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北师大五年级7、8、9、10、11、单元句型总结1. Whose pen is this?这支钢笔是谁的?2. This pen is mine这支钢笔是我的。3. Whose bag is this?这个包是谁的?4. This bag is hers.这个包是她的。5. Whose book is that? 那本书是谁的?6. That book is ours.那本书是我们的。7. This backpack is theirs.这个背包是他们的。8. Is this blue hat yours?这个蓝色的帽子是你的吗?9. Yes,its mine.是的,是我的。10. I wanted to get the bag yesterday.我昨天想拿这个包。11. She wanted to see a movie last night.她昨天晚上想去看电影。12. We wanted to read a book yesterday.我们昨天想看书。13. They wanted to go to a concert last night.他们昨天想去听音乐会。14. She wanted to have new clothes.她想有新衣服。15. She wanted to have lots of food.她想有很多钱。16. She wanted to have a big house.她想有一个大房子。17. She wanted to have a big garden.她想有一座大花园。18. She wanted to have lots of money.她想有很多钱。19. She wanted to visit her grandmother.她想拜访她的祖母。20. He wanted to play with Ann.他想和Ann玩。21. I will go to a concert tomorrow.我明天要去听音乐会。22. They will go on vacation next week.他们下周要去度假。23. We will have some fun tomorrow.我们明天将会玩得很开心。24. Ken will visit Uncle Booky tomorrow.Ken明天要去拜访Booky大叔。25. My mother will see a movie tomorrow.我妈妈明天要去看电影。26. He will help mom in the kitchen.他将要在厨房帮助妈妈。27. He will visit his grandma.他要去拜访他的祖母。28. He will do his homework.他要去做家庭作业。29. He is playing the piano.(正在进行时)他正在弹钢琴。30. He is playing the flute.他正在吹笛子。31. Whos that? 那是谁?32. Thats Mary. 那是玛丽。33. Whos she? 她是谁?34. She is my sister.她是我的姐姐。35. Whos he?他是谁?36. He is my younger brother.他是我的弟弟37. Where is my book?我的书在哪里?38. Its on the desk.在桌子上。39. Where is the pen?钢笔在哪?40. Its in the pencil-box.它在铅笔盒里。41. Whens your birthday?你的生日在什么时候?42. My birthday is August 15th.我的生日在8月15日。43. Whens the big football game?那场大型的足球比赛在什么时候?44. Its on Wednesday.在星期三45. Whens dinner?晚饭在什么时候?46. At 6:30. 在6:30.47. Whose book is that?那本书是谁的?48. Its Peters.是彼得的。49. Whose pen is this?这支钢笔是谁的?50. Its my younger brothers.是我弟弟的。51. Which row are we in?我们在哪排?52. We are in row D.我们在D排。53. Which ball do you want?你想要哪个球?54. I want the blue one.我想要那个蓝色的。55. What time will the movie start?电影在几点开始?56. It will start at three oclock.在三点开始。57. Where will they play football?他们将在哪里踢足球?58. They will play in the football field.他们将在足球场踢。59. Which football field is it?它是哪个足球场?60. Its the one next to the supermarket.是在超市旁边的那个。61. Whos going to the game?谁将去那场比赛?62. Ken ,Ann and Tommy are going.Ken,Ann和 Tommy将去63. Whose team will win?谁的队将会赢?64. Our team will win.我们队会赢。65. This book is more interesting than that one. 这本书比那本书更有趣。66. This book is more difficult than that one. 这本书比那本书更难。67. This game is more exciting than that one. 这个游戏比那个游戏更令人兴奋。68. This book is the most exciting.这本书最令人兴奋。69. This book is the most difficult. 这本书最难。70. This book is the most expensive. 这本书最贵。71. This game is the most interesting. 这个游戏最有趣。72. This game is the most exciting. 这个游戏最令人兴奋。73. I think computer homework is more boring than English homework.我认为计算机家庭作业比英语家庭作业更无聊。74. I think P.E.class is more interesting than music class.我认为体育课比音乐课更有趣。75. I think an art book is more exciting than a storybook.我认为美术书比故事书更令人兴奋。76. Amy is 153 centimeters tall.Im taller than her. Amy 153厘米。我比她高。77. Amy is 11 years old.Her birthday is October 19th .I am older than her.78. Amy 11岁。他的生日在10月19日。我比她大。79. tall-taller-the tallest short-shorter-the shortest youngyounger-the youngest80. oldolderthe oldest bigbiggerthe biggest heavy-heavier-the heaviest 81. early-earlier-the earliest newnewerthe newest cheapcheaperthe cheapest 82. He is playing the piano.他正在弹钢琴。 83. She is playing the violin.她正在拉小提琴84. I am rading a book. 我正在读书。 85. We are playing football.我们正在踢足球。86. I am swimming. 我正在游泳。 87. I am doing my homework.我正在做家庭作业88. Peter is playing basketball. 彼得正在打篮球89. We are eating dinner.我们正在吃晚饭。90. She is watching TV.她正在看电视。 91. We are having a birthday party.我们正在举行生日聚会。 92. What do we need? 我们需要什么? 93. We need flour,milk,eggs and butter.我们需要面粉,牛奶,鸡蛋和黄油。94. First,put 2 cups of flour into a bowl.首先,放两杯面粉到碗里。95. Then,add 1 cup of milk.然后,加入一杯牛奶。96. Show me the cookbook.给我看一下菜谱。 97. Show her the story book.给她看一下故事书。98. Pass him the eggs.递给他鸡蛋。 99. Pass her the butter.递给她黄油。100. Give me the flour.给我面粉。 101. Give him the sugar.给他黄油。
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