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Learning journalEnglish Readings in International Business Xian International Studies UniversitySpring 2013Instructor: Shan LU Tian Ningning2013/6/19Table of ContentsWeek One Part 1: Business News-1Part 2: Reading Materials: Made in Europe-3Part 3: Business Terms and Knowledge-4Report: One of My Favorite Brands on the List of Fortune Global 500-7An Analysis of My Weekly Learning Experience-8Week Two Part 1: Business News-9Part 2: Case Study: Caferoma. -12Part 3 Business Terms and Knowledge-13An Analysis of My Weekly Learning Experience-17Week ThreePart 1: Business News-18Part 2: Business Terms and Knowledge-20Part 3: Self-Studying: The Marketing Conversation in the Time of Web.2-24An Analysis of My Weekly Learning Experience-25Week FourPart 1: Business News-26Part 2: Discussion: Ads-28Part 3:Business Terms and Knowledge-29An Analysis of My Weekly Learning Experience-31Week FivePart 1: Business News-32Part 2: Reading Material: Road Raggers in the Sky-34Part 3:Business Terms and Knowledge-34Part 4: Self-Studying: Heart-Reading-36Week SixPart 1: Business News-37Part 2: Discussion: Work, Rest and Play-40Part 3:Business Terms and Knowledge-38Week SevenPart 1: Business News-42Part 2: Reading Material: US Department Stores Launch Counter-attack-45Part 3: Business Terms and Knowledge-45Interview: Business Interview-47Report: Report on one US Department Store-49Week EightPart 1: Business News-51Part 2: Reading Materials: Motivating High-caliber Staff-53Part 3:Business Terms and Knowledge-53Week NinePart 1: Business News-58Part 2: Case Study: Slim Gyms-60Part 3: Business Terms and Knowledge-61Part 4: Self-Studying: The Color of the CharactersLe Jia-63Week TenPart 1: Business News-64Part 2: Discussion: To Whom Do You Think Are Companies Socially Responsible For? -66Part 3:Business Terms and Knowledge-67Part 4: Self-Studying: The Battle between the Present-Self and the Future-Self-72An Analysis of My Overall Learning Experience-74Week 1Part 1: Business News: Chinas March trade deficit may signal key import shiftPart 2: Reading Materials: Made in EuropePart 3: Business Terms and Knowledge Report: One of My Favorite Brands on the List of Fortune Global 500An Analysis of My Weekly Learning ExperiencePart 1 Business News10 April 2013 Times onlineChinas March trade deficit may signal key import shiftChina has posted a surprise trade deficit in March as imports rose more-than-expected on stronger demand for commodities such as copper and oil.Analysts said the deficit may signal that domestic demand is picking up and Chinas attempts to move away from export-led growth were working.Imports surged 14% from a year earlier. Analysts were expecting a 5% increase.Exports only rose by 10%, leading to a $884m (577m) deficit. There was a surplus of $15.3bn in February.Turning point In recent years, China has relied heavily on its exports and investment spending to maintain a strong pace of growth. However, as economic growth in its key markets such as the US and Europe has slowed, exports have weakened.In the longer term, Beijing has said it wants to increase domestic demand and boost imports to reduce its dependence on exports and achieve more sustainable growth.Haibin Zhu, chief China economist at JP Morgan in Hong Kong, said Marchs figure may suggest this cycle is probably coming to a turning point.If domestic demand turns out to be stronger than expected, its definitely positive for the economic outlook, he added.Unreliable data? However, some analysts tempered the enthusiasm, saying trade data for China is
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