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Primary English Teaching Plan Book NineModule 1Unit 1Teaching aims: 1. knowledge aim使学生能够听、说、读、写单词year、before、duck;能够听、说、认读swing、slide、pond;使学生能够听、说、读、写重点句子There werent any swings here before. There was only a slide. There wasnt a pond here before! There is one now. 2. ability aim使学生能够在实际生活中运用There be 句型描述事物或场景的变化3. emotional aim 培养学生对生活的热爱Key points: 重点句子There werent any swings here before. There was only a slide. There wasnt a pond here before! There is one now. Difficult points: wasnt 和werent的区别运用Teaching method and Studying ways:本课主要采用直观教学、任务型教学和小组合作法,使学生在讲授、启发的基础上,让学生通过小组合作完成学习任务,达到教学目标,同时培养学生的合作意识和创新精神。Teaching aids: teaching cards、tape recorderTeaching procedure:Step 1 warm -up首先师生问好,简单的谈一谈假期生活。教师在黑板上画一些物品,要求学生运用There be 句型进行描述,帮助学生复习There be 句型。Step 2 lead-in 教师在黑板上贴上准备好的duck的图片,讲解该单词,然后要求学生运用There be 句型进行描述。以同样的方式教学pondswingslide.然后通过小组读、开火车读、个人读等方式,让学生练习新词。 Amy , Sam and Lingling are in a park. It is a beautiful park in London. Lets go to see it!Step 3 presentation and practice 1、 听录音,看课文,整体感知课文2、 让学生带着问题“Does London look different now? What is different?”听录音,小声跟读课文,找出答案。学生听完后,师生一起找出答案。3、 让学生带着问题“What differences are there in the park? ”听录音,找出答案。学生听完后,教师提问该问题,找出问题答案:There werent any swings here before. There was only a slide. There wasnt a pond here before! There is one now. (板书这些重点句并进行讲解,注意强调wasnt 和werent区别运用)练习:做学生用书活动2 Listen and say 先让学生听一遍录音,注意语音语调;然后听录音跟读一遍,模仿语音语调;之后让学生通过小组读、开火车读等方式练习这些重点句子。Game: 大声传话 把以上重点句子写在纸条上,每张纸条上写一个句子,让每列第一个同学抽取一张纸条并记住上面的句子,然后传给后边的同学,传得最快、最准的小组获胜,由教师给予奖励。4、 让学生带着问题“Does Amy like the park now? Why? ”听录音,找出答案。学生听完后,教师提问该问题,找出问题答案:Yes, they can. They can feed the ducks. They couldnt before.教师讲解feed、couldnt5、 听录音,跟读课文,模仿语音语调Step 4 consolidation1、 分角色跟读课文2、 小组分角色朗读课文,找几组同学分角色朗读,教师注意纠正学生的发音错误3、 做课堂活动用书4、 做学生用书活动3活动3列出了四幅与课文内容相关的图片,要求学生小组合作运用There be 句型进行描述,然后找两组同学进行反馈,教师注意纠正学生的错误,包括语音和语法错误,尤其是wasnt 和werent区别运用。 Step 5 extention小组合作互相描述自己家里的变化,找几组同学交流,进一步培养学生的英语学习兴趣,提高学生的英语实践能力。同时,在此过程当中,使英语能力较好的同学帮助英语能力稍差的同学,大家共同进步。Step 6 summary教师引导学生总结出本节课主要复习了There be 句型,学习了新单词 swing、slide、pond和重点句子There werent any swings here before. There was only a slide. There wasnt a pond here before! There is one now.使学生能够清楚的知道本节课学习了哪些知识。Step 7 homework Listen to the tape and repeat 听录音,跟读课文,使学生形成正确的语音语调Write the new words and key sentences 写本节课学习的四会词:year、before、duck和重点句子Do a survey 调查自己家附近发生的变化,下节课交流教学反思(1) 这是我任教的第一节课,学生很兴奋,我也很兴奋。学生纪律良好,回答问题积极,基本上能够完成教学任务。但学生在使用There be 句型时容易粗心,be的过去式、原形、肯定和否定性是有些学生易混。另外,我的课堂教学缺乏一些活力,注意以后改进。Module 1Unit 2Teaching aims: 1、 nowledge aim使学生能够听、说、读、写单词playground;使学生能够听、说、读、写重点句子There were lots of little trees here . Now there are tall trees. There was a small playground here. Now there is a big playground.2、 ability aim使学生能够在实际生活中运用There be 句型描述事物或场景的变化3、 emotional aim 培养学生对生活的热爱Key points: 重点句子 There were lots of little trees here . Now there are tall trees. There was a small playground here. Now there is a big playground.Difficult points: 正确使用There be 句型的不同形式描述事物的变化Teaching method and Studying ways:本课主要采用讲授法、任务型教学法和小组合作法,使学生在讲授、启发的基础上,让学生通过小组合作完成学习任务,达到教学目标,同时培养学生的合作意识和创新精神。Teaching aids: teaching cards、tape recorderTeaching procedure:Step 1 warm -up首先师生问好,简单地谈谈天气情况。检查作业3,让学生交流自己家附近发生的变化。既帮助学生复习了There be 句型,又激起了学生的学习兴趣。Step 2 lead-in 教师在黑板上贴上学校以前的图片,让学生观察,同时讲解playground。然后教师说:This school is different now. What differences are there in the school? Lets find from the text! Step 3 presentation and practice 1、 听录音,看图片,初步感知课文2、 让学生带着问题“What differences are there in the school? ”听录音,读课文,找出答案。学生听完后,师生一起找出答案:There were lots of little trees here. Now there are tall trees. There was a small playground here. Now there is a big playground.。然后让学生通过小组读、开火车读、个人读等方式练习这些重点句子。3、 听录音,跟读课文,模仿语音语调Step 4 consolidation1、 做课堂活动用书2、 做学生用书活动2,小组合作找出教室的变化并进行描述。请几组同学交流,教室注意适时引导和纠正学生的错误。3、 做学生用书活动4活动4呈现了市区的变化,要求学生小组合作找出变化,请几组同学交流4、 做学生用书活动 3,学习歌曲There was a chicken听录音,跟读歌词听两三遍歌曲,小声跟唱听歌曲伴奏,试唱Step 5 summary教师引导学生总结出本节课主要复习了There be 句型,学习了新单词playground和重点句子There were lots of little trees here . Now there are tall trees. There was a small playground here. Now there is a big playground.使学生能够清楚的知道本节课学习了哪些知识。Step 7 homework Listen to the tape and repeat 听录音,跟读课文,使学生形成正确的语音语调Write the new words and key sentences 写本节课学习的四会词和重点句子预习Module 2 Unit 1教学反思(2) 本单元内容简单,学生容易理解,大部分学生能够遵守纪律,有些学生上课说话,不听老师劝告,影响他人学习,应对其单独教育。大多数小组能够合作进行描述。Module 2Unit 1Teaching aims: knowledge aim使学生能够听、说、读、写单词heavy、lift;使学生能够理解并运用感叹句What +名词+(主语+谓语)+!;使学生能够听、说、读、写重点句子There are many sweets(fruits). This one is heavy.会用“This + 物品 + be + 形容词”描述事物的特征。ability aim使学生能够描述物品及其特征emotional aim 培养学生对生活的热爱Key points: 重点句子This one is heavy. Difficult points: 感叹句What +名词+(主语+谓语)+!的理解及运用;正确使用ThisThese及形容词描述事物及其特征Teaching method and Studying ways:本课主要
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