? 托德:我很好。埃德里安娜,你能谈谈你周日上午喜爱做什么吗? Adrienne: Usually, on Sunday mornings, I like to sleep as late as possible. 埃德里安娜:通常状况下,我周日上午会尽量睡懒觉。 Todd: Sleep, huh! Like how late do you normally sleep? 托德:睡觉,哈!你通常睡到多晚起床呢? Adrienne: Um, probably until 10 or 11 o”clock. 埃德里安娜:嗯,也许10点或11点起床吧。 Todd: Ooh, that”s pretty late. 托德:哦,那真挺晚的。 Adrienne: I know. That”s the best part. 埃德里安娜:我知道。那是最棒的局部。 Todd: That”s terrible actually. 托德:实际上那挺糟糕的。 Adrienne: It”s not terrible. It”s good for you. You can catch up on your sleep, from a busy week. 埃德里安娜:并不糟糕啊。这对你有好处。在一周的繁忙工作过后,你可以补充睡眠。 Todd: Yeah, but don”t you think you”re giving away the best time of the day. Like that”s, if you sleep, you give away that time. You”re never going to have it back. 托德:嗯,不过你不认为你在铺张一天中的时间吗?就像,假如你睡觉的话,就是在消耗时间。你就再也找不回那些时间了。 Adrienne: But, it”s also relaxing which is something that you don”t get to do during the week. 埃德里安娜:可是,这是在放松啊,在一周里不用做事情的时间。 Todd: Mm, that”s true. That”s true. But for me, it”s, I like to get up early. I mean, do you ever get up early on Saturday or Sunday? 托德:嗯,确实是。不过对我来说,我喜爱早起。我的意思是,你周六或周日早起过吗? Adrienne: Ah, sometimes, if I have an activity planned for the day - errands, shopping, hiking - that kind of thing. 埃德里安娜:嗯,有时吧,假如那天有打算,比方出去办事,购物,去远足,假如有类似这样的打算的话。 Todd: OK, well, what about food. What do you normally eat? 托德:好,那食物呢。你通常都吃什么? Adrienne: On Sundays? I like to make an omelet for breakfast, ah, cheese omelet usually. 埃德里安娜:周日吗?早餐我喜爱吃煎蛋卷,通常是奶酪煎蛋卷。 Todd: What do you put inside the omelet besides cheese? 托德:除了奶酪,你还在煎蛋卷里放什么? Adrienne: Mushrooms (Ooh, that”s good) and sometimes avocado, if I can find it. It”s delicious. 埃德里安娜:蘑菇(哦,那很好),有时会放牛油果,假如我能找到的话就放。特别好吃。 Todd: Do you do this every Sunday? 托德:每周日你都吃这个吗? Adrienne: No, it”s not a habit but when I can, when I think of it, when I”m up early enough. 埃德里安娜:不是,这并不是习惯,只是我有时间做,或是我想吃的时候,还有就是我起的足够早的时候才吃。 Todd: OK, well, let”s talk about last sunday? What did you do last Sunday? Do you remember? 托德:好的,我们说说上周日的事吧。上周日你做了什么?你还记得吗? Adrienne: Mm, last Sunday? I was packing. 埃德里安娜:嗯,上周日?我在整理行李。 Todd: Packing for what? 托德:为什么整理行李? Adrienne: To come to Japan. 埃德里安娜:预备来日本。 Todd: Oh, yeah! So where did you come from? 托德:哦,对!你来自哪里? Adrienne: I came from Minneapolis. 埃德里安娜:我来自明尼阿波利斯。 Todd: OK. How long was your flight? 托德:好。你做了多长时间的飞机? Adrienne: 14 hours. 埃德里安娜:14个小时。 Todd: Ooh, that”s long! 托德:这么长时间啊! Adrienne: Give or take, yeah. 埃德里安娜:差不多这么长时间,对。 Todd: Did you sleep on the plane? 托德:你在飞机上睡觉了吗? Adrienne: I did. 2 hours, and then I was up, and then 1 hour, and then I was up, and then 20 minutes and then 40 minutes. 埃德里安娜:嗯,我睡了两个小时,之后我醒了,然后又睡了一个小时,然后又醒了,然后又睡了20分钟,之后又睡了40分钟。 Todd: So, it was never solid? 托德:没有长时间睡眠吗? Adrienne: No, sporadic. We had a lot of turbulence. 埃德里安娜:没有,间或睡一下。我们遇到了很多纷扰。 Todd: Ooh, what”s turbulence? 托德:啊,都发生什么事了? Adrienne: Turbulence is when the plane hits some kind of air pockets and bounces around. You have to put your seatbelt on so you don”t get knocked over. 埃德里安娜:飞机遇到气穴,会产生颠簸。你必需要系好安全带避开摔倒。 Todd: Yeah, they go “bong!“ 托德:对,会发出嗓音! Adrienne: Exactly! 埃德里安娜:没错!
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