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来源:中国教育出版网zzstep.com.品句填词1Environment has a great_(影响) on character.答案:influence2Shes just_(辞职)from the committee.答案:resigned3Sometimes I wonder if theres any_(正义) in the world.答案:justice4We praised him for his_(诚实)答案:honesty5Alexander Bell_(发明) the telephone in 1876.答案: invented.选词填空1In 1920 Poland and Russia_still_.答案: were;at war2A cold shower soon_you_.答案:woke;up3Various factors_his failure.答案: contributed to4He will lend me the money_I pay it back next month.来源:z.zs.tep.com答案:on condition that5Mary_doing a job well.答案:takes pride in.单项填空1George Orwell,_the real name was Eric Arthur,wrote many political novels and essays.Aof whichBabout thatCof whom Dabout whom解析:of whom修饰George Orwell,相当于whose real name was.。 答案:C2Mr.Brown will come to our school next Friday,_well have finished the whole work.Aby that time Bby which timeCby then Dby the time解析:由于用逗号分开,因此是一个非限制性定语从句,故应选B项,意为“到那个时候为止”,若要选A项或C项,则要加并列连词and。答案:B3We went through a period_communications were very difficult in the rural areas.Awhich BwhoseCin which Dwith which来源:中*国教*育出*版网解析:句意:我们经历了一个乡村地区通讯难的时期。a period为先行词,代入从句中为communications were very difficult in the rural areas in the period,由此可见先行词在定语从句中作介词in的宾语,故C项正确。答案:C4(2019年山东实验中学高三模拟)A good ad often uses words_people attach positive meanings.Ain which Bto whichCwhich Dthat解析:句意“好广告经常使用人们赋予积极意义的词汇。”attach sth.to.“将附着于,将归属于,将绑定于”。答案:B5As a coach,you should know clearly about the direction_your team should develop.Ato which Bin whichCon which Dfor which解析:考查“介词关系代词”结构。在英语中,表示“朝方向”时,名词direction要与介词in连用,故B项正确。来源:1ZXXK答案:B6(2019年浙江舟山中学模拟)In the future,more stress should be placed_the education of the young.Aon BtoCfor Dwith解析:考查固定搭配。place stress on意为“把重点放在之上”。句意为:未来应该把更多的工作重点放在对年轻人的教育上。其他三项搭配都不对。答案:A来源:中|国教|育出|版网7(2019年湖南师大附中月考)Modern China is experiencing a completely new period_respect for science and creativity has become the guiding principle of society.Awhich BwhereCin which Dthat解析:考查定语从句。句意为:现代的中国正经历一个全新的时期,对科学和创新的尊重已经成为社会的主导思想。定语从句中不缺少主语、宾语,排除A、D两项;先行词为period指一个时期,不能选表示地点的关系副词where,故选C项。答案:C8(2019年日照高三模拟)_,Id like to say thank you to all of you for coming here.Which of the following is WRONG?来源:学#科#网Z#X#X#KAIn conclusion BIn the endCLastly DAt the end解析:前三项都表示“最后”;at the end常和of连用,表示“在的末尾,尾部”。答案:D9Would you please lend me ten pounds?_,Ive got no money with me today.Im so sorry.ATo be fair BTo be sureCTo be careful DTo be honest解析:考查情景交际。句意为:请你借给我10英镑好吗?说实在的,我今天没带钱,真不好意思。to be fair“说句公道话”;to be sure“无疑,当然”;to be careful“一定要小心”;to be honest“说实在的”。答案:D10When he came back from abroad,our country was _with Japan.Aat a war Bat war来源:中国教育出版网zzstep.comCat the war Don war解析:be at war with“与交战”,为固定搭配,war前不加冠词。答案:B11Being kind to others should be everyones_of behaviour;_,our world will be more peaceful and beautiful.Aaim;if so Bstandard;if thatCbelief;even so Dprinciple;if so解析:考查名词与省略。principle of behaviour“行为准则”;if so“如果那样的话”。答案:D12Every year the CCTV chooses ten_figures among the ordinary people,whose deeds can move China.Ahistorical Bmost influentialCmost enthusiastic Dluckiest解析:考查形容词辨析。句意为:每年CCTV电视台都要在普通人中间评选10位最有影响的人物,他们的事迹能够感动中国。historical“历史上的”;influential“有影响的”;enthusiastic“热情的,热心的”;luckiest“最幸运的”。答案:B13All of us like to deal with Tomhes got a very good_of humour.Aexperience BideaCfeeling Dsense解析:考查名词辨析。A项“经历,经验”;B项“想法,观点”;C项“感觉,情感”;sense of humour“幽默感”。句意为:我们大家都喜欢与汤姆相处,因为他很有幽默感。答案:D来源:中教网14What surprised me was not what he said but_he said it.Ain the way Bin the way thatCthe way Dthe way which解析:not.but.连接的前后两部分应是并列成分,not后面所接的what引导的名词性从句决定了but后面应该是名词,所以排除A项和B项;the way作先行词。后面的连接词可以是that或in which或省略连接词,故C项正确。答案:C15The little boy showed great interest_chemistry when he was doing it_the first time.Ain;for Bon;forCin;on Dfor;at解析:show interest in sth.“对有兴趣”;for the first time“第一次”,均为固定搭配。答案:A.完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(2019年山东卷)Whenever we hear about “the homeless”,most of us think of the Developing World.But the _16_ is that homelessness is everywhere.For example,how many of us would expect to see people living on the streets of a _17_ country like Germany?Kurt Muller and his wife Rita have spent eleven years making _18_ for the homeless of Berlin,Germ
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