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Module 3 InvitationsUnit 6 See you at the party第一课时一、 教学内容:Lets read二、 教学目标:词汇:Id like to invite, special, surprised, begin, p.m. arrive, call句型:Id like to We hope See you at the party.功能意念:Invitation card letter Id like to We hope See you at the party.文化:Invitation card letter三、 教学重点:Invitations and answers: Would you like to ? Id like to/Id love to Sorry, I am busy.No problem. It sounds great.Cool.Id like to invite you to Anns birthday party.Talking about the plans:What time should we go?If you come, please call me on 4442-2211.Please do not /dont 四、 教学难点:Can invite people to events and activitiesCan accept or declineCan simply explain responsesCan state location, time and details五、 教学媒体:Computer and multimedia, party things, music六、 板书设计:Unit 6 See you at the partyWould you like to ?Id like to/Id love to Sorry, I am busy.No problem.It sounds great.Cool.Id like to invite you to Anns birthday party.What time should we go?If you come, please call me on 4442-2211.Please do not /dont 七、 教学过程:1. Revision : Read and recite the vocabulary and the text of Unit 5 and enjoy the short invitation with the help of the PPT. 2. Show your small talk.3. Leading in: Show the pictures on pages 3233 on the screen. Ask Ps to talk about the picture with the pupils. And talk about the picture with the pupils. Guide them to understand that it is a surprise party, drawing the pupils attention to the facial expression of the girl.4. Look at the letter. Have the pupils find out who has written the letter, and to whom. 5. Set the purpose for reading the passage: Xiaoling has written a letter to Janet. Its about a surprise party for Ann. What does Xiaoling say in the letter? Lets read and find out. 6. Have the pupils read the letter silently all the way through.7. Play the recording, or the e-course, for the pupils to listen to the passage. Pause the recording, or the e-resourse, at suitable points to clarify the meaning and highlight the target language items. 8. At this point, you may ask pupils to try the five questions on page 33.9. If you use the e-resourse, have the pupils record their how to arrive at the answers to those questions that involve making inference from the text.八、 教学反思:
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